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Show 40 The Beaux Stratagem. Mrs. SuU. I fuppofe, M a d a m , you made him drink plentifully of Afs's Milk. Enter Dor. runs to Airs. Sull. Dor. News, dear Sifter, news, news. Enter Archer running. 'Arch. Where, where is m y Lady Bountiful * Pray, which is the old Lady of you three? L. Boun. 1 am. . Arch. O , Madam, the Fame of your Ladyfhips Charity, Goodnefs, Benevolence, Skill and Ability, h2ve drawn mc hither to implore your Ladyfhip's Help in behalf of m y unfortunate Mafter, who is this moment breathing his laft. L. Boun. Your Mafter ! where is he ? Arch. At your Gate, Madam, drawn by the Appearance of your handfome Houfe to view it nearer, and walking up the Avenue within five Paces of the Court-Yard, he was taken ill of a fudden with a fort of I know not what, but down he fell, and there he lies. r I,. Boun. Here, Scrub, Gipfey, all run, get m y eafie Chair down Stairs, put the Gentleman in it, and bring him in quickly, quickly. Arch. Heaven will reward your Ladylhip for this charita* ble Ad. L. Boun. Is your Mafter us'd to thefe Fits ? Arch. O yes, Madam, frequently I have known him have five or fix of a Night. L. Boun. What's his N a m e ? Arch. Lord, M a d a m , he's a dying; a Minute's Care or Neglect may lave or deftroy his Lite. L. Boun. Ah, poor Gentleman ! come Friend, fhow me the way, I'll lee him brought in m y felf. [Exit with Archer. Dor. O, Sifter, m y Heart flutters about flrangety, I can hardly forbear running tohisAfiiftance. Mrs. Sull. And. I'll lay m y Life, he defervesyour Afliftance more than he wants it: Did not I tell you that m y Lord wou'd find a way to come at you ? Love's his Diftemper, and you muft be the Phyfician ; put on all your Charn s,lummon all your Fire into your Eyes, plant the whole Artillery ofyouf Looks againft his Breaft, and down with him. Dcr. O Siller, I'm but a voting Gunner, I lhall be afraid toihoot, for fear the Piece fhou'd recoil, and hurt m y felf. Mrs. SulJt Never fear, you fhall fee m e fhoot before you, if you will. Dor, |