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Show The Way to win him. 5 time" Sifter, I have a great mind to make you a Prefent of another humble Servant; a Fellow that I took up at Lyons, who has ferv'd m e honeftly ever fince. Ori. Then why will you part with him ? Dug. He has gain'd lb infufferably on m y good humour, that he's grown too familiar; but the Fellow's cunning, and may be ferviceable to you in your Affair with Mirabel. Here he comes. Enter Petit. Well, Sir, have you been at Rouffeau's * Pet. Yes, Sir, and who fhou'd I find there, but Mr. Mi-rabel and the Captain hatching as warmly over a Tub oflce, as two Hen-Pheafants over a Brood they would let me befpeak nothing, for they had din'd before I came. Dug. Come, Sir, you fhall ferve m y Sifter, I lhall ftill continue kind to you, and if your Lady recommends your Diligence upon Tryal, I'll ufe m y Intereft to advance you, you have Senfe enough to expect Preferment Here, Sirrah, here's ten Guineas for thee, get thy felf a Drugget Suit and a Puff-Wig, and fo 1 dub thee Gentleman Ulher Sifter, I muft put m y felf in repair, you may expect m e in the Evening Wait on your Lady home, Petit. : {Exit Dug. Pet. A Chair, a Chair, a Chair. Ori. N o , no, I'll wallk home, 'tis but next door. (Exeunt. SCENE a Tavern, difcovering young Mirabel and Duretete rifing from Table. Mir. Welcome to Paris once more, my dear Captain, we have eat heartily, drank roundly, paid plentifully, and let it go for once. I lik'd every thing but our W o m e n , they look'd fo lean and tawdry, poor Creatures ! 'Tis a fure fign the A r m y is not paid Give me the plump Venetian, brisk and fanguine, that fmiles upon me like the glowing Sun, and meets m y Lips like fparkling Wine, her Perlon fhining as the Glafs, and Spirit like the foaming Liquor. Dur. Ay, Mirabel, Italy I grant you, but for our W o men here in France, they are fuch thin Brawn-fall'n Jades, a M a n may as well make a Bed-fellow of a Cane-chair. Mir. France I a light unfeafon'd Country, nothing but Feathers, Foppery, and Fafhions; we're fine indeed, fo are our Coach-Horfes ; M e n fay we're Courtiers, M e n abufe us; that w e arc wife and politick, non credo Seigneur: That our Women |