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Show Book III, Ml. 0/ the O/fzszor} Nerves of other fluimn/x. "4% CHAP. LII. {orations to receive Air,affeé‘ted with odoriferous (teams. And not only Two minute Perforations are feared in the termination of the Beak ofa Goofe but there are two larger alfo,which are oblong and narrow,lodgcd about the middle ofit,about an Inch and halffrom the Eye; and on each fide out of the middle of the Trunk of the Olfactory Nerves, arife Two fair Branches, they pafs obu The Olfiszory Newer of other flnima/r. liquely, ending with thin Expanfions, lodged in thefe oblong narrow Perforations, made about the middle of the Bill, and are the Organs omeelling. The Nerves omeelling + in a Whiting, are Four in number,Two on each :7," "J A" Themamm'l" lary Procciru Nder the Mammillary Procelfes of a Doe, are derived a pair of 01. oI'aDoe. factory Nerves, from the Bafe of the Brain, and take their progrefs on each fide of the middle Cartilage, the Interfatpiment parting the Caverns of the Noflrils, and end in broad Expanfions, wrapped Up in fpiral wreaths, garnilhed with a number of fmall Fibres, the immediate inl'trument of Smellin . Themammil- ind after the fame manner the Nerves of Smelling in a Calf, Lamb, Pigg, 1,23%?" and thelike, have their firft rife and termination, but the method of Filh calm" and Birds is very different. 'rhc Olfaflo- The Olfactory Nerves of a Swan, feem to take their rife under the St;ystczhlimf cond pair of Proceffes, and pafling on the fides of the orbiculat Prominen‘ ‘ff' cies, do afterward encircle the Oxfpongiofum, and terminate into many Fila.,gg, ments + (the Organ of Smelling) about the Perforation, placed not far H ,I from the middle of the Beak +. :ihhspclhfferd- The Olfactory Nerves in a Bul'tard, do fpring out of the Two Prominenabpurprhc cies adjoyning to the anterior part of the Medullzt eblongata, and climbing upmriémimr the ward, creep out of the Brain, near the Origen of it, and do unite themfelvcs Th‘ O‘M‘" for a little fpace, and then part again, encircling the outlide of the OJ‘fPUII' . r'NcKVCs of . alBullard- grafnm, where they make Two Arches 'l- for an Inch, and then alfociatc, iffifmm‘ and after a little fpace, are emitted out of them other fmall Branches, in form "35,-, of minute Arches, and are afterward divided into various flender Fibrils f, befetting the Membranes, covering the Two oblong narrow perforatloms feated on each fide ofthe Beak, which are the main Organs of Smelling, being fmall Branches iffuing out of the greater Trunks of Nerves, and are propagated to the termination of the Beak,where fmall nervous Fibrils are lodgcd, receiving the Appulfes of Air, impregnated with odoriferous fleams, {Emitting m1, fide, the upper derive themfclves from the Mcdulla oblongata, and running The Ema-[Hrs 0n the skirts of the Brain, and the infide of the Eyes, after two Inches fpace, will??? do conjoyn with Two White oval Protuberancies (which are of the fame fubfiance with the Brain,) and pafling over thefe round Proceffes, do wheel in the manner of Arches, and deeuflate each other, terminating near the PerY forations of the Noflril‘s. The lower Smelling Nerves derive themfelves from the Two Anterior Proa celles, and pufs along the lower region of the Head, where they are united for an Inch, and then part, and addrefs themfelves to the loWer Region of the round Protuberancy, feared without the anterior ProceITes of the Brain. The Smelling Nerves in a Bafe alfo are Four, Two on each lide, the Two The mung Superior take their rife near the termination of theMedulla dblongam, and go 1:23?" a allalong the outfide ofthe Brain, and infide of the Eyes; and after fome good difiance, infert themfelves into the upper part of the round Protubetancies, feared near the entrance of the Mouth. The Inferior Olfaétory Nerves in this Filli, are propagated from the Anterior Procelfes of the Head, and go all along divided, and at lal't are inferted into the lower Region of the oval‘Procelfes, near the petforatious of the Nofi rils. The Smelling Nerves of a young Cod, do fprout out of the fides of the ggfvfgflg‘h Med/«Ila oblongam near its rife, a little beyond the Opticks, whom they creep Cod~ over and interfec‘t, making their progrefs on each lide near theinward Region of the Eyes, and at lali arrive at the Perforations, made a little beyond the EYCS- And out of one Trunk in each lide proceed Three Branches, the leali and Firll is the above defcribed Olfactory Nerve. The Second Branch runneth in the middle of the other, being accompanied conveyed through the minute Cavities of the Beak. . The Smelling Nerves in a Teal are feated a little beyond the Origen 0f with a Branch on each fide, and is fruitful in Ramulcts, one pafiing near the the Optick Nerves, and do arife out of the Margent of the oval Prominencies, confining on the Origen of the Maelnlla oblongam, and make their pro- upper part of the Mouth, and another taketh its courfe into the Mulcles of the Face, and into the Palate, which are the Nerves ofTalle 5 and the Third Brand] lying Oppofite to that of Smelling, maketh its progrefs into the grefs in Two Trunks on the infide of the Eyes, and afterward go near the perforations of the Beaks, where they emit a Branch on each fide, in form of a Crofs, and afterward thefe Nerves pafs forward in a firaight COUIfC) "ll they approach the termination of the Beak, where they make flcxures on each fide, receptive of Air, fented with l'teams, through holes perforated through the Membrane, and Bones of the Beak. gmerwsof Smelling The Smelling Nerves of a Goofe do take their rife from the {ides of the a . . coon. Medulla oblongam, and unite, ' and after a little fpace, part again, and are emlt' ted out of the brain, a little beyond the Apices, or points of it, and afterward encompafs the Orfpngiefltm, making a circumference in the form 0f TW? ArchesJ conjoyned in both their Extremities, a little beyond the 0UP"? a um, and 10 continue for an inch and half, and afterward are infetted into Two oval protuberancies, out of which do fprout many fmall Fibrils, and end about the termination of the Beak, which is befet with many fmall Perforations Mufcles of the Neck 5 and after the lame manner I conceive the Nerves are divaricated in moi} Fifh. . In a Skate they arife out of the Apices of the ‘Pyriform, being the Firft gigging" roccffes, and make their progrefs obliquely crofsways, toward the inward $1155" Orbiteof the Eyes, and then perforate the Skull, and afterward arrive the rial-m. rgans of Smelling, and thence creeping all along, make a round ridge on '" the Surfaces of them: . hefe Organs of Smelling are lodged without the Skull near the Month, in acartilaginous Cavity, exactly fitted to them, they are ofaConvex Figure a Ove, and Concave below, and are a Syfiem of femicircular Filaments 1' rarely difpofed in regular ranks, obferving an aequidil'tance one from another) Prouting on each tide of the nervous Caudex, to which they are {afienfd' L 1"; ' ' movmg |