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Show 52 The Recruiting Officer. Kite. Away to your Ambufcade. (Exeunt Plume and Worthy; Enter Brazen. Braz. Your Servant, Servant, m y dear. Kite. Stand off, I have m y Familiar already. Braz. Are you bewitch'd, m y Dear ? Kite. Yes, m y Dear; but mine is a peaceable Spirit; and hates Gun-powder. Thus I fonifie m y felf; [Draws a Circle round him.] and now, Captain, have a care how you force m y Lines. Braz. Lines! W h a t doft talk of Lines! You have fomething like a Fifhing-Rod there, indeed ; but I come to be acquainted with you, Man-What's your Name, m y Dear? Kite. Conundrum. Braz. Conundrum] Rat me, I knew a famous Doctor in London of your N a m e Where were you born? Kite. I was born in Algebra. Braz. Algebra! 'Tis no Country mChriflendom, I'm fure, unlefs it be ibme Place in the Highlands in Scotland. Kte. Right 1 told you I was bewitch'd. Braz. So a m I, m y Dear; I a m going to be marry'd - I have had two Letters from a Lady of Fortune that loves me to Madne£, Fits, Collick, Spleen, and Vapours Shall I marry her in four and twenty hours, ay, or no? Kite. I muft have the Year and Day of the Month when thefe Letters were dated. Braz. W h y , you old Bitch, did you ever hear of Love- Letters dated with the Year and Day of the Month ? D o you think Billet-Deux are like Bank-Bills ? Kite. They are not fo good but if they bear no Date, I muft examine the Contents. Braz. Contents! That you fhall, Old Boy, here they be both, Kite. Only the laft you receiv'd, if you pleafe. (Takes the Letter^) N o w , Sir, if you pleafe to let me confult m y Books for a minute, I'll fend this Letter inclos'd to you with the Determination of the Stars upon it to your Lodgings. Braz. With all m y heart 1 muft give him (Puts his hand in his Picket.) Algebra! I fancy, Doctor, 'tis hard to calculate the Place of your Nativity Here: (Gives him Aloney.) A nd if I iiicceed, 111 build a Watch-Tower upon the top of the higheft Mountain in Wales for the ftudy of Aftrology, and the Benefit oiConundrnms, (Exit. Bnter |