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Show 1116 The 73min if Fill). Book "I. _H 1117 Boolr Ill. x. + 1'3th between the two pair of Ptotuberancies, is beautified with a triangular Figure. +M iii. The firl} row 1‘ confiilzs only in two Procelles, drelled with an Oval Fi- +1: ure. Under this Prominence arifc the Optick Nerves 1‘ from the Medulla oblon- g The fecond rank 1‘ is made up of four Prominencies, trimmed with an + M. gat'a, and pals obliquely to the Eyes. ‘ Below the fecond pair of Procefl'es, the Medal/4 Spinal}: f feemeth to (-3": its Origen. Orbicular ihape. The third row Jr of Procelles are bigger then the former, and are enduerl * "" with an oval figure, Banding obliquely. The fourth ‘l is one lingle Procefs drefled with an irregular lhap‘e. 'f 4, The fifth rank 1‘ is adorned With a kind of oval or pointed Procefies. + u. Above the firll pair (being Orbicular Protuberancies) are feared tWo ton ad Cavities + parted from each other, and encircled with White Mem. bar es. ['4 bove thefe Cavities appeareth a white Membrane belet With many lo narrow firetks ‘t. like {0 many Rays, and are numerous Filaments of Tome; What a motr dark colour then the Membrane. The 03 aétor‘y Nerves do terminate into many Filaments it (running croft-ways) which are the Organ of Smelling, The Mouth ofa Lamprey is garnilhed with many ranks of pointed Teeth ‘l, ( running in Circles and Semicircles) fomewhat refembling the Teeth of a Saw in figure. Some of the Teeth are covered with a Cafe + furniflied with many holes adapted to the Teeth in flupe and file. The lingle Procels Jr is firiall and heated between the hill Promberanciesfind + f. ‘ is beautihed with a triangular figure. The Nerves of the Eyes 1} are double, the, one Optick, the other hick New torv, and feem to atife out of the tirli pair of Procefscs. The Ollaé'rory Nerves Jr begin in Knots, and are carried clole {or lom‘e 1' H" [pace7 and ai‘terward part, and near their terminations have two orbicular Prominencies 1', and are at lafi branched into ma'ny Filaments (running tranl: + ii. veritly alter the manner of a Sco‘lop Shelli) the immediate Organs of+te Smelling; The Brain (ii a Carpe is every way above and below and laterally im- En. om: muted with a tranfparent clammy Liqtior, endued with an innumerable $522225 company of Specks, "It or minute Glob‘ules of a yellowilh‘ colour, fomevvhat 33:33"? ' I H. The Brain of a Trowt is compofed of two pair of ProceflEs, and the lall being lingle, maketh the Cerebellum. The {ii-fl pair of protuberancies 1- are very much the finallet, beautified with an Orbicular figure. The fecond pair are endued with an oblong Oval fliape, adjoyning below to the Cerebellumj and above to the Orbicular Procefles. The lowermofi ptoeefs 'l- is beautified with a Triangular figure, which is the (erebelluni. Below this Procefs appear'eth the Origen of the Medulla Spinalit ‘l' parted into eql'ial parts by the interpoiition of a Fillute. 1' 2:. relemhling the Lytharge of Gold : And here I beg the iteedorn to {peak (art. my Conieéture about the firfl produétion of this Viicid Matter, whence its 1 "1' tranlparency proceedeth,‘ and as fuch it clearly befpealreth its Conception and Nativity, as the progeny of the more clammy parts of. the Seminal Li‘ quor, receptive of Co'ncretiori' caufed by Saline Particles ; So that this {ubfiance, infilntia principiir, in its primitive naturetbeing beautified with Traniparency, may well retain it, whencoagulated into a‘ more folid co‘nlillence; and being formerly fluid, as Seminal Liquor, hath its conflituent parts aranged in orderly pofitions , fitted to receive Tranlparency, by 'realon it being formerly a fluid Body, during vvhich time it was ealie for The Optick Nerves‘l~ feem to ariiie under the Orbicular Proceile-S, and ‘0 the fubtle bright rays of Light to pals through the Pores, and make them: be derived from the Mcolulla oblongam, and palfing crofs-ways, areinfertecl felves pallages every way7 and afterward To to difpofe the more minute Partides! when confolidated, to retain the lame Pores through which the beams 0‘ Light were tranfmitted, when it had. the more loole nature of a liquid into the infide of the Eyes. _ y The Olfaetory Nerves -l- alfo feem to creep under the Orbicular Protuberancies, and take their rife from the Met/ulla ablangata. form, Which afterward growing more folid with the fame paii‘ages~ of Light! keeP the fame primitive confiitution of a Tranfparent Body, when meta‘ £5. The Head of an Umbcr openrd. 1-H. +175. "it. + i. <1 u. iffv The Brain of an Umbet much refembleth that of a Trowt in the numhfl and figure of Procelles, only the Cert/231114»! difiereth, as being adorncfil Wlll‘ a kind of Orbicular "tape. The firfl pair 1" of Procefles are decked with an Orbicular figureAnd the fecond pair 1- with an oblong Oval lhape. And the Cerebrllum + is beautified with an Orbicular figure. A little below, as it were coming out of this proceii, may be dilcemed the origen of the Alva/14114 Spinalu eh, divided into equal portions by aFilluN' _ The Optick Nerves + feem to fprout out of the oblong Oval Proccl'seS,and bend their courfe obliquely toward the infide of the Eyes. The Olfaé‘tory Nerves + item to arife out of the Orbicular Procefm~md bend their progrefs in fl‘raight lines toward the Mouth. morPhOfed into a more folid fubfiance befpangled with a numerous train of little Specks, or yellowilh Globules ( of a yellowiih colour, rel‘cmblinpthe Ly-tharge of Gold ) produced of the more deni'e and Opaque Particles o the Seminal Liquor afi‘efled With diforderly Pores ( not anfivering thofe of they "a"rl'arfntfubftance) which do (but out the beams of Light: tranfmitted through the mate regular paflages of the other Tranfparent Body. The upper Region of the Brain of a Carp is here added, by rcal'on I 535.13%... "MS "Em found it ( upon Dilreélion) much different from the former. .ln this Brain I dil'coveied a great Lufm natum (as oftentimes in'other fglfofifzg"; F‘n‘) which hath numerous PrOminencies i, {porting themfelves in Various ikfl-m‘ apes, magnitudes, and irregular fituations, interfperfed with numerous "m"mg pleafant Marauders 1‘. Thefe different Protuberancres do not .an- t "- 1.54 F.‘ .711: Head of a Carp: o'ptned. The Head of} a Carp being opened the Brain fee-moth to bt' GomPOfd or five ran-ks of Protuberancies, and one finale one. . Th c t \vcreach other in tanks, but Eem‘to be confufed, as not feared one againfl "What (as in the regular Brains of Filh} and'th‘e FroccfiEs are not aim"; fame ' ' gure, |