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Show 0f ii Delirium and Phrenitis, 1 140 Book HI Realon, eonfufcd and irregular, as not able to make tight apprehcnlions of things. If any one {hall make an inquiry into the caufes of thefe depraved 0pe~ rations of Senfc and Reafon, it may feem to proceed upon a double account The tit?! 17 _ Firll, by reafon ofa fierce mals of Blood, having acccls to the Brain, by th; m Dismal: inward Carotidc Arteries; whereupon the Animal Spirits grow difCOm. Itri Blood. poled. The Second reafon of a Delirium is from a depraved nervous Liqum, pro: ducing unquiet Animal Spirits. The Blood is in fault by reafon of an undue cfi'crvefcence, caufed by heTllcszctmd :gfiggi‘fcgtp, tetogencous fetmentative Particles, having an influence upon the Brain, or m". 0/ r2 Delirium and Phreni The Ellence oFthis Dileafe is found in an irregular motion or the Animal n, Spirits, the great Miniltcrs of the more noble and inferior Funtftions of the 19:" Die Brain, and diflereth in degree from a Delirium, as the Animal Liquor is more ' vitiated, and the Difeafe more rooted; as coming from more ac‘live tunes, producing a rapid motion of the Animal Spirits m the lnterfiices 0t Lllt.‘ Filaments (belonging to the hbrous Compage of the Brain) whereupon they grow more pulled up, and difordered by the expanfive part of the nervous Liquor, dicompofing the fine Syltenies of nervous Filaments, (conllitnting the admirable frame of the Brain ) in that the Images ofrhings, making ap- when the boiling Blood in the Paroxylmes of intermittent or acute Fevers is pullts upon the Organs of the outward Senli-s,a re imparted by a continuation of Nerves, to the common Senfe, Phancy, and Memory, and are indil‘tiné‘tly apprehended, and afterthe famemanner repreiented to the Underliande carried in a great quantity into the Membranes of the Brain, (dillending ing, whole confuled Notions are oflered to the Will, vhich is perverted in them ) and comprefling its fibrous Compage. Whereupon the Animal Spirits are :16th with violent motions, between the {paces of the nervous Filaments. And the enraged Particles the Red Craflament of Blood do highly dif. "' compofe the ferous parts of it, out of which the nervous Liquor and Wm. [he Animal Spirits are generated; {0 that they grow vcry refllcls and impetuous Bioodin their motions, hither and thither, difquieting the Oeconomy of the Brain, the elicite acts, by the illconduét of the luptrior Faculty 5 whence flow in- 1mm ._ repugnant to Reafon and Strife. This Dileale doth very much conlil't in a great ebulliti'on of Blood, out of fimfiffl'u‘: whochlbuminous Particles, the Animal Liquor is generated in the Cortical hill-light and the Animal Functions of the common Senfe, Phancy, Memory, Under- Glands, whence the Animal Spirits, the more a6tive Atomes of the nerVous mam. Juyce, are a€ted with a (Plilogofir, enraging the fubllance ofthe Brain, and its llanding, producing a Delirium, which is a depraved exercife of theopc- more noble parts the Animal Spirits, rendring them fierce and relllefs ; where- rations of the faid Faculties. upon the outward and inward Smiles, and more excellent Faculties, are highly dilordered. V Dr. Willis is of an Opinion, that a @lvrerzilir doth proceed from an infiamu The Blood is alfo poifoned with malignant qualities ( as in the Plague, Fevers, Small Pox) which aét the Animal Spirits with enormous operations, dil'ordering the rational and fenfitive Faculties. This difieniper being of a {hort continuance, doth not denote any particular cure, as being a Symptome of acute Difeafes, which being determined, a Delirimiz immediately difappears, and by reafon the Animal Spirits are reiiiliifiihiiid ceptive of a great trouble and confufion in this difafl‘eélion, Ccphalick Me- ant. m we dicmes may be advxled m the form of Apozemes, Powders, Pills, Eleéiuaries, w"'"‘"'"‘ to appeafe the fierce Particles of the Animal Liquor, apt to be hurried with violent and irregular motions; as alfo to Perengthen the laxe Compage oitlic hair-sir", 1. ,(mmbcl 3:53;;2‘3g 3:722:33. $31???» ver. congruous Speeches, and ridiculous ailions and pollures of the Body, much Fibrils ofthe Brain, dillended with the over-much elafiick Particles ofthe Animal Liquor. As to a Delirium, the confequent of an acute and malignant Fever, anothct method of Phylick may be advifed, as openingr a Vein in a Plethonck Conflitution 3 As alfo tellaceous Powders, taken with Cephalick Julapcsa which promote Sweat, and give an allay to theinordinate motion olthe Animal Spirits, and the great eH‘ervel‘cencc of the Blood; To this end TOPICkS may be applied, as Epilpal'tick Plailiers between the Shoulders, mlidcsof the A‘msa Thighs, Legs, As alfo Plailters and Cataplafmes to the Feet. "hm": . Having difcourled a Delirium, Whicll.is a more gentle kind of dcfipience my, Mm it may not be amils to {peak ofaP/rrcmtis, as a more exalted deflffie Ol a Dl' oi moi-mm. lirium, and a Difeafe more radicated in the Membranes and Subl'tance of the Brain, proceeding from a fluéhiation, and not from a more remifs undulatl' on of the Animal Liquor and Spirits. Ripping/a: A Phrenfy may be defcribed a continued and lal'ting Delirium, \Vitl] ad?' PMVanon of the rational and fcnfitive Faculties, accompanied with a contirum. nued Fever, derived From the inflammation of the Dim: and laid "later, an from the great and inordinate motion of the nervous I. iquor, very much 6" panding the Fibrils of the Brain; And from a hot dii‘temper of the Brain, coming from bilious Matter, as S‘s/menus will have it. Tl e il . mation of the Animal Spirits, and not From the coats of the Brain, as he hath it in the Tenth Chapter Dc Delirio (9» (ID/Jr'c'llilidf. P. 3t4, 3(5. Fm; Waproba bile eff fanguinem febriliter ardefceiztem, particulars interdmiz filly/3:1? rm mm mm [piritnafir cert/m) ofimdercg quxfemi attenfle, é" quodam maria Pflldgrantes, fl mm cum alteri/I perielrarim, exirmlc mox owner (luau; Medallion . @nerwi‘ fubeunter,fpiritibm ubiq; adherent, 4(19011; 0mm! in animator, fir/.11mefiem, @: implacalriler reddmzt. Cert: werifimilim efl 'Pbremtirlit lJOC rim rt [Piriiuxmi (Pblugofz potiws, quam a meningnm, ant (ere/"i inflarrmiiztwrie, pine Cecomfill/1134,71, rmt Lethargum, cerlim 71mm furorem prom (ex cerebrz anatomm perluw Imbiii) in crrcnt excilari. . ._ But [humbly conceive ( with the leave of this Learned Phylicran) That AmayPM!" protect] the Phrcnlie is not only deducible from an eH'Ervelcence of the nervous Lt- iiginliiilimrof VIC‘CCAMC a, quor, and Animal Spirits, but from an inflammation of the' Membranes' t;e (Lilla ' proceeding from an extraval‘ated Blood, lodged in the lnterfiices Wm M the Brain, S-n ‘ s, b t r _ (9052",: ‘ pes, enfcqlc ng Membra ' the to e, belongi in leated of i the Veflels, i the lilbfianc I i :1 (I i . . ~ pim glagniciijm e t 0 i men indilpo putrid the realon by Brain, the 1mgrheambient parts of , Bmmcm Cortiw the feth indifpo Firllt Blood, affecting the integuments of the Brain, cal Glands ( in which the nervous Liquor is generated) as alfo the more in- 5,21,25,35,; ward penetrals of the Brain; whereupon the Animal Spirits are endued with ZE'J'Er‘El§?.‘t;." aninliammarory dilqpolition,highly difquieting their due motion, asiendring malSriHIs. them turbulent and irregular, {0 that thelower and higher Faculties of the Brain cannot make due apprehenfions of their ob)eé‘ts prefenred unto them. no "mm An lnllrance of this Hypothelis may be given, in which the T11 matter is mime-3",, often inflamed without the tumor of the fiibfiance of the Bram, as it hath 2134111133:th ll‘rC dr'in. 9°" lien in Dilleétions of the Heads of Perfons dying of Phrenfies: ailiic‘ted Witha can; was ol‘Body, habit dry and lean a of Man . A y0ung mined Tertian, attended with ill Symptomes, as a great pain olthc Head, C:Plimeeding from a hot and {harp mals ot Blood, carried by the internaltome I ' |