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Show 44. The Twin-Rivals Y. IF. I fcorn your beggarly Benevolence : Had my De-jfigns facceeded, I wou'd not have allow'd you the weight of. a Wafer, and therefore will accept none. As for that Law cr, he deferves to be Pillor'd, not for his cunning in deceiving you., but for his ignorance in betraying me. The Villain has defrauded m e of Seven thoufand Pounds a Year. Farewel. ( Going. Enter Mandrake out of the Clofet, runs to Y. W. andkneels. Man. M y Lord, m y dear Lord Wou'dbe, I beg you ten thoufand Pardons. Y.W. What Offence haft thoudone to m e? Man. An Offence the moft injurious. • I have hitherto conceafda Secret in m y Breaft, to the offence of Juftice, and the defrauding your I ordfhip of your true Right and Title. You, Benjamin Wou'dbe, with the crooked Back, are the Eldeft-born, and true Heir to the Eftate and Dignity. Om. How ! Tea. Arah, how? Man. None, my Lord, can tell better than!, who brought you both into the World. My deceas'd Lord, upon the fight of your Deformity, engag'd me, by a confiderable Reward, to fay you were the laft born, that the beautiful Twin, likely to be the greater Ornament to the Family, might fuc-ceed him in his Honour. This Secret m y Confcience has long ftruggled with. Upon the News that you were left Heir to the Eftate , I thought Juftice was fatisfied, and I was refolv'd to keep it a Secret ft ill; but by ftrange chance, over-hearing what pafs'd juft n o w , m y poor Confcience was rack'd, and I was forc'd to declare the truth. Y. W. By all m y forward Hopes, I cou'd have fworn it: I found the Spirit of Elderfhip in m y Blood; my Pulfes beat, and fweild for Seniority. Mr. Hermes Wou'dbe, I'm your moft humble Servant. (FoppifiAy. E.1F. Hermes is m y N a m e , m y Chriftian N a m e ; of which I a m prouder than of all Titles that Honour gives, or Flattery beftows.-- But thou, vain Bubble, puft up with the empty Breath of that more empty W o m a n ; to let thee fee h ow I de-fpife tKy Pride, I'll call thee Lord, drefs thee up in Titles like a King at Arms; you fhall be blazon'd round, like any Church mHolland; thy Pageantry lhall exceed the Lord Mayor'sj and yet this Hermes, plain Hermes, fhall defpife thee. Sib. Well, well, this is nothing to the purpofe. Miftrefs, will fore a, Mafter y ionu Cmhaaknec earny iA ffidavit of what you have fa'iMd,a nb.e |