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Show the Sequel of the Trip to the Jubilee. 7 Par. Honeft to you! Marry for what ? You gave me indeed two pitiful pieces the Day you were marry'd, but not a Stiver fince. O n e Gallant gives me Ten Guineas, another a Watch, another a pair of Pendants , a fourth a Diamond Ring ; and m y Noble Mafter gives m e his Linnen to mend. • Faugh! I'll tell you a Secret, Sir: Siingi-nefs to Servants makes more Cuckolds, than ill-nature to Wives. Stand. And a m I a Cuckold, Parley f Par. N o , Faith, not yet; tho'in a very fair way of having the Dignity conferr'd upon you very hidden ly. Stand. Come, Girl, you fhall be m y Penfioner; you fhall have a glorious Revenue ; for every Guinea that you get for keeping of a Secret, I'll give you two for revealing it: You fhall find a Husband once in your Life out-do all your Gallants in Geneiofity. Take their Money, Child, take all their Bribes; give 'em Hopes, mike'em Affignations; ferve your Lady faithfully, but tell all to me. By which means, (he will be kept Chafte ; you will grow Rich, and I fhall preferve m y Honour. Par. But what Security fhall I have for performance of Articles? Stand. Ready payment, Child. Par. Then give m e Earneft. Stand. Five Guineas. (Giving her Money. Par. Are they right? N o Grays-Inn Pieces amongft 'cm. All right as m y Leg. Now, Sir, I'll give you an Earneft of m y Service. W h o d'ye think is come to T o w n ? Stand. W h o ? Par. Your old Friend, Sir Harry Wildair. Stand. Impoffible! Par. Yes, Faith, and as gay as ever. Stand. And has he forgot his Wife fo foon ? Par. W h y , fhe has been dead now above a Year. He appear'd in the Ring laft Night with fuch Splendor and Equipage, that he eclips'd the Beaux, dazi'd the Ladies, and made your Wife dream all Night of Six Flanders Mares, Seven French Liveries, a W i g like a Cloak, and a Hat like a Shittle-cock. Stand. What are a Woman's Promifes and Oaths ? Par. Wind, Wind, Sir. Stand. W h e n I marry'd her, how heartily did fhe condemn her light preceding Conduct, and for the future vow'd her felf a -perfect Pattern of Conjugal Fidelity! Par. She might as fafely fwear, Sir, That this day fe night. Ma a: |