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Show 1048 Off/ac Motor} and Tat/actick NEW" 0 ill-'6' E)"- BOOli III Book II I. 0f the Motor} and Tathetick Norma oft/ac E)ar, 1049 \ their paflions are communicated accordingly to the diFt‘erent parts of the Countenance , giving it various Air and Features. The largencl‘s This pair is the molt large next to the ‘Par l'dgllm, and i5 VCF)' fruitful in of the Fifth pair of Ramifications', The firft Branch fprouting direétly downward, is carried Nerves. through the Skull in a peculiar Perforation, and deicendeth toward the The firfl Branch. lower Mandible, bellowing divers Fibres upon the Temporal rVIuIcl-es, anil more of the Cheeks and Face, as alfo the Lips, Gums, Teeth, Fauces, TenIils, Palate and Tongue, do not only aim} the act of Malticating Aliment, but the fenfation of Tafie, Smell, Touching, and the various Configura. The iccnmi Branch Ui-Lhc liirth pair of Nerves. The iccond Branch of the Hlth pair of N" \t: and rhci: pmgrel's. tions of the Mouth and Albee} in Frowns and Smiles. The next Branch of this pair is traniinitted ftraight under the Dam Ma. for, near the fide of the Sella Equina, and afterward communicatcth divers Fibrils to the Rm Mir-41111:), and then aiiociateth with the Sixth. The Second Branch of the Fifth pair, relating to the Eyes, is divaricated into many minute Ramulets, fome of them climbing over the Mlilclesol the Eyes, and others into their Glands7 are inferred into the Eye-lids; and The Seventh pair +, called the auditory Nerves, confifl: of a double, a "flat-ml" (oft, and a hard fubflance. Dr. Willis calleth them a double pair in rete~ lingual, v rtnce to CIIPFC‘I‘CRI Originations, though near one another"J The Erik Procel} "my"? (which is molt defervedly called the Auditory, fpringeth out of the inferior fidc of the Annular Proceis in Man, but in Brutes out of the middle of it ; This {after Nerve arifing below out of the Pom Varolz'i, doth {omewhat all tend before it is emitted the Cauclex of the Medalla oblongata, and afterward is tranhnitted by a proper Foramen intothe inmoft Cavity of the Eat, and is fruitful in many minute Fibres, which are inferred into a thin Membrane invelting the Cor/ca, upon which the Sounds make their Appulfes, and nervous Fibrils implanted into the Membrane of the Ear are firit afleéled, and they having a continuation with the Auditory Nerves, carry them to the common . Senior '. Butltlie hard ProceITes of the Seventh pair, or rathera difl'erentNerVe, is minillerial to the Motion rather then Senfe,and hath a proper Channel in the 0: Wrafltm, through which it paileth near the Auditory paflhge, and falling others creeping under the Tendons of the Mufcles, do inlinuate into the into fociety with the {Par Vagum, is immediately after propagated into a Cornea and 147/612 ', So that thefe Fibres branched into the Glands and Lidsof the Eyes, are Iiibfervient to the pathetick, dolefiil motions, and litdiieii, and by drawing the Prmtordia into confent, do caufe inordinate motions of the double Branch, the firfi tending downward, is inferted intothe Tongue, and Heart, by reafon this Nerve is both difpenfed into the Eyes, and allo into the lntercoi'tal Nerves, propagated into the Heart, and taketh its firil rife the 0! Hiocz'alcr; The other encompafling the Auditory paflhge, and being thence tranfinitted downward, is branched into three Ramulets, of which the firitimparteth many Fibres into the Face, Nofirils, Lips and Month; The {trend to the Eye-lids, Ears, and Voice, and by the entercourfe of from the iiune Nerve ; whereupon the Eyes and Heart at once fyinpatliize in theft Nerves hold a correfpondence with each, and when fome unufal found condoling the lime fad events. is received into the Ear, the Eye-lids are lifted up, and by reaibn of many {mall Branches tranfmittcd 2111) from the lame Nerves, into the Mouth, Lips, and Tongue, whereupon the Sound is communicated to the Organs of Speech, and the Voice being annulous of it, anfwereth like an Eccho. The Second Branch of the third Subdivifion of the Fifth pair of Nerves, being tranlhiitted toward the Orbite of the Eye is parted into two Branches, the lower fiooping down, fpreadeth it felf into more and finallet Ramulcts inferred into the Palate and Fauces, and the upper Branch being carried in a peculiar Perforation of the upper Mandible, is difpenfed into the Mufcles and Surface of the Face, thefe Nerves being accompanied with Veins and Arteries, about which divers Tendrils of this Nerve being twined, do in their irregular motions comprefs the Veins and intercept the courfe of Blood in the Skin of the Face, the caufe, as Iconceive, of blufhing from the apprehenhon of Fhame, the immediate confequent and {hadow of Guilt: And the Fibres oi~ theie Nerves being implanted into the flefliy 'parts of the Lips, and others allb of the Ihme Nerve being imparted to the Intercoltal Nerves) are propagated down to the Heart, upon which account amorous Kifses court- ing the Lips, do readily convey their impreflions to the nobler parts. The Sixth pair of Nerves +, according,r to Dr. Willis, do arife out Of the lower Region of the Annular Preceis, and pafling under the Dam Mater; are carried through the Skull in company with the Motory and Patheticlt Nets/05: and hath a proper Trunk, propagated to the Orbite of the Eye, and is Inofculated near the Sella equina with the Second Branch of the Fifth pair of Nerves, from thence emitting divers Branches, which being refleétcd, do unite with the Branches of the Fifth pair, and do give the firf'r rite of the Intercoi‘tal Nerve. Another Branch of this Nerve making its ngrefs otward near the Orbite of the Eye, is divided into many Fibres inferred in") the Abduétor, feared in the {mallet Angle of the Eye, and hath work" 1125:2521" Brutes divaricared into many Fibres, difpenfed into the SC'VCM The |