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Show 5 6 The Twin-Rivals. Man. Only a poor Gentlewoman in Labour;--twill be over prefently. * Here, Mr. Conftable, there's fomething for you to drink. (Throws down a Purfe, Teague takes it up. Te. Come, Maifhter, w e have no more to fhay, be me Shoule, (Going.) Arah, if you vill play the Conftable right now, fet you vill come away. Tru. No, no; there muft be Villainy by this Bribe: W h o ' lives in this Houfe ? Mob. A Midwife, a Midwife ; 'tis none of our Bufinefs: Let us be gone. (Aurelia at the Window. Aur. Gentlemen, dear Gentlemen, help; a Rape, a Rape, Villainy. Tru. H a ! That Voice I know. Give m e the Staff; I'll make a Breach, I warrant you. (Breaks open the Door, and all go in. SCENE changes to the lnfide of the Houfe. Re-enter Trueman and Mob. Tru. Gentlemen, fearch all about the Houfe; let not a Soul efcape. Enter Aurelia running, with her Hair about her Ears, and out of Breath. Aur. Dear Mr. Conftable, - - had you ftaid but a Moment longer, I had been ruined. Tru. Aurelia! Are you fafe, M a d a m ? Aur. Yes, yes; 1 a m fafe 1 think- but with enough ado: He's a devilifh ftrong Fellow. Tru. Where is the Villain that attempted it ? Aur. Pfhaw,- never mind the Villain; look out the W o m a n of the Houfe, the Devil, the Monfter, that decoy'd me hither. Enter Teague, haling in Mandrake by the Hair. Te. Be m e Shoul, I have taaken m y Shaare of the Plunder. Let me fhe fat I have gotten (Takes her to the Light.) Ububboo, a Witch, a Witch; the very faam Witch dat would fwaar m y Maifhter was de youngeft. Tru. Flow! Mandrake! This was the luckieft Difguife-? Come, m y dear Projerpine, I'll take care of you. Man. Pray, Sir, let me fpeak with you. Tru. N o , no ; I'll talk with you before a Magiftrate. '• A Cart, Bridewel,- you underftand me, Teague; let her be your Prifoner, I'll wait on this Lady. Aur. Mr. Conftable, I'll reward you. 7ft |