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Show The Conftant Couple. 55 Out of my earneft Inclination to ferve your Lady fhip, and Coufin Angelica, Ay, ay, the very Words, I can fay it by heart. / have fent Sir Harry W i l d a i r - to court my Coufin. What the Devil's this ? Sent I Sir Harry Wildair to court my Coufm! - He.read to me quite a different thing. He's a Gentleman of great Parts and Fortune. He's a Son of a Whore, and a Rafcal And wou'd make your Daughter very Happy [Whiftles.] in a Husband. [Looks foolijh, and >jums Song.] Oh, poor Sir Harry! what have the angry Srnr< defign'd ? Ang. N e w , Sir, I hope you need no in (ligation to redrefs our Wrongs, fince even the Injury points the way. Dar. T'ink, Sir, that our Blood for many Generations, has run i;i the pureft Channel of unfully'd Honour. Wild. Ay, Madam. [Tiows to her. Ang. Confider what a leader Bloffom is Female Reputation, which the leaft Air of foul Detraction blafls. Wild. Yes Madam. [Bows to t'other. Dar. Call then to mind your rude and fcandalousBehaviour. Wild. Right, Madam. [Bows again. Ang. Remember the bafe Price you offer'd me. (Exit. Wild. Very true, M a d a m ; was ever M a n fo catechis'd? Dar. Then think that, Vizard, Villain Vizard caus'd all this, yet lives : that's all; farewel. (Going. Wild. Stay, Madam, [To Darling.] one W o r d ; is there no other w a y to redrefs your Wrongs, but by Fighting. Dar. Only one, Sir, which if you can think of, you may do ; you know the bufinefs I entertain'd you for. Wild. I underftand you, Madam. [Exit. Darling.] Here a m I brought to a very pretty Dilemma; I muft commit Murder, or commit Matrimony; which is beft now? A Licenfe from Doctors Commons, or a Sentence from the Old Baily ; if I kill m y M a n , the L a w hangs m e ; if I marry iny W o m a n , I fhall hang m y felf. But, D a m it, • Cowards dare fight; I'll marry, that's the moft daring Adtion of the two: So m y dear Coufin Angelica, have at you. SCENE Newgate, Clincher fenior fulus. Clin. How fevere and melancholy are Newgate Reflections? Laft Week m y Father died; yefterday I turn'dBeau; today I a m laid b/ the He Is, and to morrow fhall be hung by the Neck. I was agreeing with a Booklelltr about Printing an Account of m y Journey through France to Italy, but now, |