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Show "e unwa- ;_ . '- fl/'J , \. ‘ III, 0/th (pm/n of the Mfl r115 and that Grier. Book 37+ afflicted hnifiuitior' Dr. Willzr nivctl] an inllance of this Cafe in a Gentleman often (ail ills) quad m lillljl‘liliggtlric' With a great flux of Blood through the Nolhils. Art/mm: "tradiitleaifmI flmz flrodofly aliquid uo carporcf in fm't, jitpim in ditpcifcmifecbat ttfldc‘llfldm, fanfit!) flaw: fpecie tonftflim abrepere, é» p/trumque "tom/5 zflzwt romlmlere if", (Qt/ink e mribm, ant Hmnorrboia'ibu: ftquebatur : him at faezle tflmfiw gfieam' matrzrt Illa, mrur tantrabz quibrtr run/0mm funguiferorm/z Fibmr, torrzpzuflg, (9, fin/guinir flicwirtm, ut dilmflum, tenuem, brie r/luc motdmute quantum 'z/aforum jitl-mde in eruption" Compulrfl}, quad item faczlmr even", In urn [(2in (5* de/Jiftcntia, trrtorcm ad ea tolirpnlfum (lb/q; rcmara debit; effluenflnu bunt. inEtiologiam banc rudtna'i mttbodur inflituta, qimtenur tali juppofim itzztrn in)", "item fir/idler firecefiir, plane camprobet: mam S. M U" Afcdicalir u it dcint'tpt umrflo, pmfcripfi ufum pulverir jcqucntii, cuym dufim foam quay») . _ , bard (rm! fit/apiofimzcba! idomo. im 35, r_ pulu': lap/(1i Harm]. IK' Flt/1‘. had. Pun, Cur/1L R. Margarit. pp. Ca 3!. ocular Cane, _, 5. -.. . , Dlfil 5i. . . 3I. Sym. e Coral gr". Thermal, gu. an Horde", Cinnamon nigh 2w". mebj}. 87; As to the Cure of an Ulcer, Decoétions may be ufed, made with Claim ThL-(‘ire of Sarfa, Guaicum, Safl‘afms, lometimes mixed with Purgatives, and other time; datum. with Alteratives, as the TOPS of Pine, Firr, Scorby Grals, Watercrefles, which do fweeten and contemperate the mafs of Blood, if the coolino Seeds be added to them. a Bleeding may be very proper in a Plethorick Body, el‘fcéted by 2. Lancet or by the application of Cupping-Glades with Searifiearion. , And after inward Medicines have been advifed, Topieks may be ufed of drying, cleanfing, and confolidating Medicines, which fatisfie all the in: dications of an Ulcer. . Aqua Aluminoflz Mag. as alfo Plantain diltilled with Alome, in which a little Mercury Dulcir is dillolved, as Medicines prepared with Ccrm Fran» kincenfe, Cadmia, and theinward part of the Sea Onion mixed with i-Ioney applied to the Nollrils with Cotton or Wool. , Or an Oynrment may be made of Aloes, Myrrhe, I ythargyre, Cei'nt (A'tcrltill pmct'pi ut ligature quibufdam 1m: ea rim ton/limit, (9w fubind: lead calcined and waller with a quantity of ()yl of Rofes, die. ) And ifthe Ulcer be very fowl and corrolive, lirong, cleanling, and dryinry TheCurccfa Spa/mot aliit {rm (lam utcaftone, tum adfiflendnm , mm all intertipiendor Wit/Orin}! Medicines are to be ufcd, in which a little Mrtgucm. [Egypt may be dilfolved.p {ESL-335i?" l'r arpt. Crvnfir, adbibcremur : arq; bujufmadi remcdiirfine "Ila morbi rccidifivd [nee/2' [MW/nit. As to the Cure ofan immoderate Torrent of Blood out of the Nol‘trils, Tie Curt of :fggllfgg‘gg Book III. 0f the Dyed/er oft/ac Noflri/r, my! their Cum. it denoteth a Vein to be freely Opened, to divert the mafs of Blood lromthc Head, and if the Blood be acrimonious, hot and thin, it is to be counter- manrled by dulcifying, cooling, and incralfating Medicines, made up of Flté‘tuaries, compofed of Confervc of Rofes, Roots of Cumphrey, powder of Steel, Eies of Crabs, Coral, Bole-Armeniclt, Dragons Blood, made up into the confidence of an Eleétuary, with Syrup of Red-Rofes, drinking after it a draught of a Julep, prepared with the diftilled Water of Frogs Spawn or the Buds of Oak, and Water of Cinamon, Dif'tilled with Barley, fweetncd with Syrup of VVater-Lillies, adding to every Dofe, Twelveor more dmps of liquid Cy‘doniafe lartdamtm. Afordid Ulcer fometimes degenerates into a Caricer, which proceedeth Mint-it‘d from the Venenate nature of the Humours, affeéted with a malignant cor- [m mms‘ rolive difpofition. This difeafe (if come to a height) is incurable, and admits only a P.1l- riictai c liative Cure, which may be performed with Oyl of Rofes, to which may be "" "flab"? added Cent], Camphor, Juice of Nightlhade, Minium, Calcitis, Sandman/m, See. it: 133;? And as a 01mm is an Ulcer, foa Polypm is a flefhy Canerous Excrefcence "dimmer derived from Blood (endued with a povfonous difpofition) which con- mwm' filling of many Filaments and Films ( interfperfed with the Red Craffament concreted ) is turned into a Carnous fubllance, fallned to the infide of the Nollrils, by many roots, or fiallts. After Purging Medicines and Bleeding have been adminiflred, Topiclts man"; In this care juyce ofPlantain, Nettles, Purflain, or any other incralfating, i may be ufed prepared with Venice Turpentine, wafhed in Plantain water, to 'h‘ """M which may be added Juice of Night-fhade, Calcined Lead, Lithargyre, Ce- or cooling Juyce, may prove very beneficial. WWI". Cupping-Glades applied to the Shoulders, Hypocondres, and above the rufa Tutty, Camphor , Burnt Alome , iiiiiiiitirhiil; Feet, Ligatures of the Limbs 5 as alfo dipping them into cold Water, do inErallllite and cool the Blood, and intercept its motion into the Head and N011 S. O A Cataplafme may alfo be applied to the Forehead and Temples, made up of Bole-Armenick, Dragons Blood, Sealed Earth, Frankincenfe, M" ftick, with the White of an Egg, the Juyce of Plantain, and Night {hademéwz A Sponge dipped in cold Water or Vinegar, may be often applyed f0 ll" Forehead, Temples, and round the Neck, with good fuecefs, as cooling an Mercury fublimared, Verdigreafe, with Vitriol; fome of thefe may be made up with Oyl of Rofes, and applied to the Nofh-ils with Wool or Cotton. If Medicines be not prevalent to take away the Flefhy Excrefeence, it may be pulled out of the Noftrils by a Chirurgieal Operation, or by a livature of Silk or Horfe Hair put round the roots of the (Polypm ( if it be pzbflibletobe done) whereupon the Carnous Excrefcence will be dried up, and fall off in a few days, as being defiitute of nourilhment, by. being feVered by the rnterpofition of a Ligature from the Tunicle of the Nof'crils. thickning the Blood, and hindring its current in the earotide Arteries to ward the Head. Alfo Pellets may be compofed of Frankincenfe, Aloes, Spider-webs: and the Hair of a Hare, mixed with Juyce of Plantain, and Cotton 5 and 0 9" put into the Noltrils. The Noltrils labour fometime witha firnple Ulcer, coming from flu"? Humors mixed with the Blood, and carried by the carotide Artery, imPlan' ed into the inward coat ofthe Nofe, and this Difeafe being not We" Tmt- ; ed according to Art, often degenerates into an inveterate fordid [1le (PM. I cecding from yirulent Matter, often found in venereal Difeafes) called 07" viz by the Antrents. and is accompanied with a great pain and a factidc sm‘il' As C H A P. V. , Of the 1:)", T HE Eyes are feated in the highefl: l'tory relating to the beautiful Fa- . brick of Man's Body, for the more advantageous fight of diftant Obffis, and are placed above the middle apartiment near the confines of the rain, as Guards to fecure it from the dangerous encounters of ill accidents, and to conduct our Reps in their profecution of theft: due methods, inflituted by Nature for the prefervation and accompliflrment of our meaner and more excellent parts and funfiions both of Soul and Body. P to The |