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Show Love and a Bottle. 12 Brufh. Oh the beft of Company, Sir; a Poet lives there, Sir Roeb. They're the worft Company, for they're ill natur'd. Brufh. A y , Sir, but it does no body any harm; for thefe Allows that get Bread by their Wits, are always forc'd to eat fieir words. They muft be good natur'd, 'fpight of their ?eeth, Sir. Tis faid, he pays his Lodging by cracking fome tnutty Jefts with his Landlady over-night; for lhe's very veil pleas'd with his Natural Parts. [While Roeb. and Brufh tali, Lovewell feems to project fomething by himfelf. Roeb. W h a t other Lodgers are there ? Brufh. One newly enter'd, a young Squire, juft come from he Univerflty. Roeb. A meer Peripatetick, I warrant him. A verypret-y Family; a Heathen Philofopher, an Englifh Poet, and an rifh Whore. Had the Landlady but a Highland Piper to Din with 'em, fhe might fet up for a Collection of Monfters. •- Any body within ? [Slaps Lovewell on the Shoulder. • Love. Yes, you are m y Friend. All m y Thoughts were mploy'd about you. In fhort, I have one Requeft to make, . That you would renounce your loofe wild Courfes, and lead i fober Life, as I do. • Roeb. That I will, if you 11 grant m e a Boon. Love. Y o u fhall have it, be't what it will. Roeb. That you wou'd relinquifh your precife fober Bepa-iour, and live like a Gentleman, as I do. Love. That I can't grant. : Roeb. Then we're off: Tho' fhou'd your W o m e n prove no setter than your W i n e , m y Debaucheries will fall of them-elves, for want of Temptation. Love. Our W o m e n are worfe than our Wine ; our Claret las but little of the French mt, but our Wenches have the De-il and all: They are both adulterated ; to prevent the in- :onveniences of which, I'll provide you an honourable Mi- 'trefs. Roeb. A n honourable Miftrefs! what's that ? Love. A vertuous Lady, w h o m you muft love and court; he furcrt method of reclaiming you. As thus: - - Thole uperfluous Pieces you throw away in Wine, may be laid )ut. Roeb. T o the Poor? _ „ c cc Love. N o , no: In Sweet-Powder, Cravats, Garters Snuft-boxes, Ribbons, Coach-hire, and Chair-hire. Thofe idle Hours which you mif-fpend with lewd fophift icated Wenches, mult be Rdoeedbi.c aTteod the C>h urch ? ^^ |