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Show i6 The Twin-Rivals. Y. W. Let m e hear it. Man. By the Strength of this potent Infpiration, I have made you a Peer of England, with feven thoufand Pound a Year- My Lord, I wifh you Joy. (Drinks. Y. W. The Woman's mad, I believe. Alan. Quick, quick, m y Lord! Counterfeit a Letter prefently from Germany, that your Brother is kill'd in a Duel; Let it be directed to your Father, and fall into the hands of the Steward when you are by: W h a t fort of Fellow is the Steward ? Y. W. W h y , a timerous half-honeft M a n , that a little Perfuafions will make a whole Knave: He wants Courage to be thoroughly Juft, or entirely a Villain but good backing will make him either. Man. And he fhan't want that! I tell you the Letter muft come into his hands when you are by; upon this you muft take immediate PofTeflion, and fo you have the beft part of the L a w of your fide. Y. W. But fuppofe m y Brother comes in the mean time ? Man. This muft be done this very moment: Let him come when you're in PofTeifjon, I'll warrant we'll find a way to keep him out Y. W. But, how, m y dear Contriver ? Y. W P-y your Father's Will, Man, your Father's Will- That is, One that your Father might have made, and which we will make for him •• I'll fend you a Nephew of my • oWn, a Lawyer, that fhall do the Bufinefs; go, get into Pof-feffion, PolTetTion, I fay ; let us have but the Eftate to back the Suit, and you'll find the L a w too ftrong for Juftice, I warrant you. Y. W. M y Oracle! H o w fhall w e revel in Delight when this great Prediction is accomplifti'd-But one thing yet remains, m y Brother's Miftrefs, the charming Gnftance Let her be mine Man. Pho, pho, fhe's your's a Courfe; fhe's contracted to you ; for fhe's engag'd to marry no M a n bur m y Lord Woud- &?'sSon and Heir; now you being the Perfon, fhe's recoverable by Law. Y. W. Marry her! N o , no, fhe's contracted to him, 'twere Injuftice to tyfhaotauMits a gfInio.e nw eom nWaedhn. ed ryr o m,bti htaner yduB l rmyoa,otk uhares rA f fyuofcofah iuh r iassf ,B aW uyIif, tfm letueh,f a ttba oanFub ateoav ufiottiue mrr i Fniasev of•Bou ur e1t aw fhgiOiaelehtdl, |