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Show Tab. XXVII. Fig. l. A Kingflon opened. an. H E Fins rcfembling Wings, parted with Bones, running crofs-ways Obliqud Y like Ribs. I; b. T e lower Fins ( to which are affixed two round thick Proceffes) which alhli the Filh in fwimming in the nature of Oars. u. The right Fibres of the Gulet. = ‘d d. The circular Fibres of the Gulet. c e. The body of the Stomach inclining toward the Lelt Side. ff. The Proceié or Appendix of the Stomach (making an Arch with the body 0(th " Stomach) afcendeth toward the Right Side. gg. The {oft Rowe, or Milte, confiliing of many partitions feated in the RightSide l MWe" NJ. The Veflel running all along the middle of the Rowe, or Milte, from the top "3 ' the bottom. ii. The Rowe feared in the Left Side, fomewhat out of fituation, It k. The beginning of the Inteliines. ii. The termination of the Puntrem, appearing upon the upper fuiface of the great Gut. H. The Body of the Inteflinelodged in the Left Side, and pafleth down without the Appendiv of thf‘ Zumach. m m. . .41.. J m. Cmum, or Blind [ntelline_ nu. The laft lnteliine. o. The Spleen is of a Semi-lunary Form, encircling the bottom of the Stomach, p. The Ara", or Vent. Fig‘ %! a :1. Tue Stomach. bl). The great (Jut, or lntefiine. w. The termination of the Out. a! d. The Veflel pafiing from the Stomachinto the great Gut, and maybe called Gaflrica fate iualir. ee. The body of the Puma: lying underneath, between the Stomach and greatCut. ff. The Neck of the Pencrmr g g. The termination of the Panama, conveyinga Duéi into the great Gut. bis. Another veilel holding communion between the great Gut and Stomach, pallmg between the Cut and Stomach, above the PrmcrcM, and leiTer Spleen. ii. The lefler Spleen being like a Delta, but out of its proper feat, and obfcurcd by thc neighbouring parts, doth refemble fomewhat of a Semi-circle. k k. The Veilel arifing out of the Panama, and inferred into the great Out. 11. Another VelTel pafling over the Stomach, is inferted into the middle of‘the Arch. relating to the Semi-lunary Spleen. on m. A Veflel arifing out of the lefl'er Spleen, and inferted into the middle of the Sim mach. n u. A VeiTel encircling the Stomach. an. A Veffel arifing out ofthe middle of a Veflel, going out ofthe leiTer Spleen, and paflingdover the Pantrezu, and Stomach, tendeth downward, and terminatesinm a Glan . p p. The great Semi-lunary Spleen encompafling the b‘ottoxn of the Stomach. Fig. 3. a a. The partition of the firfi rowe of Glands relatingtothe Milte. I: b. The Otigen ofthe fecond rank of Glands being Spiral. . c c. The two Duds that tranfmit the milky Humor intothe Glands affixed ‘0 the Sim" d ddd. The fecond tank of Glands‘ running all down the Spine. ee. Thp terminations of the ranks of Glands having Duéts inferred into the lali Gut near t it: Amy. ff. The laft Gut into which the excretory Ducts of the fecond ofGlands is infcrledgg. The beginning of the Kidney in a point, III). The Kidney feated on the outlidcot the iecond rowe of Milky Glandsii. The termination of the Kidney in a fmallPlOCClS oi Glandsaand is in {ertcd by a Cfn' tet into the Gut near the Amu. ‘ Tab. x x V I l I- ‘ .7 - , ' » V I " ‘ _ ‘ / - . _ H H ,. ‘ ‘ . > llllnm lllli I ---......‘_.A,_H A}: l" ‘ ‘ |