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Show Tab. V II. A A. ' Fig. 1. 0f the lVIefeIziery. H E Mefenterick Blood-vefl'els, being branches of the Pom, All: l. The Milky-vefi'els paifingthrough the Mefentery, towards the common receptacle. 6 c c c. The Nerves diltributed through the body of the Mefentery. cl. The Blood-vullcls of the Duodenum. ee. The Blood-veflels of the jejunum. ff. The Sanguiduéis propagated from the bottom of the Stomach. 3. An eminent Gland feared in the Origen of the Mefentery, called the Pamrm by A til/I'm. b. Thi: Milky-veflels of the Guts fwelling upon a Ligature. ii. The Milky-veflels of the Mefentery, made turgent by a Ligature. kit- The Valves in the Milky-veflels. Fig. 2. 0f the Stomach and Gut: ofzz Humane Bad}. 4. The bottom of the Stomach turned upward, to give us the advantage ofdifceming the Par/crow. b b. The Left Orifice of the Stomach, through which the Meat and Drink is immediately tranfmitted into the bofom of the Stomach. c o. The Right Orifice of the Stomach, through which the Chyle, and grofs Excrements are conveyed into the Origen of the Guts. d d. The [Econd Coat of theStomach, gamilhed with long Fibres, making their progrefs the length of the Ventricle. e e. The third Coat ofthe Stomach is adorned with tranfverfe Fibres (of which a fmall profpeét is only given in the Left fide of the Stomach) encircling the body ofthe Stomach. ff. The fourth Coat of the Stomach is furnilhed with oblique Fibres, of which afmall fight may be taken in the Right fide of the Ventricle. g g. The Pantrea: feated behind the Stomach, and is a kind of Pillow for it to lean upon: and to impart heat unto it. [J b. The Blood-veflels branched on the furface of the {ccond Coat of the Stomach, after the manner of Network. _ i i. The Pancreas is an aggregate Body, :ompofed of many minute Globules, whiCh are diflinét Glands, of various fhapes and fizes, encircled with proper Membranes. kk. The lleon, compoEd of many circumvolutions, is encompaffed by the Colon. llll. Part of the Colon creeping crofs-ways under the Stomach, maketh five Aflfi'fla'f" mm. P;r[ of the Colon feated in the Right fide, in which it immureth fome part or the lean. n II. Part ofthe Colon guarding the Left tide of the Ilean. . oooo. The Ligament pafling all along the middle of the Comm and Colon, contracting them into many Cells. . _ ppp p. The Cells of the Col/m are nothing but fo many peculiar, or difiinfi Cavmes: or Corrugations of the Gut, made by a Ligament, firaightning in d qqqqq. The Volt/ole Commenter of the Ileon, Colon, are Semi-circular Valves, aflixe *0 the infideof the Guts, liraightning them but half way, and having thcother free for the paflage of Excrements. . F. r r. The Inteflinum Comm, is appendant to the Colon, and refembleth a Worm 1" l' ure. .r , : LgThc divaricarion; of Blood-veflels, varioufly enamelling the Inteflinefi. . TT. The Color: tending toward the Spleen and Left Kidney, is formed into (hort Clr' cumfiexures, refembling the Letter S. Tab. VIll. |