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Show 36 The Recruiting Officer. Sil. What, Men kifs one another. Kite. W e Officers do: 'tis our way; w e live together like M a n and Wife, always either killing or fighting: But I fee a Storm a coming. Sil. N o w , Serjeant, I fhall fee who is your Captain by your knocking down the other. Kite. M y Captain fcorns AfTiftance, Sir. Braz. Flow dare you contend for any thing, and not dare to draw your Sword ? But you are a young Fellow, and have not been much Abroad ; I excufe that, but prithee refign the Man, prithee do; you are a very honeft Fellow. Plume. You Lye; and you are a Son of a Whore. [Draws and makes up to Brazen. Braz. Hold, hold, did not you refufe to fight for the Lady ? [Retiring. Plume. I always do But for a M a n I'll fight Knee deep, fo you Lye again. [Plume and Brazen fight a Traverfe or two about the Stage • Silvia draws, who is held by Kite, who founds Arms with his Aiouth; takes Silvia in his Arms and carries her off the Stage. Braz. Hold, where's the M a n ? Plume. Gone, Braz. Then what do w e fight for ? [Puts up.] N o w let's embrace, m y Dear. Plume. With all m y Heart, m y Dear. [Putting up.] I fuppofe Kite has lifted him by this time. [Embrace. Braz. You are a brave Fellow, I always fight with a M an before I make him m y Friend; and if once I find he will fighf, I never quarrel with him afterwards. And now III tell you a Secret, m y dear Friend, That Lady we frighted out of the Walk juft n ow I found in Bed this Morning So beautiful, fo inviting-I prefently lock'd the Door-But I am a M a n of Honour-But I believe I lhall marry her neverthe-leis- Her twenty thoufand Pound, you know, will be a pretty Conveniency-I had an Affignation with her here, but your coming fpoil'd m y Sport. Curie you, m y Dear, but don't do fo agen Plume, N o , no, m y Dear, M e n are m y Bufinefs at prefent. [Exeunt. The End of the Third A C T . A CT t |