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Show 2 0 Love and a Bottle. live ftill by dying, as the Song goes, Sir. While we have Englifh Courages, French Honour, and Spanifh Blades among us, I fhall live, Sir. Mock. Surely your Sword and Skill did the King great Set-vice abroad. Nimb. Yes, Sir 5 I kill'd above fifteen of our o w n Officers by private Duels in the C a m p , Sir; kill'd 'em fairly; kill'd 'em thus, Sir. Sa, fa, fa, fa. Parry, parry, parry,-- [He pufhes Mockmode on the Ribs; he jlrikes Nimble-wrift over the Head, and breaks the FoiU Club. What's the N a m e of that Thruft, pray, Sir? Nimb. O h Lard, Sir! he did not touch m e not in the leafy Sir, The Foil was crack'd, a palpable Crack. (Blood runs down his Face. Gub. A very palpable Crack, truly. Your Skull is only crack'd, palpably crack'd, that's all. Mod. Well, Sir, if you pleafe to teach m e m y Honours- M y Dancing-mafter has forbid m e any more, left I fhould difcompofe m y fteps. Nimb, Your Dancing-mafter is a Blockhead, Sir. Enter Rigadoon. Rig. I forgot m v Gloves, and fo Mock. O h Sir! he calls you Blockhead, by the Univerfe. Rig. Zauns, Sir • (Foppifhly. Nimb. Zoons, Sir. (Blufffhly. Rig. I have more W i t in the Sole of m y Foot, than you have in your whole Body. Nimb. Ay, Sir; you Caperers dance all your Brains into your Heels, which makes you carry fuch empty Noddles. Your Rationafs rcvers'd, carrying your Underftandings in your Legs. Your Wit is the perfect Antipodes to other Mens. Rig. A n d what are you good, Monfieur, fa, fa ? Stand upon your Guard, Mr. Mockmode, he's the greateft falfifie in his Art; he'll fill your Head fo full of French Principles of Honour, that you wont have one of Honefty left. His Breaft-plate there he calls the But of Honour, at which all the Fools in the Kingdom fhoot, and not one can hit the Mark-. Nimb. You talk of Robin Hood, w h o never fhot in his Bow, Sir. -You Dancers are the Battledoors of the Nation, that tofs the light Foppiih Shuttlecocks to and a^en, to set your iclves in heat. Have a care, Mr. Mockmode; tins Fellow gran dw iPlli mmpa kteo aF ompepc:rr yG raanldh opLpeewrd noeff yso;u. a- nd tShier ,D veovuia'l rD ea ntnhd*e |