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Show M De Glandula pituitaria. Book III Book III. of the Brain', Nam tcrclmim inquit ille alrmmta ua {lilntali/im, (.7 gummy". tia quofr]; imm cranium conicutox lmmom per wiw/ingulis dgfiiiztztm, Ow inter alloy c/iam furofam pituitam, (r dic'lzt Clamllrla flt'lllt'nlt'r 1}r(li}lll7/L'f [Hf/Hill. Br"; ifthe Brain were capable ofthefe motions of Dilatation and Concidcncc' ( which the moll Learned Anatomills do doubt) yet they can have no in. C H AP. fluence upon the Clam piruiraria, irheing lodged without the verge 0de Brain in a peculiar Cavity, in the Sella Equina, to which it is firmly affixed. And if thefe motions of the Brain fhould be fuppofed, yet they would not move the ferous Recrements front the Glam Pitllimrirl, through the In. fimdilmlnm upward into the Ventriclcs of the Brain, but only gently premore the courfe of the nervous Liquor downward from the Cortex into the nervous Anothrr ur: of the GM»: prmmiz. 7' Fibres, and afterward into the Carpm callofum, and IVlen'ulla oblongata; and alfo the defluxion of the ferous Liquor out of the (homicidal Glands, into the ventricles of the Brain, andthence down through the Infimdilmlum, inferted into the Glam pimitaria, and not from the Glam yituitaria, into the Infiuzclihulum and Ventricles, and from thence into the Nofirils and Palate, Which is ( as I conceive) a far-fetched, unnatural, and prepofierous motion, But I conceive another ufe may be alligned to the Clan: pituitariam'ith greater probability then the former, as being more agreeable to the f'truéture and pofition of the Glam pituitaria, and other parts of the Brain relating to it, that the ferous Humors fhould diltill out of the fubllance of the Brain, and Clioroeidal Glands into the Ventricles, and defcend by the infunclibulum, into the Glam pituitaria, and thence be carried, not into the Palate (as the antient Anatomil'ts would haveit) becaufe this Gland hath no excretory velfel leading into the Cavity of the Noflrils,and Mouth, but into the neighbouring jugular Veins, returning the Blood in its circulation 5 by reafon thelc Recrements of the Brain, contain fome Alimentary Liquor (impregnated XLVII. De Rete Mirnhili. [:I‘E aim Mtgalnle 115 foventitleld from the great variety of Carotide Tlrtrcalun tit f rteries h S ,1 anE JL'1 gu at ems c imbing ' ' "5 l " mt: up,_ and creeping down the naitilohltfftll; fides o t e e a quma, and the veflels fo varioufly meeting and inofcu- 1"" WW"lating wrtn each other in fuch order, as they refemble a kind of fine Network very pleafant to, behold. , in diverle Animals, larger ,"‘5‘r Pl": v This Flex of . .Velfels is of different Dimenfions , i; ' t _ ' I ‘ in fome, according to the number of Arteries, frequently accofling each other (illihrifigriifm upon the {ides of the Sella bquimz, and then parting with its Walls, runneth tranfverfly into the fubl'rance of the Glam pituitaria, Whole Body is enlarg- ed or leilened, as it recetveth greater or lefler number of Vellels, derived from the fides of the Sella Equizza. Ina Man or Horfeis difcovered a Ifmall or no Ref: mimlfile, and there- 71,"me fore in them the Arteries do wheel Within the Recellcs of the Sella Equina, 7",? 5‘ "‘l making few inolculations, caufing little or no Network, and out of the nu. mm". Trunk conveyed in peculiar Channels, ten Branches are emitted into the bo‘ dy of the Glam pitmtarid, whence arifeth the finallncfs of it in Men and Horfes. with volatil Salt, in the fubltance of the Brain) whereby the mafs of Blood In Calves, Foxes, Sheep, Red and Fallow Deer, and diverfe other finall rampant, Animals, the Carom feared on either lide Within the cranium, under the 1M- is""'"'" derivedmm m Mater, groweth fruitful in numerous minute branches, which are interiperil :‘fifl‘fiffi‘, running to the Heart receiveth an improvement. ed with Various Nerves, ilfuing from the Fifth pair, and fume Veins {Pring- and "guru" » 0 I C {[5 111g from the defcendent internal Jugulars. This multiplicity of fmall veffels vm's' i (loth frequently unite and part again, winding 11p and down in fuch various politions, that they feem to refemble diverfe fmall Nets lying one upon an; other, yet not fo,as to be parted. . And this admirable frame of minute Arteries, Veins, and nervous Fibres, is f0 finely divaricated, that it is not unlike a skain of Silk, confilling ofdiverfe Complications ; and it may be worth our notice, by how much the great; m mm: ‘3 the Km mirabz'le. is, the. Plexes of At'teriesin one fide have, more large and thew °fATtfll°5 , many numerous Inofculations With the Plexes of the other, tranfmittmg from each Inofluhtimd} lideof'the Sella Equina, greater and more fruitful Branches into the Glam Still-i" 31"""1'145 The verity of it is ealily evinced by the experiment of injeéling lome Black Liquor into the Trunk of the Caroti‘de Artery, featcd in the Neck, andrhe Vellels or Plexes of both fides will be fpeedily tinged with the fame Black hue, and the Trunk of the oppofite Artery being wounded, the Black qullot will freely diftil our of it, which plainly difcovereth the Plexes of one ‘d‘? Communicate with the other by frequent Inofculations, f0 that the Can "filde Arteries being laid bare for an inch or two, that the Trunks may be "Wed on both fides of the Neck at the fame time, and diverfe injections "Hg made upward into one only Trunk, you may plainly difcern in the tin "Kate defcend from one fide, far down into the Trunk of the oppofite Arte" TYaWhlle in the mean time littleo‘r no part of the Black Liquor is tranfm‘itted "lto the Jugular Veins; And afterward the Head being opened, all the litter lies may be feet) to be tinged, near the confines of the Head 5 as alfo the a‘h G 12 tetia. |