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Show 0f the flirweflE/r of 7'14an 82: "m ‘ Book ll. OfIflir'l/tfi'lr of Thom. V a 7M03 Ingenious Afr/piglfiim giveth this defcription of the Fabrick of Air. ; . ‘veflels, relating to Plants, that they are white flakes wreathed in Spires, ‘\ and framed into Pipes, which adhere to each other like the Scales of Fifi], and are hollowed into Tubes and Velicles like the Lungs of Infeas ; and as in Humane Bodies and other lefs perfect Animals, the Wind-pipe Without the Lungs, is dreffed with a number of Cartilaginous rings, united to each Q other by the mediation of Membranes interfperfed with fine flefhy Fibres; and when the Wind-pipe entreth into the body of the Lungs, it is divelled of its grifly Circles, and groweth wholly Membranous as it IS branched into numerous finall Tubes, out of which an innumerable company of Veficles and Channels of the Veins into the more inward Recefies of the Body. And fomewhat after this manner the Air being conveyed through the minute pal- {ages of the Bark into the more inward p‘enetrals of Plants, doth not only ctintribute to the Local, but Inteltine motion too of Ifeveral alimentary L1- quors, as they are receptive of Fermentative difpofitions, chiefly imparted to them from airy Particles heightened With Gelelhal Emanations confilting of Heterogeneous Elements, which being embodied With tllC‘SJP of Vege. tables, do put it into motion, proceeding from contrarypprmcrples, as lb many Combatants endeavouring by various brisk actions to gain a Conquel't upon each orhEr (for their mutual adVantage of greater maturity and per- are fucceffivcly‘ filled with, and emptied of Air in Infpiration and Expiration. Thefe Membranous Cylinders of Air are accompanied with divers (310. i bules faltned to each other like f0 many Scales lodged one below another. fe&idn ) ending in a happy reconcilement of their difagreeing Natures. Hence the more fpirituous and more volatil {teams of Air, being efpoufed to the more grofs and fixed parts of Sap, do attenuate and refine it, and by And in like manner in Vegetables, we may difcover by the help of Glaf. fes, inl'tead of Cartilaginous rings, a company of Spiral Flakes, befet with tary, and fruitful, which are very'much propagated from Air, not only giririiilliillilgs. Tubes big with Air 5 and when the Trunks and Arms of Trees are waved Minerals, Vegetables, and Animals, but are alfo exalted With more noble qualities flowing from Celeflial Bodies, whofe warm and benign influences do make the Air more nimble and fpitituous -, which being embodied with Thr Air-pipts arc fullned to earliotlitr like It) man'l (ilohulcs, and confifiof a tip and down with boilterousblafis of Wind, the Air, confined within its propet Channels, is liable to brisk agitations, heightening its common Elafiiclt The progrcfi of the Airpipes. the Sap of Plants, do give them nourilhment, growth, and prepagation, to the Trunk and Arms, and being carried into the leffer Branches and Leaves, do make great Mscanders and Plexes in the manner of Network. Eternity by a kind of refurreé‘tion from Death to Life. 5313:0923. they are lodged as fo many Repofitories) having variety of magnitudes; fome feem to be a Syfiem compounded of many Tubes, and the Vefltls of Air fomerimes pafs horizontally through thefe Protuberancies-7 whole fruitful Branches are beautified with feveral Cells wreathed minim. with divers Spires. Plants being animated with a principle of Life, have their lower regl- : on dwelling in the bowels of the Earth, wherein they borrow the Matter of their Aliment from Water (filtred through the Ctanies of the 'Earth, " and aflbciated with Air, and impregnated with fieams floating in the lower Orb,) which is conveyed through the Pores of the Bark, invef'rin g the Roof, into the Veflels of Sap refiding in the Bark 5 whereupon Sap, infpired with airy Particles, doth fill and dillend its proper territories. And as Men and other lefs perfect Animals, are bedewed with Lafleal Th,g,,,,.cr. Liquor infpired with Air, in the Stomach and Intel'tines, and Blood exalted ‘ Iris liol i an mmmm with Air in the Lungs, and Nervous Liquor improved by it in the Cortex of xfrththof‘cof the Brain; lo in like manner the Sap-vellels of Plants, containing divers ' impregnated with Efii'urw‘a, tranfpiring the Pores of the triple Family of motion. Thefe Air-pipes in Plants do not pafs Horizontally the breadth of the Trunk and Limbsy but afcend almolt Perpendicularly in flraight lines from the R00: Iignousl‘ro- In fome trunks of Trees adjoyning to the Roots, may be dilcerned leveEfifihfi; ral thin lignous Prominencies (which encircle the Pipes of Air, in which Tic manner or Nutrition imparting more aétive difpolitions do render it more fluid, generous, alimen‘ milky, gummy, refinous, and aqerus Liquors , do hold an entercour fc with Pipes of Air, which ('ilcharge themfelves by numerous Extremities into feveral Tubes, confetving thefe difl‘erent Juices much advanced by Air, im- pregnated with aethereal Particles and variety of Efiluqzia, enobled with Vo‘ latil Saline and fulphureous Particles, rendring thefe Liquors more fluid and apt for motion, much quickned by the aftive parts of Air, which do not only enter by the Pores of the Bark relating to the Roots of Vegetables, but alfo by the finall Meatm of the Rine, encircli ng their Trunks, Arms, 3m! lefler Branches . And herein Plants do hold tome analogy with Animals; through whofe Pores of the Skin the Air infinuates through the Extremit ies an by whole vertue they fprout, bloffome, bear Fruit and Seeds, as f0 many pledges of afarther production and duration, in which Nature IS Emulous of The n Fe of tilt Air-veils". |