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Show T/Jc T‘REFACE t0 the Tablet. ous Art of Difleé'ting, whereby we may Clearly apprehend the aétions and ufes of Parts, as their principal end and per, Feétion; the Mouth is a preparatory of Aliment, by Ma- ward Senfes dUIY qualified; by reafon all intellectual know, ledge taketh its rife from outward objects firft prelénted to the outward fenfitive Organs, and afterward communi: fiication, breaking it into [mall Particles impregnated with cared to the commOn Senfe and Fancy, whofe Phantafms Air and Salival Liquor, and afterward the Meat is tranl: mitted by the Gulet, as by a Neck into the body of the being reprefented to the Underfianding, produce the more Stomach, where it is embodied with Serous and Nervons elevated notions of Realon, giving her Di&ates to the Will, which by her Commands bringeth the inferior Liquor, as a Men/Zruum to colliquate and diflolve it into va, Concupifcible , lrafcrble, and loco/motive Faculties into rious parts, out of which a milky Liquor is extracted, and Aets. then it is difcharged out of the Retort of the Stomach into the Serpentine Duc'ts of the Guts, to receive a farther Elaz boration, as mixed with Bilious and Pancreatick Liquor, Whereupon it mutt be inferred, That fleeing the fuperio'r and afterward this Alimentary Liquoris carried by the milky MeIEnterick Veflhls into the common Receptacle, where it as aflociated with Lymph/z attenuating it, and then it is tranL mitted through the Thoracick Duet, into the fuhclavian Veins, where it efpoufeth a union with the Blood, and is far» ther conveyed into the right Ventricle of the Heart, where Faculties do ule the outward IénIES of Hearing and Seeing, it receiveth a greater Comminution, and is thence imported through the various Bloodweilels into the lubllance of the Lungs,wherein it is impregnated with the Nitrous or Elaitick Particles of Air refining the Blood, which being imparted to the left Chamber of the Heart, and by the afcending and defcending Trunks of Arteries, and their Branches, in, to the Brain, Spleen, Liver, Tamrem, Kidneys, and Tea Iticles, as to many {trainers of the Blood to defacate it from its more grofs Recrements. as their Minifiers, AnatOm is very neceflary to conduct us to the due qualifying of the yes, when indifpof'ed, by teach‘ ing us the various Coats, Pupil, and Humor-s, which con- fiitute the Eye, whole a8: is celebrated by Vifible Images (arrayed with Light) reflected from Opaque Bodies, and being conveyed through many more rare or denfe tranfparentmediumr of Tunicles and Humours, do make divers refraétions, and at lal't‘ make Appulfes upon the {Retina (the immediate fubjeEt of Vifion) an expanfion of the Optick Nerve, which being affe&ed by the {trokes of the Retina , communicates them to the Fancy , whole PhantafrnS, being reprefented to the Underfianding, are predufiive of more fublime Sentiments. And here we may 5:6 with Eucharilt and Adoration the unfpeakable Works of the Great Architect, which He hath declared in the mOil admirable Artifice of a Humane Body, in reference torts Struéhire, Actions, and Llfes. Anatom doth render the aét of Hearing intelligible by dilcoveringythe Auditory paffage, Mufcles and Bones of the Ear, Tympanum , Famine" (male, (9‘ rotundum , L4; models of "Ont/ma , which convey Sounds, the_varxous (the Air, making appulfes upon the Auditory Nerve And Anatomy doth not only very much contribute to ultimate fubjeet of Hearing ) whlch are thence imparted the knowledge of our Maker, but our Selves 100, as We , the by the continuation of Nerves to the inward Scnfiary are Compounds of two Eilential Parts, Matter and Form, Judge of outward Objeéts. Body and Soul, which celebrate her various Operations (while confined to our Body) by proper Organs of 011" war bers By Diffeéting the Heart , we difcern its Cham t: mznl ings Tend the and Cyflerns of lilo?) (as the |