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Show ns; lll. 0f the 021710. Boolrm the other Mrfloic/mr terminating into the Left Timid/‘5 A'£~""""L‘li)rum by its motion, draweth the Head towards the Left iide. The middle part ofthe Spinal Chine is that ofthe Back, and is conipofid of Twelve links of Spondyles, (according to the number ofl'ribs) andis [0m er and greater then that of the Neck, by reafon Nature deemeth it rcafoni. ble, that the greater lhould fupport the lefs. The Verte- b- , i the The I‘rrrtl'es 0! t c [brill VClthCi . The Dorlhl Vertebers are dillinguilhcd by direrfe Names, according w the Anticnts, the Firli being called who and the reafon is given by Bart/‘24. /. Wm. "*r-r»~r.,. The‘Vettebers of the Loins have a greater lieedom'then thofe of the Vertebers are articulated in their Inferior 'Ptocelles laterally, with thofe of the fubfequent Vertebers'below; whereas the Vertebers ot‘the Back are cm line, Qatar] u/iis imminent, and called MW, @1051 (rifltc gal/i nflimihltnr, limb fDicmrrbrortk. The Second Verteber is filled wanton "Xi/lurk. The Eight liibli‘qucnt Vertebers are called min/1w, (‘Qfld/L'J- The ElCVCch, in‘ifl‘r. recti. \ ing its denomination according to fliemerbrocck, Non 0b redial}: Spinal" (m [rut/1t Lit/tremors) fed quit: in jpiima mom flabi/i}: mailer, Snpcmit {-7 Infirm'g werlebrir 4/) ea recctlemibm inflexione, at! eumque «(calculi/Mu in ercdlione/Pinr. The Titvcjfili is named Jug/rm, Perm/gem ( according to Bart/Jaime) a or. (1110 diulerag/mzte. Thele Vertehers are decked with variety of tranfverfe, oblique and acute, or fpinal l'rocelles, the fame with thofe of the Neck, and differ in this, that tied upward inthcir alcending Procelles, into the Simu ofthc ripper Ver- tebers. The 0‘s Sizmmi is a Compage mof'c eminent For thicknefs and 'lirength, as Tl)" 3""being afitiBafe made to fupport the long, and admirable pile of Vertebeis: "m it is decked with variety of Surfaces, being within‘fmooth and concave, and without uneven and convex, and in the whole, beautified with a triangular Figure, broad in its Origen, and in its defccnt groweth more and more contraéled, ending in a kind ofobtufe Angle 5 It is compofed of Six, Bones, in fome fort refembling the \"ertebers of the Spine; rhefe Bones may be enlily kparated in Infants, but do coalefce into One in thofe of mature age. The 0: Sacmm is not perforated in the Sides, but in its Anterior and Po- 1h: Pelftiri‘ better to entertain the various Origens and Infertions of numerous Mufclcs, ariling from, or terminating into the Procell'es ofthe Neck. And moreover, the Body ofevery Verteher of the T/mmx, hath on each lietiorRegion, with large orbicu‘lar Cavities, made in the internodes, where $322,123: fidea large Sir/11;, deeply Engraver], fit to lodge the heads of the RibsV bur Polierior Region with little Spines, as it were looking Upward, which fo dwindle one after another as they defcend, till the lowelt almol't quite dill appeareth. . , p The 0rCotcygir,being fo named from the crooked Figurepf a Clickoes Beak, 1‘," 5'" broad abo'Ve and very fmall below, is framed of three Bones, (taking their the Bones are conjoyned for the reception of Arteries, and emillion ofVeins and Nerves. the Fiill, the lilerenth and Twelfth Spondyles are furnilhed with peculiar Catities, cuton each fide of the Vertebers t For abour the Superior Region of the full Spomlyle oi'the Back, is engraven a Sinai, every way orbicular and deep, which being: inct'ul‘ted with a Cartilage, is fit to give admillion to the round Head of the upmoli Rib. And furthermore, at the lnferior eten1 by realon ofdivetfe litmllCavitics (whollydeltitute ofanyCartilage) out of \t'hith atili'th a Ligament, lijcuring the Rib in its proper Sinus; and l" the fame manner around Sim" being hollowed in the Twelfth Vertebcrr to receive the Apophylis of the Twelfth Rib, hath another Smut cngravcn in the lower part of the Rib, out ofwhich fpringeth a Ligament, to coufervc the head ofthe l'tib in its proper feat. Befide tliefc Sim", are found many Fora/mint, piercing the fungous fullflance ofthe \‘ertehers of the Back, through which, many Arteries an Veins have li'ee egrels and ingrefis to import and export vital LiquorNow lucceedcth the other middle part of the Spinal Chain, cornPOde Of Five Vertebers, as fo many Links ‘, Fallopiur dc ()film; Capile 20. Srribitfc mm'lotirr m'yerw/[i' I/Jrutl pm wizriemre numeri oer/ebramm dorfi, ctiam wriet mumrm m'rtrt'tramm him/term": m fl undeccm fint werlélira? (10%: tum writ/mu [umbimim [ex z'uemliri. Si illx trecleccmflnt, mm [IA/3‘ mum quflm': fill/.0 (/umlurem, z/nml ordinarily/z, [Mic but quinq; reperirz'. But in rcPlY to this, faith Z‘Urincrbmrcl", It is ga-rnilhed in its lides with minute Procelles, and in the rife ina broad Figure, and terminating into a Cone ) which areinfleéted in~ legion of this Vcrtebel', another deep Cavity is engraven, rough, and un- 7hr Vtriel, z<ol the Lklt‘i). V Back, ordered moli wilely by the great Protoplali, in a looL'erArticulatidn, giving the Vettebers greater fpaccs to play in, "for the more 'ea‘fy and ufeful Flexute of theFLoms, which are embelhlhed‘wrth [horror and llefs acute foiml Procelles, but broader and thicker then thofe of the Back, from which. the progrefs is managed with different politites in the Loins, wherein the Arteries and defeeuding Veins; and the acute are Bilidc, being divided, the large Alma, "*VVVTHV fubliance of‘the-Vertebers, which have artiotil‘ations as well with one ano~ «her, as with the lafl‘Vertebet of'rhe Back, and the Elli rife ofthe Or S.i~~ the Tmnfverfe of the Neck are perforated to give reception to the afcending The holy of rvuv \‘(ttthrr lvatiz a 0f the (hi-MT" i ward as a fit pol'cu're when we repofe our felves in fitting. V _ ' The fubltance of it in lnfannts and Children is Cartilagin‘ons, and when Li‘iiiifiiii" they arrive to greater maturity, it duitteth its foftet frame, and is concreted time. into a bony Nature, and the triple Bcne in Infants, cloth afterward by de- . grees coalefce into one in perfons of 'riper years. his Bone is appendant to the 05 Samtm, with which it is con}oyn‘ed, by the interpoli ion of a Cartilage, in f» laxea polition, that it can give way "1 time of Farturition, and in the excretion bf groller Rem". @artbolinc, Spigelliur, and ‘Riome‘ are of an Opinion, that the loohst‘ Thcmt‘: toniunflion of the Coccyx with the 0; Sdcmm, is the cattle of the rPrm'clmn‘a fl‘j Ani; bur with the leave of thefe Learned Men, [humbly Conceive, the prin~ guilty."cll'll caufe of it, is the relaxation of the Mtilcles, whofe Office is to retraé} tuttiills, f 6 Am after the ejection of grofs excrements. , ‘ , _ , e Coccyx in other Animals conlilieth of many Bones, which turning outu Ward, and growing in length, make the Tail of Brutes, as Apes, Dogs, Cats,and the like,but moft rare in Men, of which Dicmrrbrocrk giveth a Nar- Hoe tamenperpcmum non cfiliquel in 56615th Wad rative, Candam 1'72 infante recon: 7mm, adfcmiulme longitudineuz witlimur, \omf bit lilrizjtéii Met/no qua/um obfcr-vatm, in qua fimt cluodcccm duff?» @fix Tll'T \‘rrtc- lumlmriun warmhnc izz/ignir Illtlgllillldillif. htrs o! the . L i: 5 Me cruiThe Vertebers of the l oins do tranfcend thofe of the Back and NCCk 1" Jrrit lot V thicknels and greatnefs, being adorned with variety of fmall holeS, [0 gm thukncik, the Arteries and Veins an entertainment to and from the inward Recelles 0 "I"Dfimilem Cami/c fimize, though it is prodigious in our Countrcy to fee Men‘ deformed with Tails, yet common among the Indians,who account it an orna. the li'ILt/II/[J Spinalir, to let in and carry out vital Liquor from the {pung‘f fubliance mm, Whereby the Tudcnda are obfcured, of which Diemt'rbroerkgivetli'tlus l oty: bemrguy quidam, ‘virlirobm mi/Jiq; familinm, rx liltllzl‘or‘irm-fa/l 7/6" dimlmm fidc mibi nm‘rd'Z/if, tit Infu‘le Barney, [out a mni remahartbur of R i: jimmy/it |