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Show \\ Tab. LXIII. Fig. l. 7720 Hemiof a young Cod opened. a u, H E Brain ofa Cod is compofed oftwo pair ofl‘roeell'es, The Firlt + and the lealt,are beautiflcdwith . an orbicnlnt Fiuiire. 'l'lzb. The Second pair of Protuberancies +, are adorned With an Oval lhape. 1‘: c. The Certbrflum is made of two Procelles +, Handing oppoiite to each other, and are graced with a pyramidal Fi tire. "idi. "111% beginning of the Medulla Spinalirfis parted by a Filliire (running in the nlidlt) into equnlpmtions' ‘i re. The opiick Nerves + take their mi: from the Abdul/4 ablimqflx. . +ff- The cli‘aftory Nerves +., pafs on‘cach fidc oi the orbiculsr Procefles. and pals in_lcnp,th>till they arrive 'lé'g' iieatthe Month, and end in two lmall Promincnaes, out 0i which do lprotit many lmall Fibrils i the im- mediate Organ ol Smelling, Fig. 2. 1h: [merrrgz‘m afzbe 3min fldeadliu. The lower region ofthe Brain of ayoung Cod eonfif‘eth of five Procelles, one tingle one, and two pair of Protelles. "in. The fingle one + isadorncd with an orhicularFigute, aiffthc firlt paitof Protefles is beautified with {mail +b b. pointed Procechs 1-, beginningand ending in ZlCutC Cones. +cc, The Second pnir ol'Procellcs + are drclled with an Oval Figure. Above the Interior Proceflcs of the Brain do ofler theinfclves l‘evcn Flexes of Nerves, (lifpenfed withinany (1 ,1. parts. The Firlt Branch + coming out ofthe Plcxe, is carried upward and ini‘crted into the Eyes. : e e. The next l‘Iexeoi Nerves hath diverfe Brantlies, one + is carried near the upperpartm the Mouth. And 11f. others 'i'llofheMlliClCS ofthe Face, ending in a broad Expanlion. +3 g, The Third Branch 1-, coming out of thelame Trunk, is oppolite to the Smelling Nerves, andis iml'hllfed into the Mufclcs of the Neck. ‘ +11. At the lowet end otthe Procellés is ieated the beginning + ofthc Medal]; Spina/il. Fig. 3. The Head ofa Lamprey upenrd. The Head of a Lamprey being> opened, the Brain [Eemetli to he compol‘ed of two pair of Protuberancieg and a flngle one leated between them. ' .t a a .1. +c C. "1 he Firit pair + are fomcwhat the larger, adorned with an orbicular Figure. The Second pair + + 17. are endued with an Oval i'hape. The Single Procels t {outed between the two pair of Protuberanrics, is + d d. beautified with a Triangular F i gure, under this Prominence arileth optick Nerves "r item the Mrdulla 0/7. Inngdm, and pals obliquely to the Eyes. e 2. Below the Second pair of Procelles, the Mzdulla Spine/i1 i feemeth to take its Otigen. ‘l/f- Above the l'irl‘t pair, (being orbiculat Proluberancies ) arc featcd two round Cavities + parted from each other, and encircled with white Membranes, H g, Abovethele Cavities appeareth a white Membrane, befct with many long narrow flreaks +, like {0 many Rays, and are nervous Filaments, ofiomevfliata more dark colour then the Membranes. + E. The (ili‘at'loty Nerves doth terminate into many Filaments + (ruiiningerolsways, which are the Organ of Sine tug, Fig. 4. Themuzy run?" [If Tm]; bifming pl): Mamb tf a Lamprey. + at: a a a a. The Mouth of a Lamprey is gatnilhed with many ranks of pointed Teeth 4. (running in Circles, and Semi-circles) fainewhatrelEInibliiig the Tcethofa Sawe in Figure. + b. Some of the Teeth are covered with 3 Cali 1‘ furnilhed with many holes, adapted to the Teeth in [ham and fize. Fig. 5. The Head if a Trout openfd. The Brain of a Troutis c0mpofed of two pair ofProceli‘es,and the laft being fingle,maketh the Cerehillnm. -}a a. The FirIt pair of Protiiherancies + are very much the finaller, beaiitified with an orbicular Figure. +b [2. The Second pair i are endued with an oblong Oval fliapc, adjoyuing below to the leaellum, and above the Orbieular Proceflés. -t c. The lowermolt Proceis + is beautihed with a Trianglat Figure, which is the Cert‘bellum. i J. Below this Procels appeareth the Origcn of the Medal/z Splnjlil + patted into equal parts bytheinterpofition ofa Fillure, .1. e e. The optitk Nerves + feem to ariil‘ under the orbiculnr Proeell'es, and are derived from the Medulb oblongm, and pars crofsways, and are inferred intothe inlide of the Eyes. ‘ .1. ffi The Oli'ut'tory Nerves + alto Item to creep under the Orbicular Protuberaiieies, and take their rife from the [L1edulla obi/mg". _ Flg. 6. The Head of an 'Umber opened. ' The Brain of an umber much rcfenihlcth thatofa Troiitin the Number and Figire of Procell'es, only the CfiflRl/um tlifiercth, as being adorned with a kind of orbicular lhape. , Jr a a. Mb. The Pitt} pair+ or" l‘roceiltsnredecked with an orbiculnr figure; and the Second pair + with an i, r. oblong Oval liiape. Aiitltlie C('ribz'/l:mz + is heaiitificd iiitiian OrbiCuIar Figure. _ -i n', A little below7 as it were coining out1 of this Procefs, may be dilteriied, the Origcn ofthe Medal]: Spinxliw divided into equal portions by a Fiilute. , a. b e. The OpticiiNt‘I‘VCb 'i' item to fprout outof thcoblong Oval Procefles, and trike their conrfe obliquely toward the iizfidc of the. Eyes. . if)", The Oilitciory Nerves + item to arifc out of the Orbicuiar Proccfles, and take their Progrcfs in l‘traiglit lines, toward the Mouth. Tab. LXlV. ' mm in ‘llil I" |