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Show 8 4 M0f the Lzzrjmc I or Head of the Wind/pipe. BOOleT x Book II. 0f the Larynx, or Head oft/Jr Wins/awe, 815 more fliort procefl'es of the buckler Cartilage, are coriyoyried to the annular 1‘ . {N (1] Cartilage, {ometvhat inclining to its hinder region. "Ch (w es turc 0 pair two With accommodated IS The Buckler Cartilage "WW" cover the named Hyat/ayrozdrr, erartilagc . . , which ‘ _ "M- are called Common) the Fll‘ll? are OHM girl-xiii? Convex part of the Buckler Cartilage, and take their origination from the. 5:11;: Muir lower Margent ofthe 0r Hyoider, and are inferred into the lower~ part of . the Buckler Cartilage; thefe Mufeles being contracted, do lllt up. the Buckler Cartilage, by bringing it more and more toward the OJ Hymn/er, and thereby . , The Second pair of Mufcles belonging to the Buckler Cartilage, are TMTCOV'I‘ Bil-212313 called SIcmoI/J/vroitler, as taking their rife from the Upper, "and inward :53?" part of the Sicrmm, and are inferred intotlie lower lide of the Buckler Cartilage, and by the mOtion of theft: Nlulcles, the Buckler Cartilage is drawn downward toward the Stcrmm. The Third pair of Mtilcles, which are very fmall, and have the AP‘ Lion}? With/:3". pellative of Cricotlayroider, as ha\ing their Origens derived from the anLWUWH' terior part of the annular Cartilage, and do terminate into the lower region of the Bucklet Cartilage. _ . , _ Tthrmnd The Second Cartilage appertaining to the Larynx, is entitled FrlMIt/EI, blatrliiehlfrynx or the annular Cartilage, becaufe its anterior Region is beautined with mam" 31:13," a round Shape, and hath a broad Plane backward, fomewhar like a Seal let upon a king, and this Cartilage is called annular, as much relembling the Ring, which the Turkilh Archers tile in draWing their Bows The Third and Fourth Cartilages, relating to the Larynx, are fiyled 5‘13"};st flryrccxzoia'cr, by realon when they are conioyned,‘ they refemble the Lip man. i of an Euer in figure, and confiitute the Rimula or Chink of the Larynx, commonly called Glows. The l'timula, confifting of thefe Two Cartilages, is acted with Four pair of hdtilcles, modelling the voice after the Variety of tones, according as thtfe Mufcles do play in feveral Contractions. ‘ The Full pair of Mulcles belonging to the Eure-like Cartilages, are 772yroizr)‘I.-erwidci, which do borrow their Oiigens from the middle, and him" " interior part of the 'Buckler Cartilage, and climbing upward, are implanted into the Sides of the Elll'C-llke Cartilages; Thefe Mufcles be. ing Contracted, do by comprefling the Eure-like Cartilage, firaighren the Rimula of the larynx, and tender the voice more acute. TheScttind The Second pair of Mul‘eles, called Aiymnaiclci, being very finall and 3213132; fielhy, do fill up the {pace between the Cycoir/ci, and Arytmioirlci, deriving ffifj'fi‘fifl'; their beginning from the Eure-like Cartilages (where they are conjoyned to mimetic? the annular Cartilage) and are terminated into the Eure-like Cartilage; "mum and thefe Mufcles in their Contractions, pulling the Bale of thefe Eurelike Cartilages downward, do open the Rimula of the Larynx. The Third pair relating to the Eure like Cartilages, are denominated Cricaaiytttuoider pofliri, and are feated in, and take their Origen from the broad Back of the annular Cartilage, and are implanted with a {hort Tendon into the lower Region of the Eure-like Cartilages, (near the Rimula) which they pull outward , and dilate the Rimula of the LarynThe Fourth pair are called the Crieoarytwnoidei latent/er, and do borrow their rife from the annular Cartilage, and are inferted backward into the Sides of the Eurelike Cattilages -, thefe Mufcles being Contraé‘ted, do draw the Arymmirlei dowuward, and open the Rimula of the Ldrjflx. The The "ffb-P‘mlflsoappropriated ofto the the Larynx, the Epirrloit" led, becaule itis leated at the root Tongue is infliture‘ a bps, roflya rheaprgm. ~ ' of the Giottir, or glimula Lar), Y Nature ' I, i upon occafion, to be a cover firefight We Fh€.d*‘°rd°11xwurfiofaAhmenrm ped stimu iFiticceive in a quantity, caul'e Sufl'ocatrorhe in a PerfonliE‘larjnx. ion,whicWind-Pi h happene . " , A I .. .- i o a . '10" to . Fifthc '. I 1-)lonour, who being merry With his Friends in eating the Rum lullet, it flipped down the Afpcm Arteria hire the Lun s and _p f0 O '1 ately choaked him. g ' lmIHCdiT is Ca' ila ' ' .~' ‘ - tw'fif inE tidyr eiedl "h affgfier Confiltence the Other» 35 be "c CW" l 1: 63116:)" r em ranous u ance lined w‘iththen ‘ L , . m 5"mm" ‘ -V and hath Dimenfions anfwerable . any fmall Glands) fiilrtgrlmmfl . ' to the Glot, ti:, {0 th'at if ' the zmul ' a the b greater or finaller, . the FP'glottu is Proportionab toit and le the viiice b? mag" eth lironger or fainter, accordin . . to the la 1‘ , . grO W- mm Kimula, as it is receptive ofgreategr or leis itiigffiil‘less :fl: Akaighmefs of the I earned Mr. Stem giveth an account of t V‘ cc of the lriicciandu: Engloltia 5 ObfcM/at : de Glanduli: . . ocular: filbfi zfup an erwreparte 312r35:" "amt camel}! qitmza'aI/z ex Glabia Glandnla iiinIEZIlollliiltlilgusztul IJ‘ Compo/itam- a qua perzpfizm Car- 5'0" :ilagmeiit, ufl]; ad ilgfl'fiorem par-fem, dicit meat m‘ reperiri, confpicuour. This Ingenious Author hath obferved (in the Glands of the Bias) in the uppejr Rfeglioudof the lifiglattz‘r of a Calfe, a kind offle lhyfubfla nce ( com. p0 e o g an u ous G obules from whic ' ' feli holes paliing through the Cartilage, to h its (idltgiidihlgegih.bc found mam. f Through thefia Mcamr ( [humbly rpm the Blood in the body of the Glandconceive) a ferous Liquor liscem d Eit::jgfreitth‘1tlilrioili; and {I'mozpfths s, is conveyed into the Afperlz rirtrr‘e and in Man, if this Liquor be Salt 2:3 _ 7i irritate t e era Arteritz and {e Co h by the a i‘ieved Mufcul i P " 'cau '3 "g ' Pmduced themfelvgeg to expel the oillr‘enll‘iszelhgfti le: Wind-PIPE, VlOlefltl)' Gont faéfing " |