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Show Tab. L I I. The Head (f 4 Doc Diflea'ed, Fig. x. The Brain of a Doenot opened. ~'r read a. HE Brain is beautified with two Hemilphzetes + divided in the middle [212. byaFilTure + in which is lodged a Duplicature of the Dara Mam, commonly called the Falciform Propel-s. "l cc: c. The ferous veficles 1- are placed Labout the Blood-veliels, lodged in the A». frat?" of the Brain, and are adorned with variety of Figures, fome being orbicu. lar, or Oval, others Triangular, or Pyramidal, and appear turgide, with a Liquor, much like Lymph, embodied with Particles of Air. The Brainis firlt covered with a thick Coat (immediately encircling the Pia Mam) +ffff. with fruitful Branches of Blood-veITels + which being conjoyned with nume'lgggg. rous Anfmflur + do refemble a fine Landfcip in the Pin Mater, when it it divefied of the Dam Mater turned up, and placed at the Margem of the Brain. +i 1', Near the Origens of both Hemifphacres are feated two Medullaty Protege: + (beam .1- ! l.tified with a triangular Figure, adjoyning to the olfactory Nerves + inferred at lali into the inward Coats of the Noltrils, befet with many Fibrils1 the Infitumentct + k. Smelling. Thefe Nerves are Parted by a bony Interfepiment 1- called vulgarly The Bridge of the Nofe. The FilTure fevering one Hemifphacre from another, and taking its progrefs fromthe Origen to the termination of the Brain, is befet with a great company of ltnall . 37.3% m, a," A... 'l dda'. denominated the Dara Mmynx + which being [tripped off, the rm th'tzm‘ " ee. + appears (as being a fine vail immediately encompafling the Brain) lhaded 1»; w. Glands +. Fig. 2. The Brain nf a Doe opened. s, a a a 4. Under the Falciform Procefs is lodged the Corpm callafum + which conlifieth of + M. many parts, feparared from each other by two Fiffures, the Phil + being much {borter then the other, divideth fame part ofthe Corpw calla/"mime equal parts, which (cent to be endued with a kind of Semilunary Figure, and their lower Angles adjoyn to the Origen of the Second Figure. Willlllllllnll ;r Al -l- c c. parts ( by a longer [iflnre +) which begin in acute,and end in more obtufe Cones. +airfield. The Medullaty partofthis Brain,when opened,is befpecked with many fireaks 4, paliing ctofswifc, which I humbly conceive are the nervous Fibrilaof the Brain. Fig. 3. The inward Reeejfer of the Brain of a Doe opened. + a 4. Under the Carp/x: calla/"m, are lodged the Corporaflriata+, the Apices of theMedIrl/i oblrmgata, and have their origens endued with obtufe Cones, and their tetminations in more acute, contrary to thofe of at Humane Brain, which begin In more acute, and end in obtufe Cones. The Carpora firiam in this Animal have «tbev. two oblongue white produétions + conjoyned to their terminations, which 1 have not feen in the DilleCtion ofa Humane Brain. When the inward enetrals of the Brain of this Animal are laid open, on each fidi‘ 0f +‘ c c c. the Carpam fliiata appear a white Medullaty fubl‘tance 't enamelled With many white atria, the fibrous Compage of the Brain. . + dd. In the molt inward rccelies ot the Brain, are feared the Thzlami + Men/077W 01"" +e. comm, which are parted from each other by a Fitiure 4., going aim" the, Whale length of the Tbalaminerwrnm optirorum, which being confideted as conloyned' do confiitute a kind ofTriangle. . To the lower region of the 7711le nervorum optimum, are adj3cent the natiform +ff. Ptotuberancies +, which feem to be adorned with an orbicular Figure, and to the +3 g. hinder part ofthe natiform Procefles are the Tefliforme + appendanr, flnfl {cent to be of an oblongue (hapc, much different from the natiform l'rominenCIESTab. Lill- .... _..,..;w--. a";..-. . The lower and longer Region of the Corp»: callojim, is divided alfo into equal . a. uv‘ I" |