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Show a." A", r. _ , - 3001' 11. "4715111le Of the Afpera Arteria, or# ‘\ fl,_ , are furnillred as it wire With The Incifurcs adorning the Backs of _Infeefts The Origcn oi'rhe Tril[ht ,r are dexn' ii ft om the lucifurci as lrom Trunks. I." flasks or Two lobes of Lungs, derived from their Origens, fearedanneaJr [#1218 01- kind with thefe Animals, f0 that every ringis accommodated are pro: of Trunk, from which the various Plexes of Arr-pipes in inrects drefled wr‘th a ltindof pagared; thefe Rings, or Incrlures of Infeéis, are tnc fiYr'Eilfitlon Black Girdle, arid in a Palmer-Worm, and the like lnft'frs,‘ manner: the ourward sltin is beipeched ' of Air-veilbls is made after this Origcns of the Trim/Lag, 0.1-. beg" the are which fpots, oval with divers aboue the InCilui‘cs of nimz of the Lungs, fome of which are divaricated or the Venter, and region lower the toward carried are others theiBack, and Branches up?" many bef'tow do they in their Progrefs above and below, concoétion .OfAil' the aliili: to Body; whole the of Viftcra and the Mufcles Cir. ment in the Stomach and Inteltines, and to improve the Blood in HS Body. the of parts all gh throu cuit C H A P. XLIV- Book II. 0f the Afpera Arreria, or Wind-pipe; Si] the Larynx and Lungs, and afterward it may be named Bronchia from their Pluralit)' as being many Branches, and Ramulets of the Bronchus When they enter into the body of the Lungs, in inoft numerous fprouts. , The Larynx, or top of the Afford Arffl‘id, is compofed of divers fubf'tanc ec which are Mcmbranous, Cartilaginous, and Mufcular, befet with many dif.' fer-en: Tubes, ‘Importiug and Exporting various Liquors, of which I intend a articular dileourfe in the next Chapter. The middle of the A/pera Arteria, called the Bronchus, is alfo Melnbranous and Cartilaginous (butnot Mufcular) inclofed too with various Vell‘elsi and hath one continued {ingle Drift, reaching from the Mouth to the Fourtli Vertebre of the Back. The Bronchia 0r Branches oftlre VVind-pipe, areintegrated of divers fubfiance's, loine part is membranous, and anorher Cartilaginous, and a Third wholly Membrauous, as minif'terial to different ends. The Bronchia, when they are entred into the Body of the Lungs alter the Figure of their Cartilage-s, and grow in fome placesnerfeétly orbihular in others triangular and quadrangular; and when the‘Bronchia aliociat; with the Sanguiierous Veifels, they quit their Cartilages, and tut," Wholl Membrauous, leltthcy lhould difcompofe the wholek tender frame of ti]: Veliels, by gauling them with their hard Compage, and when dilated 0f the Afpera Arteria, or Wind/pipe. I H E \Vindpipe is {0 fiyled from its ufe, as being made by Nature for the reception and tranfpiration ofAir into the fubfl‘ance of the Lungs, and bath the appellative of Afpem Arteria from the antient Anatomifis, by reafon of many unevenneiies, as encircled with numerous prominent Cartii‘ages, feared above its Membranes. This fine Tube of Air hath its firuarion in the fore part of the Neck,lean.ing in its hinder region upon the fuperior part of the Gulet, lodged between the Vertebres and VVindpipe 5 and hath one continued Duét, like a Trunk, reaching from the Fauces, or hinder part of the Mouth to the Lungs, and is conueéted above to the Mufcles of the O: Hyoidcr, and when the "find pipe enters into the upper region of the Thorax, the Origens of the Mafia- [1' Mafloeidei do border upon this Tube, to fecure it from any violence in the motion of the neighbouring parts. This Pipe of Air is 3. Cylinder, as endued with an oblong round Figure, in fome parts more deprefied, in others more orbicular : fo that the anteri- or part of it when diitended, is more round, and the poi'terior region, when rendred more lank, as empty of Breath, groweth more flattifh, and tendeth toward a plain 3 the top ofthis Tube hath more large Dimenfions, and afterward hath its bore fomewhat leffened. The Affirm Artcria in its upper part, before it arrivetlr the Lungs, doth fomewliat refemble aTrunk of a Tree (in its outward firape) as free from all Limbs , and when the Afpcra Arteria cometh over againft the Fourth Verte- bre of the Back, is divided into Two Branches, \v hiclr being propagated into the Lobes of the Left and Right Side of the Lungs, do fprout into fruitful Ramulets ( like fo many roots of a Tree) implanted into the fub- fiance of the Lungs. The Wind-pipe confifleth of many parts, the head of it is called Law", the middle or fingle Tube may be called Bronchus, which is feared between the i ihould too much narrow the final] bones of the Sanguiduéis and hinderthe7 motion of the Blood through the fiibltance of the Liinqs. , So that this curious Tube of Air hath a rare Mechanifme, as being a Coinpage made up of divers Integrals, Membranes, Cartilages, Arteries Veins, Nerves, and Mufcles, guarding the Heads of it, and are f0 many; Machines miuifierial to various motions of the Cattilages product ive of Speech. ) The outward furface of the Wind-pipe, befide that of the Larynx is endued With divers Afperities, f0 that it feemeth unequal in many regulai ranks of prominencies, and for the mofl: part circular Carrilages 5 as'with fo many Ribs, and when this Cylinder is diltended with Air, it is linooth in its hinderRegiou, as being acontinued Membrane, deflitute of Cartilages; but this Wind-Tribe isiull of unevennefl‘es in its lateral and anterior Region, as 3:;jVIembranes are interfperfed with many protuberant Cavities, rifiiig above This {iirface of the outward Coat, being Membranous (as lodged between the numerous rows of Grilles) hath a connexion by the interpofition of many thin Ligainents, to the upper part of the Efophagus, and the Larynx is tied to the rep of the Gulet, by the mediation of many fmall hl/qucles, which embracing the top of the Gulet, as in fome part imphanted into the buckler Cartilage, and the forepart and {ides of the Windpipe are affixed to the Blood-veffels, and chiefly to the recurrent Nerves which ‘are adioyned to the Afliera Arteria. , H Theinward lurface of the Wind-pipe (hating the unevenne fi'es of the Car1 ages, grvmg Ptrength to the tender membranous firuflure) is very fmooth and flippery, as anointed With an tinctuous Matter. W33}? Wind-pipe is compofed of many Membranes, of which the outPoi" ~ is very thin .( made up of many minute Fibres, running in different C moms, and curioufly inremroven) by which it is tied to the annular artilages 5 This Coat is derived, as I conceive, from the mon reputed Parent of all the outward Membranes in the chra, (the comThorax ) encom« Falling the Vi cent. 1 Y 9 The |