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Show A~-‘_\ Ufa Cough and Confitmption, and their (mm. 001;" and Fluide, do eafily infinuate themfelves through the pores of the Air-.véf, {els into their Cavities, [0 that their membranous fubfiance, compofc-d of", merous nervous Fibriis, finely interwoven, is very fenfible of. the burden of Recrements, lodged in their bofom, and do contraé‘t their Right flefhy Fibres, drawing the annular Cartilages of the Bronchia clofer to each other Book II. 0f zz Corfumption and its Carer. Millepedes bruifed alive, may be infufed in fome pectoral or Simple Waters, to Which may be added, when iii-aimed, Decoétion, fome proper cephaliCk compound Waters, with fome double refined Sugar, two or three drops of Tinéture ofSulphur, or Lac of Sulphur may be ufed in' fome con-‘ venient Liquor. and do move iheir circular carnous Fibres inward, thereby narrowing the Ca: 0i 3 C1 intough with (om'ulfiv: motions- vities of the Cylinders of Air, with a {irong impulfe of Breath in Expiration, whereby the Ftree: of the Blood opprelIing the Bronchia, are violently ejeé}, ed into the Mouth. ‘ Another kind of Cough, called vulgarly the Chin Cough, afflicted] Chi]. I have given a Hiiiory of divers kinds oFCoughs and their Cures, as ma'. king way for a Confumption,as an inveterate Cough,\vhich often degenerates into it, when it is {0 far aggravated, that the native Compage of the Blood is lool'ened, by reafon, not only the {erous Recrements, but the Chyme, dren with I‘cvere repeated Fits, in which they are acted with Convulfive nervous Liquor, and Lympha, are tranfmitted through the pores of the Mems branousframe of the Bronchia, and their appendages into their Concavefpa. motionS, producing a great difficulty of Breathing, even almofi to Sufi‘ocarion, interrupting: fufpending, or perverting the choice Oeconomy of Nature, in the aéis of Refpirarion; and for the mofi part the Midrifi‘e is Convulied, either of it felt, or by the agitation of the adjacent parts, {0 that it fieemeth to lofe its motion in extraordinary paufes, either by intermitting fometimes its Syi'tole, and other times its Diafiole, for too great a fpace, befide the Tht touti- nrnt (aufc of a Chinccugh. The canfe‘of Cunvulfive motions in a Chincough. order of Nature ', f0 thatthe 3&5 of Refpiration feem now and then to ceafe, and other times to be diforderly, as Performed in a Convuliive manner. The continent caufe of the Chincough is mofi {bar-p, and almofl a conti. nued irritation of the Bronchia of the Lungs, from thin {harp recrements of the Blood, producing many repeated Contractions of the flefhy Fibres, to difcbarge the load lodged within the many Concave furfaces of the Pipes. The matter of the Chincough feemeth to be a quantity of thin {harp recrements of the Blood, perpetually diftilling out of the terminations of the Arteries,into the Cavities of the Bronchia, and uncefiantly provoking the nervous and fleihy Fibres of the Lungs, to expel the Acide Facts: of the Blood, having a great recourfe to them. And I humbly conceive, the caufe of the Convulfive motions of the netvous Fibrils in the Chincough, to be an ill nervous Liquor, full of Elaliick parts, derived from the Brain, and communicated to the nervous Fibrils of the Bronchia. Therefore in this Difeafe, not only the recrements of the Blood, as in other Coughs, but the depraved nervous Liquor is to be amended alfo, which produceth Convulfive agitations of the machines ofmotion in the Breafl. In this cafe Mofs of the pale,and other Mofs,in divers preparations is often given, {ometimes it is powdered, and mixed with Sugar-Candy and taken in fome proper pefioral Decoéiion, or fimple Waters of Hyfop, Colrsfoot; Powder of Mols is alfo mingled with Milk of Sulphur, and ufed 1n the {aid Vehicles ; asalfo borledin Milk. Mafs in reference to its taiie, feemeth to be endued With an ai'rringent quality, whereby it {hurrah up the too much dilated pores of the Bronchia, and annexed membranous Cells and reitraineth the Flux of thin and hot Recrements of the Blood into thc,C3' vities of the Air-pipes. ' Sometimes a gentle Vomitor 0F Ox mel of S uills Diet-drinks are proper in this Difcafc. Bioodietting itgood in a Cough, rel:ting to a pieLhoritkConhltutionof may. r0 {5‘ ful in the Chincough 5 as aiib Syrdp of Pegch-F'Ioiuefdh-iirerlgylefdlcivfith Simple, or fome Compound Briony-water is of great benéfin Decoé‘tions of Sarza-parilla and China may be taken, infiead of Beer for an ordinary Drink, as boiled in Water with Raiions ofthe Sun and 3,111th Liquorice, infufed a moment or two. ' Children , endued with plethorick Confiitutions, as abounding with great fiore 0F Blood, will admit of Bleeding to two or three Ounces with 1 ‘ Lancet, or with Leeches. Millepedes ces ~, whereupon the veficles of the Lungs grow fo tumefied, that their fine party-Walls are broken, and one common veficle is made of many run..ning into one, wherein a quantity of divers forts of Recrements are accua mulated, whence arifeth a great El‘I'etvefcence, deriVed from fuperfluou‘s Fermentations, Liquors of a contrary Ingeny, as endued with heterogenc. ous Elements; whereupon they being fiagnant in the {paces of the Veficles, do often ferment and putrefy, and by corroding the tender membranous compofition of the Lungs, do generate, Firflz, a deep Cough, and then a Confumption, fo that the mafs of Blood tranfmitted through the Lungs, is tainted and made unfit for nutrition. In reference to the cure of this Tabide diflemper, Three Indications do TFCEirflIn- occurr, 'l'he FirI't is to reéiify the laxe body ofBlood, to keep it from throw- 3111:3233" ing its chymous and ferous F£66.!" in the bofom of the Bronchia, and Veficles', CWMPM ' As alfo by correéiing the Acidity of the vital Liquor by fweetening Medicines. The Second Indication to help the expefloration of grofs and [harp Recrements by fpecifick Peftorals. The Third Indication is to make good the difi‘olved union, or continuation of parts, by healing, firengthening, and drying Medicines. TheSecond Indl‘amm mm"! Immmm" The Firl'c Indication may be chiefly fatisfied in Aliment of an eafy Cons coétion, that the milky extraéi, elaborated firIl: in the Stomach, and afters- ward conveyed by the Thoracick Duéis into the fubclavian VeIIels, may be aflimilated into the Blood, without making great fuperfluities, which are caufes of great Defluxions, Coughs and Confumptions; and that the Aliment may be compofed of fweet and mild parts, which may be eafily feparated from the more grofs, (as being for the mofi part) Homogeneous,may be turned into Blood, without any high or unkindly Efl'ervefcence; whereup- m", ,0, on Aries, COWS, or Goats-milk, Water-gruel, Barley-gruel, Barley Cream, 5:33am Panada, and Aliment, prepared with Almonds, as not confifling of many Bodies. . Heterogeneous Elements, are eafy of digePrion ; but a Diet of feveral kinds of fat Fleih, is hard to be concofled, and nouriflieth lefs in a weak Confum- ptiveBody, by reafon, when the alimentary Liquor is I'trong and grofs, it cannot be turned into good Blood, and being Fermentative, as made up of many difagreeing Particles, doth make an ill Fermentation of the Blood ; f0 that crude Chyme, extracted out of Meat hard of digef'tion, doth not feed the Body but the Difeafe. Secondly,By reann the Tone of the Blood being loofe,t is apt to be difl'olvcd into on my feto u s recrements ', whereupon it is very agreeable to reafon, that Medicines fweetening the Blood Ihould be exhibited, as vulnerary Apo- zemes mixed with peétorals,which take offthe acidity ofthe blood,When MediI 10 cines |