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Show 2 The hconftant : Or, Fellow's Wit was neceftary abroad, but he's too cunning for a Domeihck; I muft difpofe of him fome way elfe who's here? Old Mirabel, and m y Sifter ! M y deareft Sifter! Enter Old Mirabel and Oriana. Ori. Mr.Brother! Welcome. Dug. Monfieur Aiirabel! I'm heartily glad to fee you. Old Ai. Honeft Mr. Dugard, by the Blood of the Mirabel's I'm your moft humble Servant. Dug. W h y , Sir, you caft your Skin fure, you're brisk and gay, lufty Health about you, no fign of Age but your filver hairs. Old M. Silver Hairs! Then they are Quick-Giver Hairs, Sir. Whilft I have Golden Pockets, let m y Hairs be Silver an they will. Adsbud, Sir, I can dance, and fing, and drink, and no, I cant Wench. But Mr. Dugard, no . News of m y Son Bob in all your Travels? Dug. Your Son's come home, Sir. Old M. Come home! Bob come home ! By the Blood of the Mirabel's, Mr. Dugard, what fay ye ? Ori. Mr. MirfLel return'd, Sir ? Dug. He's certainly come, and you may fee him within this hour or two. Old M. Swear it, Mr. Dugard, prefently fwear it. Dug. Sir, he came to T o w n with me this Morning, I left him at the Bagnieurs, being a little diforder'd after riding, and I fhall fee him again prefently. Old M. What! And he was afham'd to ask Bleffing with his Boots on. A nice Dog ! Well, and how fares the young Rogue, he! Dug. A fine Gentleman, Sir. He'll be his o w n MefTenger. Old M. A fine Gentleman ! But is the Rogue like me ftill? Dug. W h y yes, Sir ; he's very like his Mother, and as like you as moft modern Sons are to their Fathers. Old Ai. W h y , Sir, don't you think that 1 begat him? Dug. W h y yes, Sir; you marry'd his Mother, and he inherits your Eftate. He's very like you, upon m y word. Ori. And pray, Brother, what's become of his honeft Companion, Durctete? Dug. W h o , the Captain! The very fame, he went abroad; he's the only French-man I ever knew that cou'd not change. Your Son, Mr. Mrabel, is more oblig'd to Nature for that Fellow's Compofition than for his own ; for he's more happy in Duretete's tihnefe Wpoarralbdle, aIs b FeiFlonielgvleeyr, t aohfna dOn p Thpihosfu iomtwbion,n bWiuintt F.rt iheIn fdnii rhffhioptr. It n,f tOtahlnedcy e a Mir.ne as |