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Show ____N 6/7 itI/J-ezifii'fly, and its Cures. Cm "megs, Iviillepedes, whiebmay be befpriukled, Firfi with Wine, and "and a convenient time, and afterward a large quantity of Milk may be added and n difhllarion made in a "0er Still. To every Dofe of this diltillrd Water, may be added lome drops of Spirit Of Salt Armoniaek fUCClnated) or of Spirit Hartfhorn, Sutt, Blood, (we. . )r. of Willi: ad\7ilbtll Tiut‘ture of Mérmry, Tcrcbizztb, or Tiné‘ture of Am; mony, or Amber '. Elixir propricfaris, or Paeony, @15. The Powder of the I-‘lelh of Vipers, and of the Hearts and Livers, ma' r be given in tliililied waters of the Flowers of Lavender, Sage, Berony, R0. iilznai' i, (iv. Be7.)oar Mineral. Sv/ar. mixed with Powder of Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace ;' and oncein Four or Five days, gentle l'urgatives, prepared with Cephalicks, Tmrl‘ii LE and l lllS. are to be adrili‘d. Tradn'frbi ole Mirrbzz , or Hyfleriri, as alfo Pills made of Cafior, Amber, Powder of Millepedes, and of the Roots or Leaves of Ground Pine, made into Pills, with Syrupe of Patony may be beneficial. Powder of Zedoary , Galangal, Cardamom, Specier. Diambr. may be given in a draught of fome Specifick, or Cephalick water; or in the MagiA firal Milk-water, ptelh‘ibed above. Ftimtntation of the Chine. Natural Baths A Bilionsl'alftydntli indicaremorc milk and temperate Mediums. And laft of all in this Palfey, proceeding from cold caufes, the Spine may be bathed with compound Spirit of Lavender, or the Queen of Hungary.VVRECI‘, or with Oil ofAmber, and the like. Natural Baths, which being fulphureous and Bituminous, do heat, dry, and corroborate the Brain and Spinal Marrow, and are very advantageous after liniverfal evacuations have been celebrated. A Pallby proceeding from Bilious Recrements, opprefling the Brain and Mcdulla Spinalir, doth indicate more mild and temperate Medicines, as Fleetuaries, made of Conferve ofLime-Flowers, Lily of the Valley, Peaglcs, Betony, Fumitery, mixed with Species @iambm, Powder of Red Coral, Crabs Eies, prepared Pearl, Crabs Claws, made into an Elcétuary, with the Syrupe of Lime-Flowers, or Lily of the Valley, drinking after it a draught of Milk-water, made with the Leaves of Betony, Water-crefk's, Brooklime, Ground Pine, Cowilips, Mountain Sage, of the Flowers of Lime, Li- ly of the Valley, Sage, Rorifinary, difiilled with Milk in a Rafe Still. Apozemcs, And in this cafe, an Apozeme may be given made ofChina,Sarza-parilla, fhavings of Ivory and Harts-horn, infufed and boiled in Water; in the Colature may be inbred the Flowers of Betony, Cowflips, Lime and Paton)': to which being firaiiied, Syrupe of Lime-Flowers may be added. ' A Palfey taketh its rife from a Scorbutick indifpofition of Body, fE'Oll‘ Ant‘iVmihu. titk juyrts. ing the Albuminous part of the Blood, the ground of the Smear Ncrwofifiiand its more refined Particles. This indifpofition is regulated by proper Antifcorbuticks, made of {he juyces of Garden Scorby-grafs, Brook-lime, Water-credits, AurangCS: ‘Vh'Ch being deputated per refidentz'izm, may be given in a proper Milk-VVatcrimafie of Antifcorbuticks, and Cephalicks, difiilled in a finall proportion ofWhlfe Wine, mixed with alarge quantity of Milk, in a Rofe Still. Anrii'roi bur [ltk Llcélua"is. A Diet-drink. Eleétuaries, made of the Conferve of Garden-Crefres, Chetvil, WaterCrelTes, Garden Seorby-grafs, prepared with the Powder of Egg-{helSa Red Coral, Pearl, Ivory, Crabs Eies, made into the Confif'tence of an Elefiuary, with the Syrnpe of the opening Roots, drinking after it a good draught." a Dim-drinkapi‘epared with China, Sarza-parilla, Ivory, and Hartfhorn {hangs' Railins of the Sun Honcd, and in the Liquor, being boiled and (trained: mg); Biotin: 0f the Till/6'}, and its (me . 120i mink-d the tops of Pine and Firte, and the Colature being firained, may belivet‘tned with the Syrupe of Cowflips, or Lime-Flowers. Pills made of tcihceous Powders, Millepedes, formed into Pills, with 5:19;}?ng Venice Turpentine, may be proper in a Scorbutick Palfey, drinking after it :"d°'1§"f‘" adranght of Diet-drink, made of China, Sarza-parilla,e§vc. as above. Or 11:32:52). 1' gDeeoc'tion made of Ground Ivy, and Antifcorbuticks, and Cephalicks, of A D""‘"""" Mountain Sage, Water-erefl‘es, Brookelime, Flowers of Betony, Paeony, Sage, Rorilinary, (/yvt. . ‘ ' Diaphoreticlts may be of great ufe in this Drfeafe, as Sweats do depurate Diaphnrcmkg the Blood and Swan" Neel/(WA; produced by Diet-drinks of Sarza-parilla, iiiilceriiiii}; China, (7:. or by tef'taceous Powders, Spirits and Extraéts of Guaicum, Flowers and Spirit of Salt Armoniack filccinated, Salt and Wine of Vipers, Diaphoretiek Antimony, Bezoartick Mineral, (five. drinking after them a. ' 4 good draught of a proper Diet-drink. Salivation, are propb‘un‘ded by fome Some pro- _ produé‘tive of Mercurial Medicines, ' ‘ pound Mercuin dcfperate and habitual Palfeys, which method of'Phyfick may prove fatal rialMtdicmts in weak Bodies ; as Mercurial Medicmes highly mfeét the Brain, Spinal Eirg‘fbbm" » Marrow, and Nerves. And lait of all, when univerfal evacuations have been adminif'tred, To- Espicliiscrgay picks may be applied, made of Spirit of Wine, in whichthe Flowers of Sage, prim,"dniiiii‘iaiie-eu . Rorifmary, Lavender may be infufed. As alfo Balfomes, mixed with Oil of Fox, Worms, Caflot, the micen of minds. Hungaryr Water, with which the whole Spine 15 to be annomted, and afterward covered with Flannel. _ _ Tm Parali- And at other times, when Ointments are not applied, the Spine and Re--‘:Lctcp3::;{; folved parts may be invefied with feveral forts of Furrs, which much ChCrlflléLitrgcdal-tv‘ifiié the relaxed and weakened Limbsi . like, |