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Show \M The EPISTLE DEDICATORY. \ bute am! tbing to tbe advancement (f your great [Quin/edge; flll tbat I can Pretend to in tbi: Humble flddrefi to your Loroybip, in reference to my fBoldnefi, u to receive ,1 f4, e/[nd new I cannot eoneeal your otber A/[ora l Tetfe~ éliom, atfir/l yOur great Loyalty and l/eneration of tbe mourab/e Tardon, as Well a: an Honourable Troteélion; 7/99 [(1 mg, our nIo/l gracioue Sovereign C wbom (jod long intrirflekHonour ofyour great reality, and mo/l amicable Dl/Po' Prtfirve) wit/J an big/J {Reverenee and Duty, as God; Vice" fltion, render me Ingbly a Votary to your Lord/MP, for ubom gerent. I bane mofl Reverential, and e/lflefi'ionate Eflecmy) and jball ener deem my Self "oery mucb Honoured to improw [Ind your Lord/bill) batb a big/2 Value and dflefi‘ion for tbe Mini/lore of tbe gofloel, and tbeir Sacred Office, and my utmo/Z endeavour: in your Service. ebiefly for tbe Funflion of 73i/bopr, as Eerltflaflital Qo'uer» yond tbe Seat, and made many Obfervatiom upon tbe ta. nort, Inflituted by tbe Holy diocyllet, tbat all tbingtin tbe Cburtb may be done Decent/y, and in Order, and to rReform riout gonernments of feveral ‘Republielet and lQngdonu, tlte irregular Lives of unreaflmable Men. ‘Your Lord/bi]: bat/9 tranail'd tbrougb many Countrey: be. and bane not only fludicd ‘Boolet, but Men, and bane giving a Luflre to your Honourable Terfonage and Fortune, Mud your LoraWn'p a not only a Loyal Subjefl of flu Maje/ly, and true Son of tbe (butt/9, but a faitbfnl wbieb you bane made very Renowned in great Ho/loitality, Friend too (of wbiela I bare bad very nlucb experience) by Carefiing your Friends witb a Noble and [find Enter, nbo fluay all pay: pofiible in all good Ofiee; of Love and tainment , tbe big/9 Expreflet of your nto/b entire Lone, in Obedience to lJlf Holy Lam revealed in bi: Word, "ml Kindne/t, to promote tbe Intere/b and Happinefi of your Ileanaintanee, and bane a due Refentment of any Civilitiet paid to your Loroybip, 112/30 are very Prone upon all oeeafl‘ info/bite to your Migbbour , omr to Aoeale your grateful ‘Rcturnt by way_of Comperfaé Learned the Virtue; (and not tbe Vice: of otber mam) wbicla you bane mueb more enobled by your Tiny to 9051': in tbe [brief alt/WWW of bu Sanc‘lion and golden Rule in tbe (jo/pel , Whatfo' tion. euer ye would that Men fhould do to you, do you to them; flnd in fobriety to your own ‘Perfon, in reguldfiflg I leave reafon to believe I bane longr Prefliined upon your your flppetitet according to, tbe more refined Dilute! 0f Tatienee, for ulna/9 I bumbly beg your Lord/bx}; ‘Pardon, reflifled ‘Reaf7 01. in recounting your TerfeEtiom, wbieb I have performed in M "ll/interity, out of a ‘Principle cf fu/liee ( witbout any Flat; tery ) |