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Show !4 The Inconftant : Or, Ori. Well, Sir, even all this I will allow to the Gayety of your Temper; your Travels have improved your Talent of Talking, but they are not of Force, I hope, to impair your Moralr. Aiir. Morals! W h y there 'tis again now 1 tell thee, Child, there is not the leaft occafion for Morals in any Bufinefs between you and I don't you know that of all Commerce in the World there is no fuch Couzenage and Deceit as in the Traffick between M a n and W o m a n ; we ftudy all our Lives long how to put Tricks upon one another What is your Bufinefs now from the time you throw away your Artificial Babies, but how to get Natural ones w th the moft Advantage? No Fowler Jays abroad more Nets for his Game, nor a Hunter for his Prey, than you do to catch poor innocent Men Why do you fit three or four hours at your Toylet in a Morning ? Only with a villa-nous Defign to make fome poor Fellow a Fool before Night. What are your languishing Looks, your ftudy'd Airs and Affectations, butfo many Baits and Devices to delude Men out of their dear Liberty and Freedom?- What d'e figh for ? W h a t d'e weep for? W h a t d'e pray for ? W h y for a Husband : That is, you implore Providence to affift you in the juft and pious Defign of making the wifeft of his Creatures a Fool, and the Head of the Creation a Slave. Ori. Sir, I a m proud of m y Power, and a m refolv'd to ufe it. Aiir. Hold, hold, Madam, not fo faft ^as you have Variety of Vanities to make Coxcombs of us ; fo we have Vows, Oaths, and Proteftations of all forts and fizes to make Fools of you. As you are very ftrange and whimfical Creatures, fo w e are allow'd as unaccountable ways of managing you. And this, in fhort, m y dear Creature, is our prefent Condition, I have fworn and ly'd briskly to gain iny ends of you ; your Ladylhip has patch'd and painted violently to gain your ends of m e but fince w e are both difappointed, let us make a drawn Battel, and part clear of both fides. Ori. With all m y heart, Sir; give m e up m y Contract, and I il never fee your Face again. Mir. Indeed I won't, Child. Ori. What, Sir, neither do one nor t'other? Mir. No, you fhall die a Maid, unlefs you pleafe to be ptnerwife upon m y Terms. Ori. W h a t do you intend by this. Sir ? Mir. -•'<•- |