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Show "Ti-97M.- 0f the (Pal/Ly. Booltlll. Book In. 0/ [felling/‘2)" I "73 parts; lbmetimes this dilaljrt'étion is placed in the Nerves, without the li-sflmz, , :i'frlf‘fhifis my it." And not-only the Origens of therninute nerv'ous I‘lbrlis 1n the Cortex, but the progrels ofmore large Fibrils (in the hfl'dm/a able/gem, arid Medu/laSpi. mirs of the Brain, Ccreltcllzmz,and Medit/Ia Spine/i1, either in the Trunks or this mild. linaller Branches of Nerves flopped by obf‘truétion,compreflion, or by l‘o‘lu. ii (5:51,; non of their unity; VVhereupon, the progrefs of the Animal Liquor and Spi- iiiiirim' : tits is interrupted, and the Filaments ofNerves, become loofe and flabby as having loft their tcnfenefs, a requifite condition of the aétion ofithc ‘ Nerves. lmmoderate Cold being a great enemy to the nervous, as well as vital Li- (9lfl'?‘3"' quor, doth incrallate the Animal Spirits; lb that they loofe their volatil and f‘r‘d‘gliinifc tlalliclt Particles, and are rendred unfit to invigorate the Nerves, in reference 3:533:33? to Motion. "1""Tlic immoderate lift of Opiates (whichbeing taken too frequentlv, and Th: hm Als- §;:;,',:‘Ulf;,_ nulir ) may havethe fpaees of their Filaments f0 clolely con}oyned to each clolc- other by a quantity of Blood, or "PM, or by the tumors of the adjacmt parts, that the current of the Animal Spirits is intercepted; whereupon the ad- in too great a quantity) doth vitiate the lone ofthe Animal Spirits, ain dits Sb‘ialtitfsihw joyning Nerves grow flaccid, and unfit for Senfe and Motion. cnergeticlt difpofition, which isallo produced by the \enemte Fumes ofMi- "may" "" nerals; So that Miners working in Mineral Earth, are alfec'ied with the The rorinon A Palfey alfo may arifc from a Solution of the unity of parts, when the fi. Siigittuiihy brous Compage ofthe Brain is wounded, or affeéted with a great blow, or £13,123?" "' by Concuflion, when the order oftlie fibrous parts of the Brain is perverted, as it hath the Fibres too much feparated, or too elofely united, dafhing one againft another. Agreater or lefs obftrué‘tion or compreflion of the fibrous parts of the Brain, often produceth an Apoplexy, Carns, Lethargy, Hemiplegia: and "ah-CM, when the Paroxyfmes of thefe Cephalick Difeafes are gone, a Palfey Often :E"X‘;;:j:;:'_ fucceedeth, fometimes afitéting one, other times both {ides ofthe Body; f0 (Triféili‘fybf that fometirries one or more Limbs, and other times the Limbs of the whole how it is: Body, are difabled in pomt of lVIotion. 33,533" As the matter of the Difeafe is more or lefs imparted to the Nerves ofthe Brain, Cert-helium, and Medulltz Spinalit, fo the parts affefied are not only rendred defiitute of Motion, but of Senfe too in fome cafes. Thump And iffomc curious perfons be Io inquilitive, as to be informed of the ;,‘,"3;,::;1‘-:,;fi; reafon, why the Senfe remaiueth where motion is taken away, this may be fiiii‘ii‘siiu‘ ofiered in pornt of their fatisfaétions, that Pliy licians have- afligued .lom-t‘ Nerves to celebrate the act of Senfation, and others to motion; but ifthis Opinion be not fatisfac‘tory (as being improbable) becaufe all Nerves are endued as well with Senfe as Motion; 1 will prefunie to give the courteous 'teader another Reafon, which may fetm more probable, that the aét ofmotiou ismore diflicult and laborious, as filppofing an aeotion, whereas Senfation intimates only a Pallion, which is more eafv then the other, and may he performed by a lenfible impreflion, continued from the common Senfory, by the continuation of the coats ofnervous Filaments, propagated from the Brain tothe MeditILzSpimlu, and other parts of the Body ; But Motion is accom- plillied bya higher-Him; of the llerves7 requiring a greater quantitY7 and more refined Animal Spirits, expa ding the nervous Filaments, and rendring griéiiiciiiiihu them plump and {til}, in order to motion ‘ The Comprefiion of the Carpora Sirirrm, nay arile from fome extravalated (mustn'- Blood, or feronsRecrements outwardly crouding the Interl'tices of the Fl' #22:???" laments relating to the Carport: Striam ; whereupon the progrefs of the net" ‘ ‘-' m m of ""M‘Y- vousLiquor and Spirits being checked, the Nerves grow relaxed, and their motion abolilhetl. , The Mcdulla rib/angina, and the elongation of it, the Made/[r2 Spilzdlfi any be the feat of the Palfey, when the Fibrils of the faid parts are obi'trutftfid inwardly by fome grofs Matter, or outwardly by the compreflion of femc fiagnatcd Blood, 0t freculent Humots , or by the Tumors of form: adjoynifig paw, lltams of Antimony, Mercury, and Auripigmcnmm, or Arliiick, which caufe Tumors in the Limbs; as alfo fometimes a relaxation ofthe Nerves; whereupon enfueth a paralyticlt diflemper, taking away the Life ofthe Mufcular parts, the proper Engines ofMotion. For the mofl: part the Brain is not only affeéted, but the Medulla Spina/ir, and fometimes the Cerebellar" is concerned by ferous Recrements (diflufed between the Skull and the Coars of the Brain) which afterward fall down and The paw: Y comprelfe the Ftflnla Sacra, or Silver Cord; whereupon Convulfive moti- £33,131? ons, and a Palfey enfue. communr . . . 1' l: ll: J '1: Ayoung Man being tortured With great pain of the Bowels, and Con- hit/17".!" rulfire Motions, afterward died Paralyticlt; and his Fltull being taken off, martial," aquantity of watry humours guflied out, which was lodged about the Du- 3:133:35? mMerIynx, Occiput, and Cerebellar", fome of which fell down to the Meditlla "UsiSpimzlit, and the Nerves fwam in ferous Liquor. Sometimes the Brain is clogged with a pituitous Humonand watry Recre- Pimirouxaud firous Retre< ‘ menu, which afterward are imparted to the Medal/.1 Spinalir; whereupon it mcnrs imis rendred tumide, as having its fubfiance oppreffed \xith fatculent Matter $3313}? (crttavafated in the [nterftices of the Veffels ) comprefling the Origen of the :jfzéj'f" I vertebral Nerves, and producinga Palfey. Of this Learned Tlatcm: giveth fiftyjfgf "c aninfiance, Prafii.LiI). 1. Cap. 2. @421. a. "M' Apituita ( Air ille ) fen excremema cerebri aquea, ferofl), frigido, bin/ride, cerebmmirrigame, we! "err/0mm omuium principinm premmte, mi Apnplexiam, W Mini carport: refalutio, generari, 1: fi [we in newt/i: arridat Farah/1m fieri ""fefllm- Tali: em'm humor 4 ccrebro in Apoplexitz, qua»: priMprotrearJt, ex"fl'": We'lfine ea prafluem, nonper 'Dorfalia Mala/[t ant nerworumfitbflamiam, M 7/91 taw'tatem dor/i wertebrarum dorflzlem Mdnlldm confinement (It/tender", I'litqite ml cirm primipium ant progrcffitm illitufubfiflem'; rw/ ulteriui per dua‘": quornerwrnm paria a dor/ali Mada/la progrcflk, (ind ammm Coimexum Wilt"? in torporepermeant, (lelabem', nut etiam a capz'te "era/0mm tor/jrrgatiommi fzmiler duff,"- fequem, aliculliq; circa nerq/or harem, quorum; 1050, five bot cirM dorflzlem Medullam, five nervoritmparia aut cunjugationet attidat, m comprimeiwlo, we] irrigana'o, utift [906 in cerebra fiat, Apoplexiam,fitji [MC injam digit "f" attidat, 'Pamlyfim lurium pauciommqwartium, prout genera/it particula- f'fwenerwu: affirimr, protrt'dt, mm [2 copiofur humor e0 afil'tmt, anguflir i/li; "floor pondere [no newer win/irimmdo fpiritui Jizimali intercipcre poflit cog; diuIn; fl Craflior 6h mum/u; lungivre mom detentur ewxdat : @Mttpue were quad bu- ""ditatefua nan/0mm flrbflamiam continua irrigam" (9" adimp/em refiégeranfljs £0 .2." .;. rm" - . 4-4,}, _ a travagant Veflels or Pores, are not able duely to percolate the more thin, mild Particles ofthe Blood, from its more grofs parts 5 whereupon the thick Animal Liquor is not capable to intimate it felf into the Origeus of the fi1hc|0rier ~= brous parts of the Brain, which are alfo rendred too clofe and firaighr, by :idrfirightfs the {walling of the neighbouring parts,coming from the cortical Glands, bya .m new quantity of extravafared Blood in Inflammations, or of lerous Recremems ‘3; tea: (in a Hydrocephalus, in a Hydropiclt conflitution 0f the Brain) mlnptefM .. ting the Origens of the nervous Fibrils in the ambient partsof the Brain, |