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Show (fa rim. Tali", Figl, Ri‘fI'é/lfitl the IiI'W{J'-14/{), Ci: Ui't, Teri/J, I'd/125, LlYUld, . lle triml'vei'l‘c Fillnics of the Upper-Lip. . 50 W pit: or theUpper-Lipltripped of its Coat, wherein the fpongy fuhliancc oi" it may , Glands. red iinnntc many With d inteilpeilt :is , l,e‘ rintoieied The "L 01 the Cheeks tut open wheiein are 17:71th many Particles of Fat, as in {0 many acct. figures. and s magnitude ot‘divers l\li.llll)l,lll()ll‘» Cells, releiiihhnf,I Glands 4 i]. 'l he (,hetk being cut, many i'iriallGlands may lie dilcetned accompanying the llefliy parts of the 1 1. ' b [1. l‘iiieiiiatorsi conceived c I', The low. loie l‘eeth are called Illci/ilrl‘l, from tlicirthinedg, whereupon the Antients [him to tut the Alinient. uie il‘illCd on each fide, mar the great ones, and nllilt the Tncifors. l! 4 l he [10'ng eeth by the Anticnts Molar", or Grinding-Teeth, 10 called from their I / l], lllL‘ urint'l'veth, (llllC(l. motion inwnid and outward exerted by the Muflull Ptmgoeidzi mmm‘ ("i (xterm, whereupon " MRIL lili,‘ AllfllCllEl‘r bi'olte intoliiiall l‘zii'tielts,but In truth the common actions ol'the lOACY (lihle ( iiimhich the Teeth zirclzillned) are celebrated downward and upward (to make 2 ratherflmn. liiit grinding of way by Cles) not fmullPatti Ulllllllllllllloll oi the Aliment into yin; or pounding; the Aliment. the top of many Arches, (to I; I]. I he Glands, covered with white tough Membranes, are feated in Branches as \‘lel'Ll ihe Iii-ginning oi the Palate) fpronting out of two Trunks, crowning the \\ h FilllL : I, line double Tl‘llllk (running the whole length of the middle of the Palate) is parted with a lone rilliirc, and dividing the Palate and 71171111: into Portions. The thtsl'trited toward the end 0: the Palate, are terminations of the Conglomerated. k lt l‘ni‘t (if the hiiilkles, which 1 deem to be Mnlleters. Membrane) H. l he t' zit/t1 is hroadelt in the middle, and endetli in 3 Cone, and hciiigdeimdcdofits d it may be plainly [teen to be a Body coinpol'ed of many Glands, vviiitli are encoinliailt with one common Membrane. m m, T l‘.C (Liivity, i'euttd beyond the Daub, is encircled every way with Conglomeratcd Glands, which dilel . rge - 'elves into it as into a common Duét or ClllfCl'I‘lt, this Cavity receiveth Air from mo CuvltiL‘i 01‘ [he Nollrils, and tranfm‘itteth it through the Cavity of the Mouth into the Llefix.' Afpm Arteria, and Broncbia of the Lungs. n )1. The entrance of the Cavity is encircled with divers minute Glands. a n. The tcndinous Fibres of long Multles, are feated near the Vertebers of the Neck. )2 p. The Carnous Fibers of the long Mul‘cles, 97/1. Thetendinous Fibers of the Smlmi‘ which allift the long Mufcles and are both Flexorsofthc N tc i k. _ ‘ r r r r. The llelhy Fibers of the Scalmi placed between the tendinons. rxurni, into which 1 I .r. The Glands relating to the outfide of the Manila, called Glands: [Maxillary Eat. the from an incilion being made, many {mall Glands do offer themfelves, placed not far Fig. 2. Rt‘priflflll the Lower-Lip and Tangle of a 11142:. a a. The Lower-Lip is of a Seniicircnlar figure when the Month is opened. is a pointed Head upon I; b. The attite Protefs of the lovvtr Mandible, called be the Antients Cnrflm', which the motioiio.‘ tlielower Mandible is performed . . its motion is accc, The Hunt l'iocels, is the greater terminationof the lower Mandible, upon which (omplilhtd :is upon .1 Center. dd. \‘l'iihin the lower Mandible are rented numerous Glands. _ , er. "I he tip ol (ll? loiitgue is iiirnilhed vvith divers Figures preternatnral, as I conceive» "1 ""5 larger fume and Body, Ilnll is inrtrpcrled with divers red minute pointed Protuberancies, ioniiii piollllll'Qllilkx " . The niidd and motor the l‘ongnc is emholli-d with larger white round Promiiicnciem ' non oi it is enlarged with tnollilloclts beautified with many Glands of feveral figures . .tllllllIlKS. which I conceive Tome Excretory M. Ahoiit the writ of the Tongue is {tzitcd 3 round hole, into .1 ‘s ol' the Tongue dodilihzirite thenil'elves, ‘0" the Tongue are ltzited [W0 Glands in a ttanlyerfe pol‘ture, and confil't 0f many >;iier;ited Glands. Cartilage, to defend If 2.. [M m; is n Cartilage that covereth the Rimulx of the Euro-like iron. the trouble of Meat and Drink palliiig into the Quiet. found ll. 1 llL Ion/:4}: ol" the Cariilign llryitimeidu, whichinits contraction anddilatation makethlhe i the \i'cice graveor genre, which is performed by divers Mnfcles of the Lurynx._ he origen‘from [[1 ' '11- :Il/i [Uri/gimp!" \\'l‘ilCl1 rover the Biickler Cartilage, and derive their 7 J' it oi th: U; 53mm, and are iiilerted into the lower Margent of the Cartilage , which hung; Loilll‘ilalk'd lift up the Bucklcr Cartilage, and lcllen the Rimulaof the "‘5‘ it oir the CdrlingI) 'Ilii-ryaeidm are tented two Carotide Arteries which are wt 0le Tab. Ill. |