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Show 1118 7/20 "Brain of [42/72. The firm): of [71/77. BOOk Ill: m 1119 \ figure, which is only found in the firll pairfiof Procefses + cndued with fomewhat of an orbicular figure, and {mail it compared with divers other Protuberancies; Some are of the fame lhape and much greater, but net +56. feared in pairs oppofite to each other, but in confuled pofitions. Other Procelses feem to refiemble Semicircles in figure: And the pollerior Promi. nencies are the gl-CaECllZ', and the molt Minute are .feated for the molt part on the Margent of the Brain; So that in fine, this fyfiem of various ProcelTes ( relating to the Brain of a Carp) do feem to reiemble a bunch of Grapes of greater and lefs fize, coniufedly growing to the Stalk. The feco‘nd row i, feem to be three in number, (of which th 1 ' are feared in the middle) adorned With 3" Oval {MP3 ,. . "gap: "'9 In the clofe of the Prominencies, ls feated a fingle Proruberance t6 on the 4 r rightfidc of the Medulla Spinalit, and is (as I conceive) the ("ci'cbtlluwgvhith ‘ ' is very minute in this Filh. d _ , The Olfaétor Nerves i" o cree under the anterior Procelres ' rogtefs toward 2th Mouth in firaight lines. ,and take the" + 4' TheOptick Nerves + are difl'erent in length; The Right being [horter + 9:. then the Left. . . , . The Brain of a Dabbe is diforderly in figure, file, and number of its 5- Tl'el-le I PIOCCHCSD F. 4. Of the brain of a Cm +"+ 1,, The lower Region of the Brain of a Carp, is garniihed with eight Pro. cellos of leveral magnitudes. The firf't pair t, are lomewhat final], endued with an Oval figure, and coated with a red colour. The Promi. nencies t (confufcdly placed between the firl't and lalt pair) are {out in number, fmall in file, and orbicular in figure. The Pofierior pair of Procelses which are much the greateft, are feared near the Main/[.1 Spinalir +, and hued with a red colour, and of an ovalfigure. The Merlulla Spinalis + is parted in the middle by a Fifiure. For the molt part, the ProcefTes, befetting the Maw/[.1 oblongnta, both above and below, are Red, and inclining fomewhat to a cineritious colour, as being Cortical. And there are three Prominencies, which are White, as being chiefly made of aMedullary fiibitance. is, low, toward the i‘l'Iednl/a Spindle. The beginningof the Medulla Spinalir 1-, as alfo its farther progrefs, is divided into two equal portions by the interpofition of a Filiure. r. 6;. r r. The Brain of a Prill is irregular, as the ProcelTes of one fide do not anfivcr 1‘,"f,*g,:;;‘3" the other, eitherin figure, magnitude, or number.The right fide of the Brain of this Filh is compofed of two Prominencies, ti 4. + ,7. the firll "r is minute and orbicular. The fecond Proruberance i is much greater, and beautified with an ‘y- f f. Oval figure. The left fide iscornpof‘ed of a double number, of four Procedes; The two firll + are feared in the Van, and are adOrned with a {mall OrbiCular figure. The third Procefs *l- of the left fide is much more enlarged, and drelled with an Oval figure. The fourth 'l- of this fide is endued with an Oblong figure fomewhar IC' fembling an Oval lhape. The Optick Nerves 1- are of UneqUal length. r. 1. The The Brain of Place is alfo irregular, as being corafulEd in the firuarioni $11223", {hape, file, and number of its Protuberancies. 1m The firf‘t row of Procefies are two in number Jr, and feem to be endlled with a minute Orbicular figure. The . _ 0%: D‘ahbcm 3"?" : The fecond Procefses + are feared directly oppofite to each other the mid~ + t. dlel'rominence is adorned with a round fhape. 1 The other Protuberancies of» this row i, are feared on each fide of the middle Prominency, and are adorned with a kind of Oval figure. , Ill": pofierlo‘r Procefles i' are many, feared in a Chiller, of different {hapes an ms. . The Medulla .S‘pzl'nali'sF ‘ 1' is divided into equal parts by a Fiffiire. The Optick Nerves are Various in length,the left being longer then the other. l ‘l'c. + A. 1 g. + ff, TheBrain of a Flounder is compolEd of various Proeeires of dfi‘erent €343, . {hapes and fizes ; The three firll + run in length ina kind of Line, and have 3 Swizz?! various figures and magnitudes. v up?" Thcnext Protuberancies + are alfo three in number feared in a row, and 1. 5 The W The Brain of a Rochet, confifleth in two pair of Procelfes; The firft " 4- pair Jr are much leis in file then the other, and are beautifiedwith an Orbicular figure 3 The fecond pair 'l' of Protuberancies are adorned with an Oval lhape. The lalt pair of Procefles 1- make the Cerebellum, and are endued with a kind of inverted pyramidal figure, having their Bafes above, and Cones be- v The firfl Procefs 'l" is fingle fianding toward the right fide of the Brain. are beautified with an Orbicular figure. , v ' The poflferior rank of Prominencies Jr feem to be entitled with an Oval + c. figure, the middle only appeareth fair, {hading the other, making them to reprefent a Semicircular figure. The lafi Prominency Jr is fingle, placed on the right fide of the Mdulla + .1, Spihalis', and feemeth to be adorned with an Orbieulat drape, and is the Ce! rebellion in this Filh. TheMeanld Spinalz'r + near its Origen hath larger dimenfions, and grow- + u, ethlefi and leis, of a pyramidal figure. The Nerves of the Eyes are two pair, one being Optick + (which are the + ff. uppermofi) and the left is longer then the right. The other pair are Motory 1', and exceed the other in greatnefs. The Olfaétory Nerves + creep under the minute firl'l Pr'oceffes, and pals toward the Mouth in a {traight progrels, and end in Fibres. The Brain of a Foale hath divers Proceffes 1- feated in the Origen of the + an + 5. + ii; t f r.m". :1 Brain, and cndued with feveral figures and magnitudes, and grow lefs in 0?]. Scale" lite, as they approach the Mouth. After the anterior Proceffes follow a pair 1- larger then the former, en; dued with an Oval figure. , . The pofierior Proeefs is fingle + ( feared on the rlghtflde of the Medulla SPindliS) adorned with an Orbicular fhape. The Mcdulla Spinalis + is parth by a Fifl'ure runningin the midf't. Wm"+55. + ;, + u. The Optick Nerves 1‘, as in many other flat Fiih, are ehdued with an + H, unequal length. , . The Olaétory Nerves + creep out of the Brain under the chiller of an. + ff, terror Procefles, and go in a firaight courl'e. The Brain of a Turbat is very regular in the‘fitu'atitm, file, and figureof F.6.TbeHL-aé lES Procefl‘es. of a Turbut "W", The firfi rank of the upper Region + are two in number, drelfed with + u. an Orbicular ihape. G Ia The |