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Show Wdi‘VlIOéfit"~"-H Of 2/20 Shall. Book III. Boo?ITl greater Sutures, fo that it may be called a double or treble Suture, asif a In triangular l-‘igure fhould contain Within it, one or two lellcr T riangles: this cafe tlrele Bones of the Octiput may be truly l'tyled to be endued with a triangular Figure : Sometimes this Suture fporteth 1t felf in various lhapes, fume being triangular, others oblong, and lomerrmes Oval. 7:7 to. l" L. I C. ‘l he lapplllgl buturt. top‘of the Skull The middle or fagittal Suture 'l‘ palleth in length on the lomctimcs all carried is and Suture, al Lamdoid and Coronal the between along, the Forehead, parting it into two Bones, which is more common in Infants. The urn rr' U c Shtnrts ol' [ht Skull. The ufe of thefe true Sutures of the Skull, is to give ( as fotne conceive) a freer vent to the [teams and excrements of the Brain, and as [ apprehend, they are inflitutcd by Nature, to preferve the Skull from great fractures, by realon the Sutures parting the Bones of the Skull do keep the confining Bones from the lame violation. And divers Fibrils are propagated from the Dnra Mater, and connected to the Tericranium, whereby tthrain is kept up, left the Ventricles of the Brain {hould be clofcd up, in violent motions. The fpurious Sutures of UK Skul l. T he full Suline. " The Ftcond fpurious Su"1". upward in a circular progrefs) from the root of the Mammillary Procefs> and doth encircle the Bones of the Temples on each fide, and tendeth downward to the Bafe of the Eat, and joyneth the Bones of the Syncipur, ()ttipui, and Splwnoidcr, with thofe of the Temples, after the manner of Scales; whereupon thefe fpurious Sutures are denominated fqltammofzt by the Latino; This Articulation is fomewhat lax, by reafon the temporal Bones have forne imperfeé‘t motion :16th by their Mufcles in Maflication. The feeond fpurious Suture is brought obliquely from the top of the Scalelike coniunétion toward the Orbite of the Eye, and afterward downward to the Bones of the S)‘Il€iPMt, and below to the Bone of the Fort- The firfl Connmlfurtr The (trend. The third. head. And befides thcfe Sutures, there are four other Commilhires, which are not Iii'OPCI'ly Sutures, as having no Teeth-like Procelfe‘s, by which they mum ally infinuate themfsvles. The firlt Commill'ure beginneth from the extremity of the lam- doidal Suture at the root of the Or Petrofnm , and goeth obliquely; ill' clining inwardly at the Bale of the Head , and is a kind of additional Lamdoidal Suture. The fecond Commifliire leemeth to be a Line, feated in the middle or '1 he in ii. The third Commiflhre climbeth up obliquely from the inward and lateral rt of the Eye to the top of the Nofe outwardly. The fourth proceedeth obliquely through the middle of the Dr 7tigJ/c, and joyncth it to the Bone of the Temple ', This Commiflhre is fornewhat akin to a true Suture. The fifth doth tend in the Nofe from the hinder toward the fore part. The Brain-Pan is made up of two Lamime or Tables, which I conceive in their firl'c conception were two diftinét Membranes loofely conjoyned, or only contiguous to each other in their conception, and are afterward changed into aCartilaginous, and then into an Orleans fubltance. The outward Table is more thick, endued with a fmooth Convex furface, but the inward Table is more hard, unequal, and concave with many win- The third. Th: fourth, The fifth, The Tables cl Eh: Skull. nous Compage, and the Veffels having once made Cranies , did keep trafls, and cavities, when the Membrane of the inward Table was turned into a cartilaginous and bony nature. So that an innumerable company of Arteries perforating the "Dam Mater, pafs through divers Cranies engraven in the inward furface of the Skull, and infinuate themfelves firll: into the lower Table, and are thence tranfmitted through the Meditullium into the upper Lamina 5 and both of them are formed at firlt of a fluid vifcid matter, highly impregnated with faline Particles conveyed through the Extremies of the Capillary Arteries, fevered from the The Commifiures common to the Qkull, and Jaw, are Five in number? The Full is feared in the right fide of the Orbite oi the Eye, and tendeth 0"" ward from the termination of the firf't Suture, and fomewhat refemblflh ‘ true Future, and is common to the Bone of the Forehead and to the full 50"" Tl 1c Dim: Mun and skull. thin and foftin their firl't production, and grow more thick and folid by new accretions of faline and earthy Particles, which coagulate one after another ; So that the two Lamimc of the Skull (as I Conceive) are made by the 77mmpofition of many faline and fewer earthy Particles, and confill: of many foli- aceous fine Flakes, as fo many thin faline Coagulations formed one after another, and fo clofely fet together in well fitted Commilfures, that the molt piercing Eye cannot difcern their mofl: exquilitely clofed juné‘tures of the many Flakes. _And the enfoliation of the ambient parts of the Skull feemeth to comply With and confirm this conjeéture, by reafon when the Skull grOWeth foul and tattoos, as being corroded with fome corrupt, or venenate Humors in Venereal Dillempers and the like, the outward thin Flake is call off and another coagulation. And that I may further illufirate the firfl formation of the Skull, I humly conceive it will not be altogether improper to treat a little of the manner The fourth Commiffure paflétlr outwardly with an oblique progrefs ""‘ Arteries do periora'e the Blood in the fubl'tance of the inward and outward Table, which are very fubtleaccretion difcovereth it felf, as lodged under the molt ourward [aline of the upper Jaw. The £24.02.w ding Cavities, as fo many repolitories of VelTels, conveyed thither through the Dum Mater, and many imprellions in the inward furface of the Skull The third Commiflure may be difct‘rned in the inward region of the {0" part of the Skull at the lower Angles of the Us Sphxnoialer, and is a" Eed crofways toward the hinder part, belonging to the Orbites oflhe derdthe two fpungy Bones of the Noflrils to the hole of the 0I 811,14" 7101 er. The temmon Commil'urts. The fecoud common Commiflhre appeareth in the lateral and lower region of the Eye. the Bafe of the Head, which is carried on each fide with a (hurt Dufi through the Chink to the Spliimoirlcr, and Bone of the Temples. yes. The fourth. 957 in it. firfi rudiment , when it was endued with a very foft membra- The fpurious Sutures are two ', The Full deriveth it felf ( and is carried toward the origen of the firl't common Suture, and uniteth the Bone above Four other Sutures. 0f the Skull. and Way Of the Nutrition, relating to the Skull, which is performed in fome d?gree by the Perioflium, which receiveth Liquor from many finall Nervous Fibrils, which very much contribute to the conflitution of the membranous Expanfion of the (Pcriaflinm, and difpcnl'eth the Nervous Liquor through the Extremities of fmall Fibrils inferred into the Lamina: of the Skull : And I urther conceive that the greateft part of the Alimentary Liquor, appropri:1th t0 the Skull, and Bones, is propagated from the Capillary Arteries, cree- p‘"gthl'011gh the {mall cranies of the Skull, wherein the [artareous Particle: ofthe Blood are feet-med in its pailage, and accreted into the fubfl'ance of the Brain- The nutrition of tht Skull. |