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Show The Recruiting Officer. 47 than all the M e n under the Sun: Don't the Moon fee all the World ? But. All the World fee the Moon, I muft confefs. Kite. Then fhe muft fee all the World, that's certain - • Give m e your Hand You're, by Trade, either a Butcher or a Surgeon. Bm. True5 I a m a Butcher* Kite. And a Surgeon you will be, the Employments differ only in the Name-^ He that can cut up an Ox, may dif-fect a M a n ; and the fame Dexterity that cracks a Marrow-bonej will cut offa Leg or an Arm. But. W h a t d'ye mean, Doctor, what d'ye mean? Kite. Patience, patience, Mr. Surgeon General; the Stars are great Bodies, and move ftowly. But. But what d'ye mean by Surgeon General* Doctor ? Kite. Nay, Sir, if your Worfhip wo'n't have patience, I muft beg the Favour of your Worihip's Abfence. But. M y Worfhip! m y Worfhip! But why my Worfhip? Kite. Nay then, I have done. (Sits. But. Pray, Doctor Kite. Fire and Fury, Sir! (Rifes in a Paffion.) Do you think the Stars will be hutry'd ? Do the Stars owe you any Money, Sir, that you dare to dun their Lordihips at this rate ? Sir, I a m Porter to the Stars, and I a m order'd to let no Dun come near their Doors. But. Dear Doctor, I never had any dealing with the Stars, they don't owe me a Penny But fince you are their Porter, pleafe to accept of this Half-Crown to drink their Healths, and don't be angry. Kite. Let m e fee your Hand then once more - - Here has been Gokl Five Guineas, m y Friend, in this very Hand this Morning. But. Nay, then he is the Devil - - Pray, Doctor, were you born of a W o m a n ? or, did you come into the World ofyouc own Head? Kite. That's a Secret This Gold was offer'd you by a proper handfome Man, cali'd Hawk, or Buzzard, or But. Kite you mean, Kite. Ay, ay, Kite. But. As arrant a Rogue as ever carry'd a Halbard. The impudent Rafcal wou'd have decoy'd me for a Soldier. Kite. A Soldier ! a M a n of your Subftance for a Soldier ! Your Mother has an Hundred Pound in hard Money, lying at this minute in the Hands of a Mercer, nor forty Yards from this Place. D d !«*• |