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Show the Sequel ofthe.Trip to the Jubilee. 29 Wild. Shall I direct by way oiRoan or Paris i Lure. Which you will. Ban. Madam, I very much applaud your Choice of a Secretary; he understands the Intrigues of moft Courts in £«- rope they fay. Enter Wildair with a Letter. Wild. Here, Madam, I prefume 'tis right.-This Gentleman a Relation of yours, Madam?-Demhim. (Afide. Ban. Brother, your humble Servant. Wild. Brother; By what Relation, Sir? Ban. Begotten by the fame Father, born of the fame M o - * ther, Brother Kindred? and Brother Beau. Wild. Hey-day J H o w the Fellow firings his Genealogy!- Look ye, Sir, you may be Brother to Tom Thumb for ought I know; but if you are m y Brother, I cou'd have wifh'd you in your Mother's W o m b for an Hour or two longer. San. Sir, I receiv'd your Letter at Oxford, with your Commands to meet you in London ; and if you can remember your o w n hand, there 'tis. (Gives a Letter. Wild: [Lookingover the Letter.] Oh! Pray, Sir, let m e confider you a little.-By Jupiter a pretty Boy, a very pretty Boy; a handfome Face, good Shape, [IValks about and views him.] well drefs'd. The Rogue has a good Leg too! Come kifs me, Child. Ay, he kifles like one of the Family, the right Yelvct Lip, Can'ft thou dance, Child ? Ban. Ouy, Monfieur. S Lure. Hey-day ! French too! W h y fure, Sir, you cou'd never be bred at Oxford! Ban. No, Madam, m y Cloaths were made in London. Brother, I have fome Affairs of Confequence to communicate, which require a little Privacy. Lfire. Oh, Sir! I beg your Pardon, I'll leave you. Sir Harry, you'll flay Supper? (Exit. Wild. 'Allurement, Madam. Ban. Yes, Madam, we'll both ftay. Wild. Both! Sir, I'll fend you back to your Mutton- Commons again. How now ? Ban No, no; I fhall find better Mutton-Commons by meffing with you, Brother. Come, Sir Harry: If you ftay, SIy.i o fWrut.ir ;alDa ydho;.,g i ,fWh ayhfcotyun , to ghutoogh,ueh t aD aletnlvooyi nl Ps'iT.sh m oipnu gtfhhoitrss myoeofu ;bn egiy noFgue lmflyho owu.H' edi rk ?e epWpacW hkhay. y , |