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Show The Recruiting Officer. gp page to make Vice fafhionable, and put Vertue out of Countenance. Plume. Pho, that's eafily done; 111 do more for thee Child, 111 buy you a Furbuloe Scarf, and give you a Ticket to fee a Play. Bull. A Play! Wauns, Ruofe, take the Ticket, and let's fee the Show. Sil. Look'e, Captain, if you won't refign, I'll go lift with Captain Brazen this Minute. Plume. Will you lift with m e if I give up m y Title? Sil. I will. Plume. Take her: 111 change a W o m a n for a M a n at any time. Rofe. I have heard before, indeed, that you Captains us'd to fell your Men. Bull. Pray, Captain, don't fend Ruofe to the Wefi-Indies. Plume. Ha, ha, ha, Wefi-Indies! No, no, m y honeft Lad, give m e thy Hand ; nor you nor fhe fhall move a ftep farther than I do This Gentleman is one of us, and will be kind to you, Mrs. Rofe. Rofe. But will you be fo kind to me, Sir, as the Captain wou'd ? Sil. I can't be altogether fo kind to you, m y Circumftan-ces are not fo good as the Captain's; but I'll take care of you, upon my word. Plume. Ay, ay, well all take care of her; fhe fhall live like a Princefs, and her Brother here fhall be • What wou'd you be ? Bull. O ! Sir! If you had not promis'd the Place of Drum- Major.- Plume. Ay, that is promis'd. But what think you of Barrack-Mafter? You are a Perfon of Underftandmg, and Barrack-Mafter you fhall be. But what's become of this fame Cartwheel you told m e of, m y Dear ? Rofe. We'll go fetch him. Come, Brother Barrack-Mafter We fhall find you at home, noble Captain? ([Exeunt Rofe and Bullock. Plume. Yes, yes; and now, Sir, here are your forty Shillings. Sil. Captain Plume, I defpife your lifting Money; if I do ferve, 'tis purely tor Love of that Wench, I mean. . For you muft know, that among m y other Sallies, I have fpent the beft part of m y Fortune in fearch of a Maid, and cou'd never *a ny' Freedo mf iunndd oenre ah iltehfesr tPou;r cfoh ayfoeu tmhaany Ib ed iadfi umr'yd IE'fdt afetlSel.o |