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Show ‘ J; 3:: E‘xéerrcr/pmmmg our oft/ac Medulla Spinalis. Boole H]. Mfr/3e Mvccr/prouting our of the Medulla S‘pimhs. 1'08; _ The Fourth pair of Nerves, belonging to the Loins, have their Egrefs rhcrtnn‘n. I The Sixth pair of Nerves, ariling below the Fifth Verteber,maketh i [S pro. 0,11 1; into [1": Niidnfl: Staph/ti, and Arms, and into the hinder Mufcl through a hole between the OI Caxemz'icir, 'Pubh, and Ifii, and enter into the ML Mufclcs of the Thigh, and Pciris, as‘alfc the Neck of the lttrru, and Blad- i'ino the Neclt and Head, as alfo the Mufcles minifi'erial to Refpirarion, The Qeventh pair cometh out of the Chine under the Sixth Verteber, and dcr of Urine, and 'Cutir too. aflociaring with a Branch of the Sixth and Eighth pair, tends toward the iviufcles of the Arm, and commonly {ends a Branch to the Nerve of the _ , Diaphragm. The i' ighth pair of Nerves relating to the Neck (which fome call thefirfi ‘rcafon they make their Egrefi between the Taft Vertebre of the Loins, and PM of the Back) is emitted out of the Chine between the lafi: Verteber of the Neck, and the firft of the Back, and after a finallfpace, is divided into two r . , V , ' _ t, ciiii ChimiOut of the Me'dulla (lodged in the Cavity of the OJ 84mm: as a fafe Fm. pair or (‘3 mo- Pimlvrt‘i pen '1 be fit {i pair or' Nerves of the Back. Branches; The anterior and greater is implanted into the Mulcles of the Thorax 3 The pofierior and finallet Branch doth impart many Fibres to the Mufcles of the Neck and Back. Out of the Medulla Spinalis relating to the Back, arile Twelve pair of Nerves, The firfl fproureth out between the firfi and fecond Spondyle of the Back) and hath two Branches, of which the anterior and greater tranfmitteth Branches into the Arm and Mtilcles of the Breait 5 and the hinder Branch fendeth Fibres into the Mufcles of the Neck and Back. Ten pair of Ten pair of Nerves arifing in order our. of the Medulla Spinalis, make Nerves ariling their Egrefs between the Vertebets of the Back, one below another, and Miduiia J'pi- out of the Min of the Back. every one of the {aid Nerves is divided into greater and leis Branches, of which the firfl, being the anterior, diflributeth many Fibres into the Internal and External Intercol'tal Mufcles, as alfo into the Peétorai, and oblique defcending Mufcles of the Abdomen, and the leflér and polierior Branches do difpence numerous divarications into the Mufcles and (Mimi the Back. The twelfth pairofNerves of the Back. The TWelfth pair of Mulcles, belonging to the Back (which Tome cork ceive to be the firit of the Loins) arilEth between the lafl Verteber of the Back, and the firfl of the Loins, and is implanted into the Appendices of the lViidrifi; and the delcetideiit Mufcles of the Belly, and Loins. And this pair of Nerves being comprefléd by a Stone lodged in the Kidney, canfeth a numnels in the Thigh of the fame fide, whereupon the Nerves of the neighbouring Mufcles of the @foM , being Clifafi‘eé‘red, do draw the Ilium Intern»: into confcnt , which is a 003detor, as in Conjunction with the Pfawt in the Elevation of the Thigh and both theft: Mulcles are endued with the fame Nerves (ariling 0"[ of Medulla Spiiralit of the Back) whereupon they fympathize with 6165 other, when dilafi‘efled. Out of the Medal/a Spinalir of the Loins, Five pair of Nerves do take their rife, and creep through Perforations of the Loins, feared onC below another. The firfl pair of Nerves of the Loins. The recent) pair. The firfi pair of Nerves do impart many Fibres to the Mufcle of the Thigh and Legg, and to the Tefiicles, as alfo into Muicles of the Abdamm and Loins, The Second pair of Nerves doth by its anterior Branch diflributc Rzmlilfits into the Knee and Cutie, and? into flame Mufcles of the Thigh an The third pair. egg. ' The Third; pair is the {trongefi and largef'c of all the Nerves of the Back, and {Endeth a number of Fibres into the Mufcles of the Thigh and Leg,» *5 alfo tothe Groin, Scrotum, and Cum of the Penis. The V The Fifth pair of Nerves (which fome attribute to the 0: Sari-hm) by The pig; the Mk of the OJ Sacrum, and emit many Fibres, which confederate with the Nerves of the Legg, and dif'tribute many Ramulets into fome Mufcles of the Thigh and Belly, and into the Cutis encircling the Muf: repofitory) Five pair of Nerves do borrow their Origen, and every one of firfimfi DrJ‘amm. , ‘ them is divided into an anterior and pofterior Branch, The anterior upper Nerves are difpenfed into the Legg, and the two in-‘: feriorintothe Mufclesof the Bladder and Arms, and into the neck of the . _ _ . . Worm, Scrotum, and Perinwum. And the hinder Nerves are implanted into the Mufcles of the Nate‘s, as , alfointo fome extenfots of the Thigh. The termination of the Medulla Spinalir, doth fend out a fingle (which rheiariorch‘c is therefore called Newmfine pari) which is firfi; divided into Two Nerves, gfflifirflmand afterward into more Branches, imparted to the Nater, 2171146, and fome 5,1333%"? Mufcles of the Thigh. rm. |