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Show Of the [Wit/Hf of greater and left flizima/r. Book ll. fubicm, Diaphragmatir partenr carried": Iramfodit : Atq; per [liter/‘iitiucflr ryilod quiflta' é» fextcc Coflcc not/manteryacct, E-xcmlziti; Vulnere part; mustn‘t [Edi/761: 050114670, reflabat 2'ij nibilommm wenlrzcu/z dellzlzms, ex qua m‘tl'flmw m1} ( a or Calico fimilir fab mfperam (7 de "0th pmfcrtzm exurgebal : qua 5 e carafe £17m z‘Pfe m‘fi admodumparce non audelizzt.' .Sctl oifarw delimit: Alwyfe 371:4. ft) [to frfl‘Z/ieflfe per imum wentrem alt/lore, 8 7mm: exteflil, etfi ad mmuemfam 0 am acerbitatcm millum remediigerzm ti Simone Malmedrano (9v Antomo I tzlle/zfi Medzcir, in omni Medicine part9 werfati‘ mm, (luz' ipfi aderant, efltt pmtcrmzflum. Marius Cadaver 7400111" Guillemeau bemrgi peritzflimz mami fifltfi'um efl, antimal- Book II. Of the Ma'rifl of greater and left e/{nimti/r, vated in the hinder parts, contrary to that of Man, Beafis, and more perfect Animals, which is lower in the Loins, and higher about the Cartilages of the Ribs. The Diaphragm in this Animal afcendeth obliquely from the lower part of the Breaft, and is firfl: Connected firmly to the fides, and then to the Back, (Where it is molt highly feared) by the interpofition of Ligaments and Flefhy Fibres. The Midrifi" in this Animal is different alfo from others, by reafon it is nor an lntei‘Fepiment, parting the Vifcera of the middle Apartiment from the werfumq', magnum Colz' Inteflim' partcm flatit multo turgzdrzm, 1,0]? per, play/drag: .lOWCHZ; f0 that agreat part of the Lungs Perforate the Midriff, and are man}: wlmw in Tboracem irrupzfle, emblem tame" amplztudo th mmzmz digit: lodged in the Abdomen, pafling down to the loweft part of it, as I faw it in a difleéted Tortoile, when the Lungs were blowen up, and were affixed to the lower region ofthe Abdomen, and the Midriff in this Animal is faftned in (apex emf. 6,01 fome part above to the 'Pcritardium, and below to the bladder of Urine, from which it can fearee be parted without Lacerarion. The Midrifl‘of a Crocodile, is a very thin Membranous expanfion, comPofed of many fine Fibres, curioufly framed and interwoven, and feemeth to The Midrifl of a Croco' dylc. refemblea Spiders Web in thinners, and is furnilhed with many minute Car- CHAP. nous Fibres, as rare Engines of Motion. The Midrifl‘ of Cal'tors, Otters, Cats, @c. have the fame f'trué‘ture with IV. thofe oi greater Animals, and are compofed of Flelhy and Tendinous Fibres, covered with thin Membranes. 0f the Mdrif of greater and left flnima/J. TheMldrifl' of A Moufe hath a very thin Diaphragm, as compofed of fine Membranes He Midrifi' of greater and lefs Animals have much aflinity in Situa- 3:11:23? tion, Connexion, Figure, Subltance, with that of Man's, Iz/id. In m1?" 1 ions, Elephants, Bears, Horfes, Mules, Sheep, Goats, Tygres, Wolves, Foxes, {7a Thcfituation The Midrifl‘ in thele Animals is [ituated between the middle and lowefl: pftlieMidriff. Apartiment, by wlmfc inter-polition they are parted from each other, as by a wall. It is Connected behind by the mediation of two Carnous ProcelTes, interfperltd with many Tendinous Fibres, implanted into the lower Verte- bres of the Back, and upper of the Loins, and is firmly affixed before by many Tendinous Fibres both above and below into the Terminations of the bafiard Ribs7 and to the infide of the Sternon, and according to its Flefhy margent by the mediation of Fibres to the circumference of the lower Ribs. Thefiguieof "I he Midrif'f of other Animals as well as that of Man, is beautified with a" M‘d‘im a circular figure, as it maketh an oblique progrefs from the Vertebres of the Back and Loins, all along the Perimeter of the lowefi Ribs to their grifly Terminations, and within this greater Carnous circumference is feared, as Ve- faliws will have it, another leffer Membranous Circle, but in truth it is made up of divers Angles. rthcm: And the Midriff' in Beafls of various kinds, hath the fame fubf'tance with :52???th that of Man's, as compoltd of two Membranes interfperfed with Carnous and Membranous Fibres, and great variety of Blood-veffels. TheMidtM'or The Midriff of 'a Land Tortoife, is very remarkable in reference to its R mm" Contexture and Situation, as to the firfi it feemeth to be a Membranous Ex panfion, as viewed by a carelefs Eye, but upon a more curious infpeétion, it is found to be futnilhed with many fine Flefhy Fibres, and it's very emi- nent forits lituation, which is'difi'erent From other Animals, as being more elem vated (interfpetfed with finall Tendinous and Carnous Fibres) whereupon it is tranfparent in the Center, and more opace toward the circumference 5 and is endued with an oblong roundifh figure. Vipers, Lizards, Frogs, Toads, have no Diaphragm parting the middle from the lower Apartiment; So that thefe Animals have but one Venter, in which the Heart, Lungs, and other Vi/cerzz are lodged. The Midrifl'of Callers. Octers, 65:. The Midrlfl'of a Moufc- |