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Show "Tm tut;y \‘titev l,. Of the Urine. , , 7 77 *7 7 \\ Concretions enlarging their bony litbfiance by infenfible degrees, till at lat} they are turned wholly into Bone. Some, and no mean Anatomifis, not being only curious in dil covering the Various liibl‘tances, but the Bones too belonging to the Spine : Falt'opim 3f; L‘ _ ligneth Three Bones to every Verteber of: the I-a'tmr. And Kcrémaim hath made the fame obfurvation in his Twelfth Chapter T)e 81,7)", Do, 1: ¢ [xi/mu, 7:10 omm' Fttrimm Stimt differ! (1/) flt/ullir tfl tflz‘nm trip/icing 7m Book III. Of the (7,! 7 [7 . t, ‘ AC , merand dimmer, as they ‘go down toward the L" ~57 and 1‘0 from Spondylc to Spondylc , gtwiing out at laft in a melt in e pointy bg. lore they come to the OI but; iii/1, which yet retrztneth (Kurt: _5ittt;ti", as to the {ides oithe Verttbres j, to that the xii/at, I€r"‘-~ ~ , and the Two next spondyles of the Neck7 begin the fill} dra a or (I: _i tittiun in the The lidcs, when their upper and lower regions of their butiigS remain Cartilafji- 0 nous. But after an inverted manner, the halt intui‘rs liL‘mfZ Emil", 1m" Mir Mimi/mt rcptriznr: nan/m min: Cavitatcm, «11m Medal/4 510;,"in Iranift‘ti! f. brim/Jim, tz {rt/2M tiflfimn‘om'm aggrcditur parribm qua? PM" 1-" appear in the Body of the Three ‘tlppe‘r‘ \t'eitetntw tit .»» 717214171 tori/ertwlilmt, rr/cr/t'lmmz quit/em imam covflitltm 3 frilwr fame", €111 lt flIIlCCO.!lix'i071£'J}l hiding/1m! liaiizizzibur, inflglzira. 'i he {{t‘eatelt Bone he calleth the Body, and the other Two, lateral Bones " > (Fri/mt part interior (rt/10:2, (7 in rtitmzditizreI/t qua/Klimt canlprtfla, V . crrtclmt wrpm n'it‘rlnr, {II/1' ((1'er ar/ t'xtcmtzm (Ion/i parlor/2 verge/JIM, like, fen (Witch: [4. tender Cartilaginous fitbl'tanee. In the Fourth Month the Fawn hath the Cultiifl ittons tides of the (W Vertebersi teriz/I't; (/it‘i hum/III. bony Compage; and at the fame titne the xii/.1}, and 1-", [trim/law; remain But by the favour Oitlieli: Great Matters, Imake bold to add my Clint/m" hninbly conniving, that the Vertebres of the Fa'f/U have not Three diliiné‘i Boner, but part: oniy, relating to the fame Bone; which I apprehend afm this manner"j Some part ol'rhe Cartilaginous litbl'tanee ( ofwhich the Whole Yertebcr i. *t primarily made ) being turned into Bone before the relt,lEem. ed to form ii) many diliine‘t Bones) which afterward do coalelce into one entire Bone; And the (iaitilaninous parts ( interceding the Bone firli Formed) being turned into Bone, fill up the tlpaces, making the whole fiihiiance fimilar, and do complete the i ompage of the VerteberJ by rendring it one entire Bone. Aift'l‘ the lime I‘l‘..tt".i‘t'.l' Nstim in‘oceedeth in the Two inferior Articulations oi the ()r Morn/:1 appe' ' ‘ng to the Chine of a Fwnu, each teeming to be framed (it the Box , which were the firlt rudiments of each Articulation,in which tome (Ear tlaa‘ on, Particles, anteceiving more filine Atomes, do coagulate into Bone before [li'f rcpt, and by degrees the remanentCartilaginous parts, as they are imprtk uated with new fiiline additions, are eoncrtted more and more into Bone, till at length they confiitute one entire while at the fame time, the lulu; of the m-d YURI. (it Stu ', .i, L31" " T‘ ,t-Jttie; "101?. eoncreted into Bone, which goeth thi'd‘llKV. d, a» fiu‘as the C?cyx', and above allo to the body of the Third and l‘ourth \ t‘I'fL‘i‘iCl‘S or the Neck, which exchange their ioi‘tCartilaginons tithlianee into a more folk. CartilaginOUS in the body of their Articulations , But in the l V and Sixth Months, the body oi the Iipifl‘mii/mm groweth bony, while its tlentia‘brm l'toceis7 and the anterior Region of the xii/hm remnu Cartilaginoita lnthe Seventh Month, the dentilerm protuhetzxnce :t‘ the E‘jflropbem) x and the body of the Al/Jif, change their more loft titbll-c. .ce into Bone. But in the Eighth and Ninth tVionths, the Sides and Body of the Vertebetsoithe NeckfiackLoins1 and ()r Satritm too, do more and more qui: their griily Compage, and receive greater degrees ol‘ maturity, in order to the Completion of the Bony fitbfiance, except the UJ‘ (baggy, which for the molt part remaineth Cartilaginons, bating the inward Region, \rhere Two or Three bony points flare up. ThusI have given you in in home fort, a l'liliot'y ofthe various iiibliaucc 0f the Spinal Verteher in a Helm, and their carries, and manner oitheit‘ fitltDelineation, Increments, and farther perihelion in the lltcmr, where they are not {0 abfolute, but they may receive a Farther accomplilhmentafi . tetBirth‘ by region the Chine, though diltinguilhed into a number of Verte- Tlic rarintte Piot' ts of bers,yct wanted: the ornament oFActtte,Oblique,antl tratilvei‘lh which ifth'ey ' BthlV. Were produecd in the Ivlterm, the firm! lying in a Conglohated pollute, Thus hating 'Iti'i't'll \‘ou ( l‘rn remix/(711100 ) a prol‘peé‘t of the beginning, and pt'ogt'eh; hov," the tingle (Iartilaginous Articulations are ofiified; Ifllall irony endeavour to thew )on a {:iitnpli-7 how the whole grifly Syl'teme (comyoled 0t many \ ertehet‘sl finely i‘ittt'tl to each other7 and mutually tied by lttong Ligament; ) is by inli'ntihle deg: cs, as by to many iratertnedialfiepfy andthe Spine being placed in the form of an Arch, the Protelles, and chiefY the Acute would but out, and give great dilturbance to the Charm" and 1 11min: (thofc fenlitive h/Iembrancs) whichas line thin livadling Cloaths, doinvcli the tender Fabrick of the Farm, whom Nature being ambitions to Prefcfl'C, Without any annoyance, hath deligned in the Firl‘t hlonths 0n- more and more concretei into Bone‘as \r'erteber after Verteber receiveth new neceliiors oiliiline l'atrieies, communicated to part after part by Arteries f" the rough draughts of Procefles, which are finithttl after the Birth, adorn- interred into them : And it may he lien in a dead Ftl‘lltrf (Three Months "It; ‘lK‘ Spondvlcs wth variety of protuberancies beautitied withfine carved oldormore} newly taut-n out "fill: "term, and tiiliec‘ted; hOW Nature CollilllUlliLiil a t‘eizui L - point oi ()iiilication in the Sixth VErtebet ofthe Work of dim-rent Figures and Magnitudes. Each, and from thence rgroweth his, as it goeth upward to the Fifth Verttber oi the Neelt : 1i) 1! L‘ at this» time, the Four upper Vertebers do not expret} any l)(‘it[1L. n ol‘rhe leatl point of Bone in them ; butifyoulcztd your Ere eiO‘iKF'HVCJI'llV you may tiili'em about the Sixth Verteber Oi-Ihe BHCk: tl'e points? it tre Prep from Articulation to Articulation , till We arrive at ttze 'lhittl VClTClJLT oi the 0: 3.1117177]. But ifin Diffeéfinq the Chine oh :1 lit/tit: we turn our Eves from the Body to the tides of :hE Vettebers, .) lines (drawn in the middle ofa Cartilaginons litbfiance of the \"ertebersg _ "‘1"ng dilboutfcdofthe rFri/m Stamina of the Cl'tiflt'flntl their lnct‘etnent,airtl low at they are accomplilhed in the Liter/tr, now it may teem not improtier The Free Cfthc Vt latrs are .1iloxnrriuizh var .H'ot "Nils art it," :. lf'fl'eélk l'omewhatof the greater maturity of the Chine after Birth, when tire Bones of the Vertebers grow more great and fi)iltl , and their Articulatrons mete dininét and lira‘ng, beautified with variety of protuberanmes1 . and the Figure of the Spine is more ltraight, according to our Great Matter I "I‘l'mdlel, who in his Book Dc xlrticrtlis, faith (4.2.7 ‘44" (my;. i0:g.z,:;-.:a; or.- Spill/t ~ ‘temndum lolzqz'tudimm "-570 011/2311": eff: which cannot be Cece-wed of the [~1gure of the Fwtm in Micro, \VhCrc the pofittre of the Chine is et‘oolced,arch. t i --y i - it is a plealant lpeetacle to tee, how Nature tiTeth a different method, be' ginning her lairei‘t draughts oi‘Oflit'ieation in the film, which grow indim- Cd" and lomewhat mnnd, which belt iiiitcth the narrow Lodginglslot the In" term 5 "J |