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Show Book wvau'pwtfl‘ is a union of lll. e .. ,.. e ., ,,._A__\_\ Inarticulations) or by Ligaments arifing out of the middle of the Siam and None: by the head of the Bone , which is very confpicuous in the comexion of the mediation of Thigh-bone with the Dr Irkium. Mk i "33312if Fkfli. nyyfw'um; is I union of Bones by the interpofition of a Cartilagc. Many Bones are mutually faftned by the interpolirion ci- Flelh, which is manifefl; in Mufcles encompafling the Joynts, by reafon Mufcles take their origens from one Bone, and are inferred into another, may claim unto themfelves the title of Bonds, as they tie one Bone to another, and by reafon Mufcles were ftyled Fleih by Ariflotle and his Followers; this conjun. étion of the Bones was called mvm'pwwrg and after this manner the Teeth are fal'tned to the Gums. Farthermore, fome Bones are united by the mediation of aCartiIage (called mzo'ynum) which is found in Embryos, before their Bones attaiti unto perfeétion, which being efiefied, the conjunétion of Bones is made air! per harmoniam, nut per fympbyfin, wherein the Bones are united with. out the appearance of any Line or Scam. C H A P. LXXIX. 0f 730ner0f t/oe upper fang. Aving given an account of: the nature and origen of Bones, and of many of their lnatticularrons, and of fome Bones in particul ar let forth in a former difcourfe of the Coxyx, 0r Sarrum, Vertebers of tilt; Loins, Back, Neck, and of the Cranium, and molt oFits Bones: My defign atthis time is to Treat you, Firlt, with the Bones of the upper and lower Mandible, and afterward with all the Bones of the Body not already dill courfed. The Mandibles being Two, are called the upper and lower, making the greatefl; part of the Face, to which the Mufclesare affixed, covered with the Curis and Cuticula, which give a great ornament and beauty to the Vi, lage. The upper Mandible is compofed of various fine parts of the inferior and "WW". lateral orbits of the Eies, Nolttlls, Cheeks, Palate, and the fupetior rank Zlfligiii'it 0f Teeth. many Bones. It is endued with a femi-circular Figure, adding an elegancy to the Face of Man; and in Beal'tsit is more long,and in Man and Brutes iris immoveable, except in a Parrot, and Crocodile, and in veryfew other Animals. lt isaccommodated with a hard {olid Surface, and inwardly hath a {punt "cuppa gy fubltance, efpecially near the Teeth, where in Children, a Medullary 5533:3552 yuype is conveyed for the nourifliment and increale of the Jawe, which being 7,3,???" "b' ablumed in perfons of more mature age, the Bones remain full of [mail holes, ' and endued With greater Caverns, accurately defcribed by Learned Dr. High- Th, gm," . moreJib. 3. Anatom. @arte 2. Cap. 1. Air ille, Anlrnm bot utrinque mum, fnb 53135514253 "? amlifede inferiore, ubi or ad aculi tutelam quadammado prarubemt, ad latent bkinferiara nafi fitum eff. Infigm'ter Carl/um, fidmricum, aliquantulnm were oblon- S'W, ff)" ita amplum, ut articulm pollicir majorir pedia‘ ultimm in i110 delitrfmt. Ofle attenuate fen fqnamma aflia obtegimr: 0: min: quad illud includit, (9» 7th a dentin»! 4171901115 extremir diflinguit, cra/itie chartam emponiimm mm mu]; "1m excedit. In bafi bujw: pratnlzeranter quxdam eminentix cermmtur. Q4117»: dentiumapicer tenuiorer intluduntnr. Demium alwali margini 1219'»: o 1; Ma flulPumur, quilm denier infigummn dnlrum bot frequentiur wacuum aliqmma ammo replemm reperitur, in quad bnmarer a capite per meatum quendam 4 tat/irate illa in oflt fiamis, (7' db Ml} Etbmoeide ddiillare potermm . Each upper Mandible is compofed of Six Bones, The Firli: doth conlh- 12cm??? tute one part of the 0x jugale, and fomewhat of the Temple, and doth com- Jaws; Prehend fome part of the Eye-brow, and all the exterior angle of the Eye, and a great part of the Check. his Bone is conjoyned to the Temple by the interpofition of a Suture Thcwnifin- "'hiCh Conjoyneth the Two ProceflEs, making the 0: jugale; and is can; $23311: "died to the O: Cuneiform by the help of that Suture, which pafling down :ififli': the hollow of the Temple, may be feen in the feat of the Eye; This team °n€15commnn to the firl't Bone of the upper Jawe, and to the 0: (unet-. Bones.' W‘mc. K14 A In |