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Show Tab. XXXVIII. Fig. i. The Barrel: nfa Lamp"); t 1 A. He Heart of a Lamprcy is covered with a white Cartilaginous fubflancef asbeing the h. T rimdmm refembling the form of aldeart, which is doubleinthis Autoply-1 for 1 law the left Lobe; or yentricle being often pricked, make many Vibrations, three or four every time it was wounded. and immediately aiterthe right Lobe or Ventricle being prickcd with the point of a Knife, did not make the lealt motion. 1;. The Lobe {eated in the right lid: of the Hm"c. The Lobe or Ventricle placed in the left fidc of the Heart. 4 ,1_ TheGulct is very different from the Stomach both in thickncfs and length, and efpecially in‘ the firlt entrance, and its lower Region is enwrapped with a thick glandulous fubltance, and is covered all over with a more thin expanlion ol the fame nature. The GulCt is encircled for an inch or more with a white Pyramidal Cartilage, its Bafe licth near the Mouth, and its point downward, ' _ u. The Stomach is bigger above, and endcth into a kind of point, outof which there is a very finall paflagc into the Guts. _ f ff: The Caul is compol‘ed of many parts, encIoFCd With proper Membranes1 and refemble the In, tcltincs, running up and down in many Gym, the whole lengthof the Abdomen to theAm. g ‘5‘ The lnteltiucs in thisFii‘n are mol'tlargein theirOrigcn, and they pafs from the riglitto the left fide, and then make a Circumvolation, and afterward maketh lt§ progrefs in a ltraight courfe under the Liver ~, The lnteftines have greatelt dimenfions in their beginning, and [ch in their termination near the Vent. The Intellcines are of a red colour refembling Blood-vefl'els in colour, and are endued with numerous folds (paffing the length of theGuts) which give a check to the over-quick niotion of the Chyle and gror's Excrements. H: b. The Liver i of a Lamprcy is deltitute of Lobes, being of one entire fubftance, as in :1 Salt morn, and is bigger and thicker in its origen, and endeth in a kind of point, its body m, vereth the upper part of the lnteilines. ii. The Globulcs appearing very fair in the Liver where the Coat is [tripped oil: Fig. 2. The Bowl! of a Garfifb. + a. The Heart of a Garfilh is a Triangular figure (its Bafe + is fi'ated upward, and its Concl- + I]. downward, as in molt Filh, and is lodged in a fmall apartiment under the Tongue, which may be ftyled the Tbmx, which is parted from the lower Venter bya thin membranous Diaphragm. f: c. UnJer the Heart (lyingin a fupine pofiure, asmoltconvenient for Dirreaion) is feateda large Auricle 1r, to which [heVenJ Cut/a is faltned, carrying Blood into the Heart. 1 d. And the right fidc of the Auriclc, hath a minute Body + iomewhat of aPyramidal figure, whol‘c more lar c part is affixed to the Ball: of the Heart inclining toward the right fidc. liquate the Aliment, and extrafl the Liquor 3 f0 that there needs no FOIdS, Valves, orGyreS, to give a long flay to the nourilhment 0F ealicConcoétion in the Stomach and Guts. . Fig. 3. The Livrr ofa Garfifln - a. The upper Region of the Liver which is very broad. L [2. The lower Region of the Liver which growethlefs and Iel's, and cndcth in 3 Cone. e. The Cone of the Liverin which it terminateth. ‘J d d dd, The Glands belétting the upper and under Region of the Liver. . e e c e. The Duets importing bilious Matter l‘ecerned in the body of the Liver into the greater CZVltY of the Bladder of Call. ' ff. The Bladder of Call full of finall oblong Fibers, by which the Bladder is contrancd, and the OYl excerned out of its Bolbnre. Fi . . 7hr Kidnap J o a Gum: . a A. The broader and upper pargt 3f the Spine. y f ' b 1:. Tbs: progrei‘s of the Spine‘all along the Back, in a Pyramidal figure. . cc. The upper Region ofthe Kidneys, which is much expanded after the manner of an impfffca mangle, and coniiftcth of two large Lobules. d J J. The progrefs of the Kidneys which are very narrow. . 1:. Th: termination'of the Kidneys when they are conjoyned, which is much broaderand thicker then the middle, and terminate on each fidc near the extremity of the Inteltines into two C0" nick Lobules much larger then any of the rclt. Tab. XXXlX- ‘ w 1pnmpfi‘w..r"i-z- have been dilcovercd in the fingle lntcl‘tine of a Sturgeon) which are inltituted by Nature, as l conceive, to give many {tops to the overhalty pafl'age of theExcrements. ' And the reafon, I conceive, why this Filh hath but one Gut, deItitute of Folds, Valves, and C"cumvolations, is, becaufe the Ferments of the Stomach and Gut being one continued Cavity, are very fpirituous, aflive, and full of Volatil faline parts, which can qUiCle C°l' ‘ Ill! 'l ll'm 'fiv 1 u. The Stomnc + is as it were the upper part of the lnteltine, or origen of it having no Plica~ turcs, as are found in molt Fifh, and hath the fame flruaure, and diffiereth only as {omewha: bigger, and no Spliinfter relating to the Pylarm, there being no ltraightnefs whcrcthc Stomach endeth. + ff. The Gut + of this Fiih is deItitutc of any Circumvolation, and maketh its progrefs in allraight ‘lg. courfe all down the lower Venter to the Vcnt 1'. . This long lntclline hathno Valves in its infide, nor any Cellslike thofl: of a Honey-comb (which m . |