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Show BOOlt Ill. are many; "3'9 x"- V~fieflGlobules ( as I guels) are collective Bodies, confifiin _ . . C H A P. rinci all of nervous Fibrils, and fome Arteries and Veins, and perhaEsPLymihgg: dilicmé'i: or ducts ( which will be worthy acurious fearch) becaule it may not be alto~ bulcs. LXIII. "gerher unreaibnable to imagine, where ['0 many nervous Filaments are feared The Brain of 5/79. «rm Procefl'et H E Brains of a Fifh are compofed of divers little Prominencies, Esme. 2,353.32 I what refembling the minute Procefses of a Humane Brain, the 014;!iii"; $35: dull; pinealir, andrhe Na‘tiform and TefllfOI‘m PTOtUbEYaanCS: and the (orpo. Brain. r4flriata§ all which diflerent ProminenCies oi Mans Brain, and the various finall Procefles of Fil'h, are like in fume fort, both in Colour, Figure, and Subflance 5 and are alfo, as well as thofe humane Proeefses, appendant to the Mcdulla ablangam, which in Fifh is garnifhed above and below, with great variety of little Prominencies. . Whereupon many confiderables do offer themfelves to our notice: The lirfi prduéiion of the Brain of Fiih, and the caufes of the determinate fliapes and fizes ofit 5 And the fubfiance founded in diverfe parts, of which the Brain of Fiih is compofed; as alfo the difproportion and analogy it holdeth with that of at Humane Brain,and the variety of Brains ofFifh,where- in every Brain difl‘ereth from it felt, as well as the Brains of others, in mfg. rence to its Proceffes, adorned with diverie Figures and Magnitudes, which to clear up, it will not be impertinent to give a defcription of tthrains of various Fifla, with fome remarks upon them. The M For- As to the Fir-{i production of the Brain of Fifh and other Animals, Icon- ??Sfinfpfiffi ceive it is derived from faline Particles,accompanied with a fluid vifcid Matter, ealily concreted, {'0 that the feminal juyce, outof which the Brain of Fiih is generated, is primarily a fluid tranfparent Liquor, which afterward growing more folid, lofeth its tranfparency, when it is coagulatedbyialine parts, in which the plaflick virtue is chiefly founded, by whofe mediation the loofe Texture of the firf't rudiment of the Brainis confolidated into afirm Cortical and Medullary fubfiance ( every where interfperfed with variety of Tubes and Fibres) which in the Brain of Fiih do not confiitutc one enTlcl‘totefics :{‘§E'§;‘"‘ {3:33:3‘3," iii?" inreu{M 'Iliecau iliétfiifcéintiic tire uniformBody, but many, fome time irregular, and other times regular minute Prominencies, fet off in great variety of Geometrical Figures and Magnitudes, which take their firii conception and birth from the greater and lcfs proportion of {animal Liquor, impregnated with fevcral Salts, [which are the cauie of the manifold figuration of the difiinét Proceffes 3 becaufc diffe-~ rent Animal Salts, as well as Mineral, do {hoot their div'erfe parts ofSemi- l'iucclies. minal Liquor, into great variety ofcurioiis lhapes and files. they may be accompanied with Lymphatdufts in the Brain, as well as iii other plans of theG113oltjlyl. b ( Theevarious o u es, cing asIc'onceive a eatcom' an . "and leis Tubes, and Fibres , framed in a ltind)oi~ garter oFleilsofkgcriiae: one feared under another in a beautiful order, the greater being placed ncai their ambient parts, and grow lefs as they approach the inWard RecetTes of the Procefses, and in their Colour and Figure, much refemblc Glands The Globulcs and may truly deferve this appellative, as being configned to the fame ufe' gist-hi mm; with them; to percolate the Liquors of the Brain, and render itfit for the "‘"clh‘l‘r'im generation of Animal juycc, which may be produced after this manner. Glam is tranfmitted into the body of thcfe cortical Globules, the purer part being itcerned, and impregnated with volatil Salt, is afterward received into the Origens oi the nervous Fibrils, and {o by degrees conveyed throngh all the Procefles of the Brain. The Brains of Fifh may claim our confideration, as they declare the great T?" ‘53"?! Power and Wifdom of the Almighty Architeé‘t, in reference to the difi‘e- gi‘gii‘liiiii‘h rence they have from, and the Analogy with Humane Brain, in Which they mm mm torrefpond in the Coats of the Dun; and T'ia Mnynx, invefling the Frotefi its oithe Brain; and in the Cineritious, and White Medullary fiib'l‘ta'nce of it; and in the partitions between the Procefses, which are fubflituted ini'tead ThepartitiJ of Anfiafim, as {0 many allodgments of Vefsels; and fome Fill), as a Skair 7 ding ""5 "m" . the Pro, Thornback, and Flaire, have a fort of Anfraéim feated on the fides of the ‘E‘rc‘i‘l‘PI'W [ licder‘ctt of poiieriot Procefses. And the Humane Medulla oblongem, and Spizzalir, have Arr-'41:". fame {Emblance With thofe of Fiih in point of Figure, and have a diviiion Tliczlivifinn . all along the middle of them, f0 that they appear to be Two Mednllie oblan. 11°""‘""'"""' abimrguz, 3}", and Two Spinal" clapped together, and fome do feein to be one en- "MW": We 3de without any {earn in the niidfta but others to be compared ofina- ny minute Procefses, out of whofe {ides do fpring a great number of Nerves, rs: NF, made up of diverfe Filaments, (clofely united by thin Fibres) invcilring <31 Hardin . . . l 1 a pulpy fubi‘tance, the fame With that of the Brain 5 the Nerves being (0 ma- tiircoiiiniciiii: Eydelongations of it, as confifiing of diverfe Coats, encircling a Medullary 5:322:23: o y. 051015.111. The Brain of a Dog-Full (called Cam's Catharim in Latina) is very re-‘ Th: WM, markable, as being a clainmy glutinous Matter, very tranfparent, in which aDosthis [dlfCC '(l . l ~ - made of a ti- lnt the optick and motory Nerves re airing to the Eyes; as alfo the fcid tranl'pu- hiéctiigigir ‘ And Ihumbl‘y conceive that the end of the Figures of various protiihtran' p;,,,,,c,,¢-,h: ties of the Brain of Fiili, may be deduced from hence, That they being "WWW" chiefly orbicular or oval, are mofi capacious, as receptive of the greater number of Globules, refembling Glands, as being Syflcms oifeveral kind-sci \'efitls ; and iithe Procefies be endued with many Angles, they are infinitred by Nature to fill up the (paces, interceding the neighbouring 'Froml' nt‘nCiCS, \i hich is contrived with great Artifice, to contain much in 11!th Pfaétm)', and other pairs of Nerves belonging to Muicles; endued with a‘ ""‘L‘q‘m' of! White fubficance, fwimming in a viicid Liquor, which was all the Brain ThCNervcs du term to "01.116! difcover in this voracious Fiih; and among the Fiih I have DiiTeéted, l‘wiinin‘this (which have been very numerous) I never met with a Brain wholly liquid, as Um" "0t atallcoagulated into any ProcelTes; The Brain of a Carp and Bream, 5mg C0mp0fed of many Protuberancies, ( beautified with diverfe {hapes ) is cncll‘cled with a tranfparcnt Matter, reiiembling the Lytharge of Cold; but $93,332; The [iibitancc of Fiih, Fowls, and other Animals, is framed ofa "um.- ber oi~ Globules, as lb many minute Bodies of various Figures and Magm' ‘1; Brain of this kind of Dog-Fifh ( which I apprehend to be a Sharlte) is cncil'clirég the u 01 yof a vifcid nature, ofwhich the more ambient parts are liued with an' 2213.3"5'. . miles, Ii) curiouily conjoyned one Within anotllCY, by the interpoiluono Holour, and the indrc inward thefft‘s are adorned with bright tranl'pi- magnifier thin i‘t'icmhranes, that they feem to eoniiitute one entire Fabrick. Th {e e. 1 The $11ch nutriciwr being in alTociation with the vital Liquor when it 1‘: thin Liquor. |