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Show 1122. 7726 Medulla oblongata and Spinalisof flnimnlr. Book Ill. :7? «r 532/: 5007111. \‘ Trimaran pany of Protuberancies, which grow lefs and lefs 35 they aPPYOélCh the MeTy??? dullzz Spinalir compofed of two parts, fevered from each other by a Fifihre t. ins-The M" The Mealulla nlzltmgatzz of a Pike beginneth in an apex Jul/4 abloagm or obtuie Cone-f. and mm or and the body of the Medalla is a Compage framed of four rows or more oi :2 Pike. + 4finall orbicular ProceiTes. TheMedulla The Medulla Spinalz‘r in this Fifh as well as mol't other, is conf'tituted of it???" two parts feparated from each other by a FiITure 1'. if]; mg; The Medulla oblongata of a Gudgeon is integrated of a double rank of Pro. and Irma!" of tuberancies endued with a round fhape. i‘iimgcon' Its origen + begins in an obtufe Cone, and feemeth to be compofed of + 1,", three ranks of final: Proceises t of an Orbicular figure. 1. ,,, The body 1" of the Medulla oblongata is framed of a double rank (févered + H. by a Fifsure +) beginning large, and growing leis and lefs as they come toward ELL/EM" the Medulla Spindle, which is divided into two parts by a Fifiute t running T "" all along the Spine. . mamas: The Brain of a Dory is compofed of five Procelses endued with greater 32‘; 32:1", and lets Ovals. + u. The firfl pair 1" are the leafi, and are endued with a fhort Oval figure. a u. The fecond + are much greater, adorned with an oblong Oval fhape. + c. The lai‘t Procefs 1‘ is Oval too, and is the Cerebellnm. The Medulla Spinal»? confifleth in two equal parts (divided in the middle .y. a a. F. 1. The lower Region of the Brain of; Duty. + a a. +51). +cc. by a Fiffure) refembling a pyramidal figure. The Optick Nerves + feem to creep under the firl't pair of Oval Procefies, and pafling in an oblique tranfverfe pofiute, are at Iafi: implanted into the infide of the Eyes. The lower Region of the Brain of a Dory taken out of the Skull, is made up of five Procefses as Well as the upper. The firlt pair + are Orbicular. The fecond pair feem to be Conical, beginning an dending in Cones, and are adjacent to each fide of the Cerebellum. The lat": ProcelSes + divided in the middle by a Fifsute, when conioyned, do refemble a Triangle, and are the Cerebellum, which is {ometimes one Procels, and other times two, as in this Fifh. 1". 3. The Head of a Sift'fiff‘ + u. + H. + :u. The Brain of a Gurnard is framed of nine Protuberancies, fomewhat like a clufier of Gra pes. The firft pair + feein to be emitted with an Oval figure. The fecond pair + are drelTed with a kind of triangular fhape. The third rank of l-‘roceffes + are three in number, the two lateral feem to be beautified with a kind of Semicircular figure ; and the middle Procefs with a Triangular. +1". The lafi pair of ProceflEs 'f- are the leait, and are endued with an oval figm- 4' Hi The Optick Nerves d- creep under the firfi pair of Proceflies, and take their F.4.Thc Head of a Smelt opener]. + a. + 155. +ta ‘l d 4- progrefs in a traniverle polture, and are inferred into the infide of the Eyes. The Brain of a Smelt is made up of {even Protuberancies confifiing in three pair and an odd Procefs The firi't pair 1‘ are very finall and of an Orbicular figure. The fecond pair 1- are endued with an Oval {hapex The third pair 1- are adorned with an Oval figure. . The poi'terior Procefs 'f- ( being the Cerebellum) is beautified with 2 k'nd of Triangular ihape. The Optick Nerves 1- in this Fifh feem to arife under the {econd pair of Procefies, and tend toward the infide of the Eyes obliquely crofs-waysThe Olfaé'tory Nerves + do arife under the firfi pair of Procefl‘es, 3"" climb upward toward the Mouth. very fmall. The test F.¢.Thc Head of a Pop: opened. I" 41. +115. The third rank Jt ofProminencies are the greatel't of all, as drell {ed with an Oval figure. +cr. The poi'terior Procels 1- (being the Ccrtlzelltmz) + d. is alfo beautified with an Oval fltape. The Med/1114 Spinalis t pafling under i E. is. Thcllmd the poflerior P.0ceis, is drefled with an inverted pyramidal figure. ofaHerrirg The Brain of a Herring is framed of nine Proccll'es. The firfi row 1‘ are a Opened. pair of Procefibs, beantified with an Orbicular figure. The fecond rank Jt are 1‘ 4 a. MA. much larger then the former, and are adorned with an oblong Oval fiiape. The lafi Proceis "l- is drefled with a triangular fiiape. The Mcrlul/a Spine/U t ismuchlike that of OtherFilh in figure, only it feemeth not to be divided .l. C. into equal parts by a Fillure. This Filh is very remarkable for its Head, as having a long Procefs affixed T.5S.Fal.Th€ of a to it, full of many Afpetities, as To many Teeth, holding its Aliment when Head Gsrtilh openfirfifeized. This oblong Procels much telbtnblcth the Beak of a Woodcock, ed. Godvir, or Curlue in figure. The Brain of this Filh confifierh in four pair of Protubetancies. The firfi 1- are the molt minute and feem to be endncd +4. with aConical figure. The {econd pair tappeat to be adorned with a Tri- 1‘ Hi. angular ihape, and do exceed the firit in dimenfions. The third pair + are the largeit of all the Procelses, and are adorned with an oblong Oval figure. The fourth pair + are drefl'cd with a kind of inverted pyramidal, by realbn their Bafes are placed upward and their Cones downward: This pair doth confiitute the Cerebellum of this Fifla. The Medulla Spinalir Jr, is much akin to that of other Fill] in fituation and figure. The Brain ofthis mofi delicate Fifh is compofed of three pair of Protuberan- 1 ties. The firf't ‘l‘ are beautified with a kind of triangular thape. The lbcond , pairofProceiTes ‘1- are adorned with an Orbicular fhape The third pair 1- arc + drefled with an Oval figure, parted by a Fifiure in the middle-into two equal parts, Which make the Cerebellum. The Optick Nerves t are like [hole of other Filhin fituation and progrefs, and do arife under the firfi pair of Procelies, and take an oblique tranfverfe courfe toward the infide of the Eyes. The Brain of this Fifh is made up of three pair of Prominencies. The firli PaiY'i‘are very fmall, and dreffed with an Orbicular figure. The fecond Pair l'are much greater then the firPc and are decked with an oblong Oval figure- The third pair Jr are Ovals, and as I conceive, do reprefent the Cm- 27.3 TheHcan of 2. Salmon Pearl opened. + a a. + £1; + I: t. IIc/lmu. The i'licdulla Spinalis ‘t is the fame with other Fifh both in [hape and + M. 1.4,Tl‘cH'd ituanon. of 2 "arts The Brain of this Fifh feemed to be compofed of many Procedés. The Matkrtli opencd ilk rank ‘7 are three in number, endued with a Globular Figure. The [e- + .1. Cond r0W ‘i‘ are a pair of Oval Protubetancies much like the other in bignefs. + at» (i The third i feem to confifi; in three Procefses, the middle one is fenducd ‘r+1.7 With an Orbicular "tape, as the other being lateral, feem to be endued, as far as they appear, with Semicircular figures. The pof'terior Procefs 1', be- -' iig the CerelzellimzI is drefied with aTriangnlar figure. The Medullzz Spim1‘ '5 't is divided into equal parts, by the mediation of a Fifsure. 2):! flower Region of the Brain of a Horfemacktell, is compofed of four +22. «PH- 112; T E; Moa'uUa Spindli: it in this as in other Fill], isTdiiided into equal parts, endued with a pyramidal figure. The Brain of 21 Pope confifieth in nine ProcelTes, various in fize and ihape- The firft rank 'i‘ being two in number, are very minure, and of a Conical figure. The fecond rank '1‘ are made up of two Procefses which are mullDerancies +, which are endued with a Globular figure. , e Brain of a Pike is compofed of five Promises of different Figures and Magnitudes, The firfi pair Jr, are drefsed with at (her: 022], or ratherOr- H 13 bicular The lowtt Region of the main ofllorfe Matkrcl. 4 a .1 a a. 1.59;." the Head of: Pike opened. 1‘ a a. |