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Show 4.3:. . ,. , >1 De Cerebello. De Cerebello. 210;; My] . . \ ., "on" In whofe Surface the Procefses feem to run fome in Bevrl, and others ina r Ccciirsof kind of parallel Iines,and very many wheel up and down in Marauders : which "cmwm in Man and other Animals, refemble in ufe the Anfrzzéim of the Brain, as fo many repofltories of Veffels, and theirlines being various Fifsures, or Trench. es, pafling between thefe numerous Procefses, do give reception and {mm ty to the fruitful Branches ofAtteries and Veins : Nay, the whole Procefi'y; are (as I conceive) upon a curious fearch, f0 many Syl'tems of Vt‘fftls branchingthemfelves one within another in different di\‘arications, aftetlc.‘ veral forms and (hes, making the various models of thefe numerous Pro. ccffcs. \ The Antient and modern Anatomifis have taken notice in fome fort, of thefe Proceffes in the Surface ofthe Cerebellum, but have not made (that lcan read) any infpeélion into their more inward Receffes,how the are fcatcd in Depth in Banks and Files one under another in admirable order; and as far asI can apprehend, not any Anatomil‘ts mave mentioned the lateral Provin. ces, only in general notices, of Circles and Epifphaeres, and have not pried into their more retired parts, how they are parted from each other7 takinn ""1er no cognizance of their inward arrangements of Proceffes, lodged below on: zgflfiggfiffic another; and (as I humbly conceive) are f0 many allodgments of Arteries, iifricfiiimwf Veins,.and nervous Filaments, making the bodies of thefe various Proccfles, ' appearing in feveral wonderful Schemes of different Figures and Magnitude, proceeding from diVerfe poflures and divarications of many, or few, greater, or lefs, longer, or [hotter Velfels, accompanied with diverfe minute 51:63:35" Glands 5 whereupon the Cerebellnm as well as the Brain is encompalfed with The Trunks and bodies'ofNerves belonging to the (Satchel/m", are pram;- "mums: ed in the @rauflu Amm/urir, and Merle/[a SPidellJ, thefe Trunks being coni- "film-13;: poled of numerous Fibrils, divaricated through the fubftance ofthe Crrer'wl- WM 1}!)le and do derive themfelves from the Cortex, as fo many Roots, out of which the innumerable Branches of nervous Filaments do lpring. 50mg Phyficians‘a're of an opinion, but upon what account [cannot cotiicaute, that and contracted. upon the elevation , thefe Procefles are dillended , and deprefllon of the Cerebellum, which hath no Venn-idesI no (Ham Um» racider, but huh fomcthing refembling that Flex, made up of many Vertebral Arteries, and jugular Veins, befet with diverfe Glands, fomewhat larget thenthofe of the 'FchM C/Joroeider, f0 that thefe Veffels, accompanied with numerous Glands, are rendred confpicuo'us, when the Pin Mater is firip» pcd from .the Cerebellum; and then on either fide of the Protefl‘m Vermrr formirinay be difcerned Branches creeping upward, and fpringing from the vertebral Artery, lodged under the low er Region "of the NIH/MIA: oblotgrrm, and the jugular Veins, tranfinitted from each lateral Sir/M. , The ufe of thefe Arteries and Veins, feared intbe whole Compage, but Them", principally in the hinder part of the Cerebellum, I conjecture to be this, That 333'C‘i‘gfg the more ferous Blood, might be protruded through the Extremities of the utchIzdlm Capillary Arteries, into the fubfiance of the Glands, that the 111.16 warty Re; crementsmight be received into the Veins, and pafs toward the Heart in circulation: But if there be f0 greataquantity of ferous Liquor feVCred in thefubllance of the Glands, that it cannot be rcconveyed into the linall Extremiries of the Jugulars; it exudeth, and ( as I conceive) dil'tilletli into 1:133: fifth an upper and lower Vefif The Firft hath a Duplicature, plainly difcernible many minurc everywhere nearthe margent of the Cerebellum, andis befet more or lefs all the Fourth Ventricle, lying under the ProcelTes of the Cerebellmi'z, and Can- dex of the Mednlla oblongata, and is from thence conveyed through the In» "m" fmzdibulhm into the jugular Veins, confining on the Glandztla pituitaria. round the lower part of it, between the two Coats, with numerous little Glands, of a kind oforbicular Figure : The middle Protuberance alfoin the Origen ofit, near the conjuné‘tion of it with the Bafe of the Brain, the rPia Mater is drelfed with great Variety of Glands, near the termination of the Ver'viiflrm Proccfle. Alfo the Dim;y Muler about the skirts of the Cercbcllttm, hath many great Fibres, branching thetnfelves into the inward Coat of the 731m: Mater,and are divaricated as they go all along, and whereit immediately COV'ereth the Brain 3 And alfo between the two Coats ofthe 'Dm‘a Mater, run an infinite number of minute Glands, affixed to the infide of both the Coats. TheAttcries The Ccrcbtllum is a Compagc finely made up of great number of Artsries, fpringing from the Vertebral and Veins from the Jugular; Theft: Vellels are lodged for their greater fecurity in the Interftices of the Lame/Ix, and being curioufly branched through the (Pin Mater do often accoll each other,being interwoven like Networkand at lafl: do tdrminat‘e into the Fourth Slim/f. hilififii." rThis rare lttuéture is not only compofed of Arteries and Veins, but alfo ,m or innumerable company of nervous F ibrilsJ as {0 many Sets placed in ex- cellent order one by another, ending toward the Cer'ebcllum, in which they are more eminent then in the Brain, and prefent us with a pleafant profpeéb ThFDMfi‘ {lepcriefepitii‘ni‘oz a fine Lflngin‘i confilting ofniany Divarications, refcmblinkga: mm," , > g evera ami cations, and Expanfions of Frondage and 0 ,‘y'lg‘la‘lér‘if'n- hage, one fprouting out of another, the ft‘naller out of the greater Fibres; which {hoot out of Stalks, Stalks of Twiggs, Twiggs out of BOuOhs, Boughs out of Arms, and Arms our of Trunks. D The Someimas g'mmpm' l‘lcn'drtland iiiirhxiiliifg‘ hiiifi‘hzoafl‘lt ‘hcw‘i‘fll"? telles ai‘cdi- The Cerebellum, though it be a difiinét Body within it felf, and feparate The camera from the BraiI], enwrappe d W ithin the Coats of the 231m: and Pia mate?, P to" iir'iiii‘kiiiiiis n 3, pet to it, yet it holdeth an alliance, in {imilitudeof Colour, Subltance, Dif- mm" s pofition,and Correfpondence in its converfe, both with the Brain, and Medal/a Spirmlir7 to whofe lower region it is faftned by the interpofition of the (Pia memenMiter, and entertaineth an entercourfe with the Medullzz oblongata, by the mediation of Two l'rocefses, called by Dr. Willis, Pedunmli, each of which (filith he) is formed of Three Procefses, In mmque Pedu'nmlo rerebmmfiré fientante, trer diflinfi'i Mezlullare: Traceflit/S reperiimtur; born»: Trimm‘ e protuberantiir orbicularibur cmiflm, obliq; afrendit, Secured»: refi'e e cerebellar defmr"I?" (film priorem dtmflatim mmficm Medullam oblongrrtam :irctmdat; Tertiw: WWW" 3 Poflira cerebral/i region; (ltfcena'em Med/4114: ablangatx inferitur, ejllf ; mgfuicflr 7th P311425!" "mm", 05' 3%ng "I EYE L' t "WWW: ‘z/elut (borda aftititia, cxa‘uget. And the Pam" Varalii like a Bridge, Tier Pom 1.:palseth tranfverfly over the Bafe of the Medulla oblongata, clofely twining m' about it like a wreath,and encircling it like a ring,is therefore {‘tyled the annular Procels, and ( as I conceive) is framed after this manner, as foon as the middle Procefs of [he Cerebellum, creeping down in a Ptraight courfe, land~ Bill at the {ides of the Medulla oblongata, doth not feern to embody immediately with it, but enlaroing it felf into greater Dimenlions, courteth the Surface of the Mcclulla Wfth the embraces of many circular Fibres; whereupi. on the Procefses of the Cerebellum iffuing from either fide, and brought down frm the top of the Medal/a oblongam toward its Bafe, do nicer and embody t emre'VCSs conl'tituting that circrilar Prominence, commonly called the Fm "fl"! Annularis. Thin :. gmn‘K , .,. ... . |