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Show The Way to win him- 49 She comes, (he comes Hum, hum Bitch - - . Murder'd, murder'd to be fure! The curfed Strumpet! To make me fend away m y Servants - no Body near m e ! Thefe Cut-throats make always fure Work. What (hall I do? I have but One way.' Are thefe Gentlemen your Relations, M a d a m ? Lam. Yes, Sir. Gentlemen, your moft humble Servant, Sir, your mojft faithful, yours Sir, with all my heart'; your moft obedient . come, Gentlemen. (Salutes all round.) pleafe to fit • no Ceremony, next the Lady, pray Sir. Lam. Well, Sir, and how d'ye like (They all fet.) m y Friends ? Mir. O, Madam, the moft finifh'd Gentlemen I I was never more happy in good Company in m y Life, I fuppofe, Sir, you have travelfd ( 1 Bra. Yes, Sir. Mir. Which way ? M a y I prefume ? 1 Bra. In a Wettern Barge, Sir. Mir. Ha, ha, ha, very pretty; facetious pretty Gentleman! Lam. Ha, ha, ha; Sir, you have got the prettieft Ring>up-on your Finger there Mir. Ah! Madam, 'tis at your Service with all m y heart (Offering the Ring. Lam. By no means, Sir, a Family-Ring ! ' (Takes tt. Mir. N o matter, Madam, feven hundred Pound, by this Light. (Afide. 2 Bra. Pray, Sir, what's a Clock? Mir. H u m ! Sir, I forgot m y Watch at home. 2 Bra. I thought I faw the String of it juft now. Mir. Ods m y Life; Sir, I beg your pardon, here it is but it don't go. (Putting it ttp. Lam. O dear, Sir, an Englifh Watch ! Tompions, I prefume. . Mir. D'ye like it, M a d a m no Ceremony 'tis at your Service with all m y Heart and Soul Tompions! Hang ye. (Afide. 1 Bra. But, Sir, above all things, I admire the Fafhion and Make of yourSword-hilr. . Mir. I'm mighty glad you like it, Sir. 1 Bra. Will you part with it, Sir? Mir. Sir, I won't fell it. Mir1. Bra. Not fell it, Sir! |