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Show 7n _ An Inflancc of an 1,.flamma~ [ion of the Ptritavdium proceeding r'i om Comi- fion. I]. 0f the gym/er of tbe Pericardium, and their Cures. Book often Corrodeth the Membranes of the (Perimrdinm, and produceth an [11. the Li uor eficirclin the Heart. A . i ' ' i‘ hoverturiiirig a load til Hay by his imprudent 'Conduet, idiliiiaeh CCrix‘llliirlscliiir rt of it fell upon his Breafl, which thereupon was highly afflicted with f ii 01in6 Paand the Patient was afterward infel'ted With an acute Fever, flowmg Frhni the Contulion of the Peritardium, which proved Fatal unto him, artrd the ming h min too great a quantity of Liquor contained in the Paicardium. fieThearl'cirrilmrdim/z is fometimes fwelled, as overcharged With too greatla quantity of Serous Liquor, making a kind of Dropfie, Wherefbyi the hCapfrr a being of tender Membranous Compage, is. highly dilcompo e W1C. Pain) and the Heart comprefltd with a load of Liquotfo incumbent Upon it,1 t at its branches cannot admit a due Dilatation to give reception to the B ood, which is attended with a painof the Breafi, a trembling of the Heart, and _ . f the whole Bod . a 11323:;Man being torturyed with a pain of his Side, and a great Palpitation of his Heart, proceeding from aluperabundant quantity of Water lodged in the bofom of the Cap/2414, which generated. a Heéhck 'Pever, dcfirLlhiVC of the Patient, who being opened in his middle. Apartimentl the (Pericardium was found highly difltended, as being Hydropical and full or SeThe adheren- ty of the Pb n'r'izrdium to the Heart for want of Li- quor to be contained in the Paintdrum rous Liquor drenching the Heart, and rendring it very loft and flabby. . On the other lide the Capfula Cordi}: is fometimes found Wholly defiitute of any Water lodged in it, and the G'erimrdium clofely. affixed to the Perimetet or Convex Surf-21cc of the Heart by the interpofition of many Membranes, which are hardly broken, and the Capfula not eafily fevered from the circumference of the Heart, which I faw fome years fince, in an Executed Felon, privately Difleé'ted by dextrous Chyrurgeons of London, at the Hall, ofthe Difcafes belonging to the Pair."- drum. He @L‘thl‘fi'iillfl in greater and {miller Beal'rs, holdeth great {imilitude in Situation, Connexion, Figure, and Sribllaiice "fill that ol Man. The Cap/Gila Cam'ir in more pcrfeét Animals is made up oli three Tuiiicles, 3' The outward being {dined to the middle Coat by many line ligaments, is beltt with many Cells7 the allodgments of Fat. ' The middle Tunicle, beinglbmewliat thinner than the outward, is quantity or thin, tranfparent Liquor (feared in the empty Fpace between the 'Purimrr Breathing, Synope, Lypothyiny, Palpitation of the Heart, and a. languid intermittent Pulfe, which proceed from a {mall propomon of Blood received into the Ventricles of the Heart ( and Lungs) by reafon they cannot be gamenrs, and is moPt eminent for abundance of Fat, findin g the outfide of this ufeful Integument. This Difeafe is attended with many difmal Symptoms , difficulty of expanded for the free admiflion of Blood, as enclofed within the narrow confinement of the Pericardinm, comprelling the Heart. U fine grated of a great number of Fibres (finely (pun, and curioul iy interwoven) which is interliiied with a whitilli @arenrbyym. The third Pelliclc making the infide of the Pcricarc/iimz in Bcafis, is the thinnefi oi~ all the Coats, this I tlilhOiiered in a Bulloc k to be liirnilhed with many minute Glands, which I humbly conceive may be the Colarories of. the Blood, tranliiiitting its Serous parts into the Cavity interceding the Corricarz/z'imz and Heart. The Cap/Illa Coulis in other greater Animals, as Well as Man , hath a /z'um and Heart, as in a Cyf'tern ) flowing out of the adjacent Glands. The (Perimrdium of a Land Tortoifc, is thick, as compol izd of many Membranes, and is fometimes difiended with Wind, and moli of all with ‘a large proportion of thin, tranfparent Liquor. A Lyon‘is furnilhed with a denfe Q'erit'ardium, as made up alfo of many where Learned Dr. Needbam, and many other Gentlemen were prefent. Thcfymptoms XIII. 0f the Pcricardium of other flirt/min Thorax being opened and his Heart inlpeéted, the Perzcarc/zum was onnd full of 03m, in which the Heart did fwim as in a noyfom Lake, givmg it a . ffocation. A Drnpfie co- C H A P. Coats, clolely conjoyned to each other by the iiiterpofirion of many thin Li- The Cap/1114 Cart/i: in Birds is very thin, as being one Membrane ( which is three in Beaf'ts) made up, and curioufly wrought with divers Fibrils, clolily' united, without any {earn or vilible commiITure. T‘ir pl‘fl'il'" 1.117771 ofa Land Terroif; The .Frrr'rrrdiam era Liam The Pm‘cxrdium of the Heart in Birdi This fine Integument of the Heart in Birds, hath but a {mall {pace running betwee n it and the Heart 5 So that it cannot contain any great quanti ty of Ferous Liquor. The Figure relating to the Capfula Cardia in Filh, is different from that of Man and other Animals, which is Pyramidal, but in Filh it is Triangular, as holding conformity to the fhape of the Heart which is Tricufp idal, and en~ The @cricardimzz of Filh hath great affinity with that of Birds, in reference to its finenefs ; and it is more clofe in Conjunction, than is found between the Integument and body of the Heart, in greater Animals 5 in moii: Filh it is Membranous, but in a Lamprey Cartilaginous. dued with divers Angles. Infeéis alfo as well as other Animals have a @erirardium, it is fcarce difcernible by reafon of its great thinnefs and clofethough in form: union to the Heart; whereupon it feemeth to be a proper Coat of the Heart. The Hearts of greater and {mall Beafls, as perfect Animals, have their ‘Pe'a‘ rimrdinm free, as not conjoyned to the Diaphragm, as it may be {hen in the ' i ' Vyyvvyvv ' ' Perimr~ The I'm'urn déum of th‘.‘ Heart inFil‘H |