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Show The Beaux Stratagem. 33 Dor. Does he ? Pray, Sir, will you oblige us with a Song? Arch. Are you for Paffion, or Humour ? Scrub. O le! He has the pureft Ballad about a Trifle Mrs. Sull. A Trifle! Pray, Sir, let's have it. Arch. I'm afham'd to offer you a Trifle, M a d a m : But fince you command me (Sings to the Tune of Sir Simon the King. A trifling Song you fhall hear, Begun with a Trifle and ended, &c.' . Mrs. Sull. Very well, Sir, we're oblig'd to you. - - Something for a pair of Gloves. (Offering him Money. Arch. 1 humbly beg leave to be excufed: M y Mafter, M a dam, pays m e ; nor dare I take Money from any other hand without injuring his Honour, and difobeying his C o m mands. (Exit. Dor. This is furprizing: Did you ever fee fo pretty a well bred Fellow ? . Mrs. Sull. The Devil take him for wearing that Livery. Dor. I fancy, Sifter, he maybe fome Gentleman, a Friend of m y Lords, that his Lordfhip has pitch'd upon for his Courage, Fidelity, and Difcretion to bear him Company in this Drefs, and who, ten to one was his Second too. Mrs. Sull. It is fo, it muft be fo, and it fhall be fo: - For I like him. Dor. W h a t ! Better than the Count ? Mrs. Sull. The Count happen'd to be the moft agreeable M a n upon the Place; and fo I chofe him to ferve m e in my Defign upon m y Husband. But I fhou'd like this Fellow better in a Defign upon m y felf. Dor. But now, Sifter, for an Interview with this Lord, and this Gentleman; how fhall w e bring that about? Mis.Sull. Patience! You Country Ladies give no Quarter, if once you beenter'd. Wou'd you prevent their Defires, and give the Fellows no wifhing-time. Look'ye, Dorinda, if m y Lord Aimwell loves you or deferves you, he'll find a way to fee you, and there w e muft leave it My Bufinefs comes now upon the Tapis Have you prepar'd your Brother ? Dor. Yes, yes. Mrs. Sull. And how did he relifh it ? Dor. He faid little, mumbled fomething to himfelf promis'd to be guided by m e : But here he comes.-^^ Enter |