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Show The third‘Booke ofthefir(part Cuar.4.u1 ofthe Hiftorie ofthe World. Cuareg.Sst. for the great affection which the king bare vnto her,be thought the daughter of Cyras, Certaineit is, that Eber did.at length difcouer her Kindredand Nation: wherebyif Hiftories could be kepefree from this errour, yetthe people, and efpecially the Nobility,muft.needes haue vnderftoodthe truth : who neuertheleffe did fo well know the parentage of4to//a,that for herfake, as being daughter ofCyras, her fonne Xerxes was preferred tothe kingdomebeforehis elder brother, again{t whomalfo he could haue pretended awery weake clayme. But ofthefe things more hereafterin fitter place. alee Thisaee ount (asl haue faidythe mo Chronologersandthe beft learned:approue- Thefe Perian Princes being all warranted by the authority ofthe Scriptures; as Pewcer in his hiftoricall Animaduerfions hath gatheredthe -places ; finding firft Cyrws in the fecond ofChronicles chap.36.ver/.22.23..Ezra \ .chap.1.verf.t,andoften elfewhere. Secondly Camby/esin theeleaucnth.of Daniel,who may ind¢éd be well eftcemed fot one ofthofe three Kings in the fecond verfe named,, and{o the marginall Commentor yponthe Gesewa vnderftands that place, but, vader. correction; miftakes the matter greatly,when he faith in the fame note, that Darius Hy/la/pes, was an enemie t the fco- Cuar. IV. , ple of God, and ftoodagainft them: his great fauour, and, liberality tothe Jemes being lo elfewhere proued. Thirdly,is Darius Hyfla/pes found in Ezra the firft,c.4.v.5.who inthe fixt verfe is alfo named Aba//ueres. Fourthly,in the elenenth of Daniel yerfe the fecond,Xerxesis plainely foretold and ert The eState ofthings from the death.of Cyrvs to the reigne of DARIvs, delcribed, and the great yvarre which hefhould makeagainft the Greekes by Daniel re- membred. Fiftly, Artaxerxes Longimanusin Ezra the fourth,verle feueh, vvho is alfo called drthafastac.4Jib.1 Exra.v.7.andcap.7.v.7. Si she Ofthe number and namesofthe Perfian Kings. g F the fucceffors ofCyrus, andthe continuance of the PerfiasEm~ pire, there are manyopinions; As thatof Meta/thenes, who hath P numbredthe Perfiaw Kings andtheir times,as followeth, 20 Darius Medus,and Cyrasioyntly 2) Cyrus alone: Prifcus Artaxerxes, Darius Longimanns. Darius Nothus. 22 20 37 19 syeares. Artaxerxes Mnemon. Sixtly, Darius Nothws, Ezra cap.4. verfe 24. andcap. 5. verfe 6. Nehew, cap.12. verfer2. , 20. Seuenthly, Artaxerxes Muermon in Nehem.c.2.v.1. who was father to _4rtaxerxes Oshus,and Arfames ; for. Darius the lafthe was of another Family,the Line of cyras the Great ending in Ochus,who defcended fromXerxes the fon of _stof/a Cyrus his daughter;andtheiffie male of Cyrus failing with his owne Sonnes. F ( Butto proceede Eu/ebins withthe Latines,followingthe Greekes,applythe beginnings andends of cucry Perfiaz King with their Acts,to fome certaine Olympiad, Asthe war ofAllyages(Cyrus his‘maternall Grand-fatherjand:.44 attes(Cra/us his father)to the nine andfortieth Olympiad; The beginning of Cyrus reigne to the beginning of the fine and fiftieth Olympiad ; ‘Thetaking ofSarazs-by Cyrxsto the eight andfiftieth Olympiad ; Theinuafion ofEgypt by Cambyfes tothe third yeaye ofthe threefcoreandthird Olym- 55 Artaxerxes Ochus. 26 Arfes,or Arfames, 4| Darius the laft,conquered by Alexander. 6J Torai Philoagvecth; which numberofyeares added,makein all anhundred nin- 30 piad,and fo ofthe reft.Which reference with good agreement betweenfeucrall formes of computation adde the more credit viito both. tie an one. Butinthis Catalogue Meta/thenes hathleft out Cambyfes and Xerxes, and aha Affuerws for the immediatefitccefforof Cyrus sin place (faith Melan‘on)ok Darius the fon of Hyflafpes : for Metafthenes, as Melanéthon conieQureth, doth notaccount Czmby/es in the Catalogue, becaufe his reigne was confounded withthat ofCyrus, owthe accounts ofthe Olympiads, as doe the Greeke Hiftorians, or that of Nabo- Lens a fecond opinion,thoughridiculous,of Seder Olam,who finds but foure Per-4° Tees fol heent, cd Melantien a Melanét. but 2@ Melanét.-but 40 Melank26, AMelan.4 os ramthe fri the beginningto i SigKingsf Mf the end ofthat Empire. aa 5 a ert, and Beroaldus hauealfo 2. differing account fromthe Greekess haffar ' vyith Ptolomie,we {hall finde euery memorable accident to fall out right with ps ot a i 49° c o hundred and foure and twenty Ju/isam telomie reckons the time anfwe bletotw 1 ie the fixteenth Ja in fixteenth ofof Judie from Watena//ar,tothe a Yeates.andan hundred andfortie dayes and fo doth Krentzltim, follow, the Latines ofrefuted Zu/ebins and heuerthelefle a i +path fully anfwered,and asI moft take it, all the former Authors varying from that account. Forin this fort doe the Greekes marthall the Perfian Kings with the times of thei Belbaes ig 2 . cyrasin all ambyfesswith the Magi 38 3 Darias Hyftafpes. 36 Nerxes, Artaxerxes Longimanas, ; eens Artaxerxes cae Mnemon, et Ockas, nae 1 aR vee 21 40 syeeres 19 43 23 3 6) Which sumbers; put together, make in all two hundyed and thirtie. E Againe,this hiftoricall demonftrationis confirmed bythe A ftronomicall computati-/aPiol.in Alm. ONoEPtolomic, who refers, the death of Alexander the Great, who died the 12 of "3" Nouember,in the beginning ofthe hundred and fortieth Olympiad, to the foure hundredandfoure and twentieth yeare after. Nabonafar. And thee£ra ofNabonaffar be£4 onthe fixe and twentieth of Februarie: which conferred with the Olympiad, was intheninth Monethofthe firtt yeere ofthe cighth Olympiad;Sothat whether wefol- the feuenth yeare ofCamby/es. 2 : ; aieh ; s The Greekesand namely Diodorus Siculus, place the taking of Egypt by Cambyfés in tneiecondor thitd yéeare ofthe threefcore andthi d Olympiad, and the beginning of Cambyfes feuenth yearein the firft ofthe threefcore andfourth Olympiad: which firft c Fthethtee(sore and fourth Olympiadruns along withpart of the two and twentieth ora00halfar The like agreementis confequetitly foundabout the beginningand end én vv Of Cyras, D ‘ os Fe , cs (ors bs ieee . Likew ifethe twentieth of Dariw,vvhofucceeded Cambyfes,is according to Ptolomic etwo hundred and (ize and fortieth of Nabona/far,which (obferuing thedifferences with the andtwentie yeares; ) it agrees Olympiad, viz.cight aeone lar § 2rd he is 2 Falcom Ses eee 8 & the third third ofof, the threefcore and th Olympiad,wherein it ts placed bythe Greekes. In this % ony agrees withthe Greekes throughout,{auing that heioyneth Darias agen res, With Cyrus, in the deftruction of Babylon ; whichis true, an oe eae calleth'c Sa tary to the Greeke computation,but may very well ftand with it. other Cata¢ difagreements & confafed accom pts of thofe that followthe naanof thei Laie da cit Sag tothis es eae é ‘ formerly rehearfed,doth ginethe greater credit ¥ liz Greckes |